>U Mom Knows Best: Exercise And Celebrate What Your Body Can Do

Exercise And Celebrate What Your Body Can Do

I just love this saying! It gives me motivation to run.

   The Olympics may be over but they have left a lasting impression on my family. My family enjoyed watching the athletes compete. I think the event we watch most was track and field as we are a family of runners. My teen son and I are both runners who like to compete. My son is on the track and cross country team at his school while I just do local races. I have been running since I was 18 years old, taking some breaks when the kids were little, so it was only natural for my son to want to run. My son is a fast runner while I am striving to be faster. The Olympics has shown me that exercise should be a celebration of what my body can do. They have also helped me to realize that if you take care of your body it can perform better. For me, that means eating healthy food and exercising daily. The Olympics also reminded me that it was a year ago that I choose to start my mornings with a high protein plant-based smoothie. I make a delicious smoothie every morning with protein powder, fruits, veggies, and supplements like chia seed. My favorite smoothie is a nice green color as it has spinach, my favorite veggie, in it. My boys turn up their noses at my green smoothie but I don't care as this smoothie has help me to be able to tone my body and see some wonderful muscles in my legs and arms. I think my body needed the extra protein as my diet was lacking protein. My choice of protein powder for the last year has been Garden Of Life as they make wonderful plant based protein powders that taste wonderful. I like that these protein powders are plant-based and contain no unwanted sugars or chemicals. I work hard with my running to have a nice looking body and I am not going to put toxins like sugar and chemicals into my body. I also do not eat meat so why would I want my protein powder to be animal based.

 This morning I made my smoothie with vanilla protein powder, frozen spinach, an orange, and flax seed.  I drank this delicious protein-packed smoothie and went for my morning run about an hour later. I decided to push my body to run for 5 miles. Last week I was running a mile at a time then walking before I ran another mile for a total of four miles. It was a tough run but my smoothie gave me some great energy. It felt so good to be able to run the whole five miles. It has been a long time since I ran five miles straight as I have been recovering from a pulled hamstring. The best part of my run was no pain afterward in my muscles. I think the extra protein in my morning smoothie also helps my muscles recover faster.

  My favorite protein powder just got better. My Raw Organic Protein is now it is made with the goodness of peas. The peas provide me with 30% more protein and gives my daily smoothies a smoother taste. Of course, this tone- my- body- protein, is still organic and vegan. It also contains no sugar, no dairy, no soy, no gluten, or no GMO's. I love that it also contains probiotics and enzymes. I never get bored with my morning smoothies as Garden Of Life Raw Organic comes in four flavors.
                                                         - Chocolate Cacao
                                                          - Vanilla
                                                          - Vanilla Spiced Chai
                                                          - Unflavored

  I just choose my protein and then add fruits and veggies to make a different flavor every day. On days that I am in a hurry and don't have time to make my smoothie in my blender, I just combine a scoop of protein powder and 3 tablespoons chia seed in my blender bottle. I then add water and shake for a wonderful on the go protein drink. This protein powder is also great to use in pancakes and those wonderful energy balls.

 Did you know that some of the Olympians this year are Garden Of Life ambassadors?

  Abbey D'Agostino was one of the Olympic runners who fuels her body with Garden Of Life Products. Garden Of Life also sponsors the USA Track & Field (USATF) and provided these talented runners with plenty of protein powder at a recent training camp. I may never be as fast as these talented runners but I can feel good about my body knowing that Olympic runners enjoy the same protein powder that I use in my morning smoothies. I can't wait to see how my body will look in 6 months as I continue to run and enjoy my high protein healthy smoothies. Until then I will push my body to run faster as I want to be able to compete in a 5k on Thanksgiving with my son.

Check back later as I will be hosting a giveaway and the prize will be a container of Garden Of Life Raw Organic Protein.

"These opinions are my own and I received samples of Garden Of Life Raw Organic Protein to facilitate this post."

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Mom knows best