>U Mom Knows Best: Transform Your Skin With Strivectin So You Don't Have To Act Your Age

Transform Your Skin With Strivectin So You Don't Have To Act Your Age

  Getting older is not always fun. The one part I hate about getting old is the lines and wrinkles that appear on my skin. I remember when I was in my thirties and that first smile line began to appear. I, of course, rushed to the store to buy my first anti-aging cream in hopes that I could slow down time on my face. I had not even thought about skin care products before that first smile line showed up. I was young and a busy mom, fine lines were the last thing on my mind back then. Today it is a different story as using skin care products is a must as I want to keep my skin young looking as long as possible. I am thankful for the research that companies do to make skin care products that keep my skin looking young. Over the years, I have tried many different anti-aging products and it seems like they keep getting better. Some people like to tell me that I am blessed with young looking because of my family genes. I think I have young looking skin because of my early use of anti-aging products when that first line appeared and because of the great products that are available. Having young looking skin also means that I don't have to act my age. I can be a 50-year-old mama that still wears mini skirts and hangs out with the younger crowd.

  One of my favorite companies in anti-aging skin care products is Strivectin. They sell so many wonderful skin care products that work to keep my skin looking young. I love their products because they work. This company has 35 years of research so they know what works to keep the wrinkles away. They have introduced a new product into their skin care line and it is one that makes me smile. This new Multi-Action Restorative Cream is a cream that multi-tasks to help my skin stay young looking. That means that I only have to use one product for all my skin care needs. As a mom, I am way too busy to use more than one product on my face.

  This cream combines their patented NIA-114 technology with Pro-12 Youth Optimizing Complex and is scientifically proven to target the 12 most visible signs of aging from Day 1. Just look at what it can do for your skin as it targets these  12 visible signs of aging.

                                            Fine Lines          Sagging               Discoloration
                                            Wrinkles            Texture                Clarity
                                            Density               Dehydration        Resilience
                                            Firmness             Dullness              Enlarged Pores

   I love that I can use one product twice a day! My skin feels so soft and smooth. This cream gives great results. My fine lines almost disappear and my face seems tighter.Why should I have to look my age when I can use a multi-action cream to have young looking skin. As long as there are anti-aging products that work then I will use them and keep those wrinkles away. The calendar might say I am getting older, but my skin doesn't have too.

Check out this new Multi-Action Restorative Cream and other products that Strivectin makes at their website and social media sites.

So tell me, do you want to look your age or would you like to transform your skin?

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."


Heather Jones said...

I like that. I'm 34 and now probably need to look into some wrinkle stuff soon.

Terri Beavers said...

I could deal with some ageless skin. Years of pain had taken it's toll on my skin and it's glow.

Elizabeth O. said...

I don't use anti-aging creams on a regular basis, just your everyday facial cleanser and moisturizer. This product is interesting though.

Amber Ludwig said...

I would never act my age anyways lol ;) Although wrinkles totally send me into a panic so I am willing to try anything and everything!!

Maddie said...

This product is interesting. Some people don't act their age no matter what they look like.

Krystal said...

I need to look at getting this. My wrinkles are just starting to bother me.

Ana De-Jesus said...

Join me in the mini skirt crew! Although it is too chilly to wear them in the UK at the moment.

ConciergeLibrarian said...

Does this really work? I have often seen it advertised especially for the neck region (an area that many women ignore). What does it mean to act our age anyway? who says that the other persons are not the ones who are wrong...LOL....#youngatheart

Unknown said...

My skin would thank me for this cream, it sounds great x

Clara said...

Thanks for this review. I've heard of this product but didn't know anyone who personally used it.

Unknown said...

i wonder if those would work out with my face wash that my dermatologist gives me. it doesn't respond well to other face creams and makes me face get really red but i do like the benefits that this cream has

Daughters said...

I really have not problem with the way I look. A good cream is always nice but I don't use creams to not look my age = whatever that look is supposed to be.

Eileen said...

I use creams to moisturize my skin. I have come to terms with fine lines on my face. It is a part of aging and I can fully accept that. As long as I am happy and not wrinkled before my time, I'm okay.

Unknown said...

Having a skin care like this would be nice, my mom would love this for sure.

Marts Valenzuela said...

My mother too would definitely love this product.

Maryann D. said...

Multi-Action Restorative Cream seems like a wonderful product. I like to use just one product a day and get lots of benefits!
twinkle at optonline dot net

jenjen said...

My mom love putting cream on her face before bedtime. She might love this too!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

I love trying new face products. I will have to give this one a dry for the dullness and dehydration of my skin. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love finding out about new products! This one sounds great!

Unknown said...

Right now I'm happy looking my age.... Ask again in a few years lol

Ann B said...

This sounds like a great product for me. I love trying new skin care products.

Anosa said...

I am not familiar with the brand but I am loving the look of the product.

The Mommy-Files said...

I've never heard of this product before. I'll have to check it out.

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Mom knows best