>U Mom Knows Best: Learning About Heroes And Heroines Is A Great History Lesson for Kids

Learning About Heroes And Heroines Is A Great History Lesson for Kids

My boys love reading books!

 When you say the word Hero most kids think of a superhero like Superman or Batman. Some kids, like mine, might also think of heroes from the bible. Most kids don't know about modern day heroes. I love that National Geographic created two wonderful books that teach my boys about the history of a hero. My boys are learning that  a person does not have to "fly" or "save the world" to become a hero. My boys are discovering true stories of superstars, war heroes, world leaders, peacemakers, and other gutsy people who changed the world in these two books.

  When my boys received the set of two books- The Book Of Heros and The Book Of Heroines, they were excited to read them. My brainy 9-year-old, who loves to analyze things, immediately said, "these books are nice as they have a nice hard cover!" He and his 8-year-old brother proceeded to look at the books. These books kept their attention for a good hour. As they were reading the books, they talk about the things they were learning. I enjoyed listening to their conversations as I was learning some new things too. My boys were surprised to learn that Michael Jordan was in the book, I guess he can be considered a hero of basketball. The best part of my boys reading these colorful books was the history lessons that they were learning. They learned about a brave girl, Ruby Bridges who attended an all-white-elementary school and paved the way for civil rights for people of color. They also learned about Sitting Bull, a Lokota Chief who stood up for America's Original Residents. They also learned about seven qualities that heroes tend to share.
 Heroes are courageous
 Heroes do the right thing
 Heroes have compassion
 Heroes are competent
 Heroes are inspiring
 Heroes never quit
 Heroes leap to action

  I just love all the pictures and information about the heroines in this book. Each page is like a history lesson from school. I enjoyed learning about the First Lady Of Wall Street. My boys read and shared some wonderful information with me. Did you know that Muriel Siebert changed things for women in the world of finance? She fought her way to get a seat on the New York Stock Exchange in 1967 and went on to break many barriers becoming a self-made female billionaire in a male dominated world. 

 When my boys shared this picture from The Book Of Heros, I asked them if they would eat their lunch while sitting on the 69th floor of an unfinished New York skyscraper 840 feet above the `ground. My boys learned how many years ago, during the Great Depression, how men risked their lives to build these great tall buildings. Did you know that 11 men fell to their death while building the San Francisco's Golden Gate bridge? Construction back then was a deadly job. My boys also learn that construction work is safer today.

   These are just some of the many fascinating stories about heroes and heroines in these two awesome books. My boys and I had a hard time putting these books down. My boys enjoyed reading these books for their daily reading time and at bedtime. These books contain so much information that I can see us reading them over the next month. I know my boys will become more educated from these books as they contain many history lessons. I might just have to recommend these books to their teachers. These books are great for children ages 8-12 and are available at most bookstores and online. Find these books online at the National Geographic Store and 

I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com), May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to use this product and post my honest opinion on my blog. The opinions posted are my own.


acodeza said...

I would enjoy reading such kind of books myself. I love reading stories about heroes and kids should read them especially those that could give inspirations and teach good values

Unknown said...

It is so important for our kids!! My son is always reading about them.

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

My daughter will enjoy these books for her to read, she like this kind of books.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure my son would love that book.

victoria heckstall said...

I'm a booklover and I sure i'll love this books and my kid will too :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

I need to pick these up for my kids!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh - my boys NEED these. are they at any bookstore? I smell a Christmas Present!

alfonzowrods said...

SUCH an EPIC book! OMG i want this. i love heroes and heroines even at my age hahaha also great for the kids lol

mail4rosey said...

My son is the perfect age to read these. I'm happy to add them to the 'to buy' list.

Jennifer said...

My kids love reading National Geographic! I think this is an excellent topic. I love how it's educational and fun for kids. I love your post! I am going to save it to my homeschool board on pinterest.

Bridal Tribe said...

Oh to sit and listen to children converse about their day, what they are reading, and what they learn. It is a joy.

Mary Jane said...

Heroes and Heroines-based books are truly great for kids. They help shape a child's mind and character to become more respectful towards other people.

Mardene said...

It is good for kids to learn who the real heroes are. Believe me this will be good for them

PR Daily PH said...

This is a nice way for kids to learn the deeper meaning of being a hero. I will surely check these books for my son.

Mhaan | www.mommyrockininstyle.com

healthiersteps said...

Love these books, I plan on getting some of them for my son. He is big on who is the hero in a movie!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good book specially for my son. I will try to buy one for him too.

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Mom knows best