>U Mom Knows Best: How to Beat That Afternoon Energy Fatigue With A Cup Of Zupafood

How to Beat That Afternoon Energy Fatigue With A Cup Of Zupafood

Do you feel drained in the afternoon and need an energy pick me up?

   I start my day with a lot of energy after a good night sleep. I do quite well getting my work done in the morning and get a lot accomplished. My energy level is good until the afternoon and then my body just seems to go in energy drain mode. I start feeling sleepy and can't seem to concentrate. I sometimes don't even have the energy to even go for a walk. Most days I just want to take a nap, but who has time for that. I want to reach for a cup of coffee to help me with my fatigue problem, but if I have coffee after 1:00 PM I will be up all night. I try eating a healthy snack instead but that does not seem to help me, so instead I just continue to work and I don't get much accomplished. Sure I could have one of those so-called energy drinks, but they have questionable ingredients in them. So what can I do?

  I decided to try a dietary supplement that is loaded with superfoods to help with my afternoon energy fatigue. Now by now you know I am all about natural healthy foods and I try not to ingest chemicals. So I was excited to try ZupaFood Elite to see how it works. This dietary supplement is loaded with a lot of superfoods that are known to give one energy, vitality and immunity protection. I like that I can have a drink in the afternoon that will be beneficial to me. I also like that this drink from New Zealand is gluten and dairy free with no artificial flavorings. Now before I eat or drink anything, I need to know what is in my food. I also need to know what certain ingredients, that claim to help me, can do for my body.

   Now Zupafood is no ordinary supplement. This drink is made from a packet that is loaded with ingredients that have proven health benefits.This Superfood blend contains delicious sounding ingredients like:
                                 grape seed extract     grape juice powder    grape skin extract
                                 kiwifruit extract        kiwifruit powder       wheat grass
                                 barley grass              apple fiber powder

    Then there is the specialty ingredients, some that I have heard of and others that I have not.

         Mushroom blend        Collective Marine Collagen and Elastin Polypeptides
         Aquamin TG              Green Tea Extract         Chlorella
        Spirulina                     Natural Apple flavor

That is a lot of superfood ingredients packed into a powder package and all you have to do is mix it with water or juice. That sounded easy enough to me. I just had to give this drink a try as the company tells me it is the perfect anti-aging beauty arsenal designed to help you look younger, feel more energized and improve brain health and function. You can visit this link to see how all these ingredients work http://www.xtend-life.com/zupafood/elite as each superfood ingredient has wonderful benefits. Here is a sneak peak of some of the ingredients, but visit the above link as it has some great information.

·         Collactive™ marine collagen and elastin polypeptides
proven to benefit skin elasticity, hair and nails
·         organic Spirulina – a significant source of amino acids
·         organic Chlorella – a natural cleanser for your cells
·         essential fatty acids – including ALA, GLA, EPA and DHA
·         vitamins B, A, E, K and C
·         minerals and antioxidants
·         four different kinds of medicinal mushrooms – one of these,
the Lion’s Mane mushroom, helps to maintain healthy brain function and supports cognitive function

So now for the questions that I bet you are asking. Does it taste good? 
Does it work?
I was surprised at the taste of the drink. I choose to mix it up it water and was taken by the green color. Once I got past the green color, green equals superfood, I actually enjoyed the taste of the drink. It had a nice sweet apple flavor to it.

I drank my packet of Zupafood Elite right before I went on a walk. I felt like I had more energy and I was able to do a fast five-mile walk. After my walk, I even felt like writing on my website and got a lot accomplished. I like that I can enjoy this drink in the afternoon and get healthy benefits to my body. Coffee never does that. I think tomorrow I will add a packet to my morning smoothie to help me get my work done in the morning. This drink even has fiber, protein and calcium in it. 

To find out more about Zupafood Elite, visit the below link. I just love their Top Hack that I found on their website.

TOP HACK: Instead of having a mid-afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink, tear open a packet of Zupafood ELITE and give your body a boost of vital nutrients. It will leave you feeling energized and looking younger while maintaining brain health and function. Our customers even enjoy it as a pre-workout drink. 

"These opinions are my own and I received a sample of Zupafood Elite to facilitate this post." 


Jamie said...

I've never seen this before. Looks like a really healthy drink - thanks for sharing!

Eugenia said...

I’ve never heard of ZupaFood Elite! I love drinks rich of vitamins!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

This is a brand new product to me--interesting. I can see how it would give a lift. Full of good stuff!

Elizabeth O. said...

That sounds great! Definitely perfect for a stressful and busy afternoon!

Betsy @ Happily Ever After, Etc. said...

I'm the exact opposite... I don't truly wake up until around 1 pm and then get progressively more awake until about midnight! I wonder how this would work first thing in the morning!

Unknown said...

Afternoon fatigue is not for me since I am a late riser. so think this post I can dedicate to my mom.

Unknown said...

i would love to see how this impacts my afternoon fatigue. i'm really interested in trying this out

Unknown said...

I never knew about this but it looks a great energy booster for me. I always get lazy at the afternoon

Daughters said...

I might need some of this today as I have been awake since the crack of dawn and have a long day ahead.

Unknown said...

This made me realize how to beat the afternoon fatigue.

OurFamilyWorld said...

I've never seen this before. I would love to try this.

Unknown said...

That is so great and healthy! Will save this.

Buzz4Mommies said...

This is a new product for me, sounds amazing and healthy!

Amy Jones said...

I've never heard of this product before but it seems great for me i'd definetely give it a try

Tam @ TravellingBookJunkie said...

Sounds interesting although not sure I could drink it personally. I understand that the mixture is probably a quick and simple way of creating a healthy juice but would it not be even better to make up your own not to mention probably cheaper.

JLynnCorter said...

Interesting! Haven't heard of this before! I'll have to look for it and try it!

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Mom knows best