>U Mom Knows Best: Review of Tia Shurina's Book "Everything and a Happy Ending"

Review of Tia Shurina's Book "Everything and a Happy Ending"

Everything and a Happy Ending Book Review

"May today there be peace within. May I trust my highest power that I am exactly where I am meant to be. May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May I use the gifts I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me.”

 When was the last time you read a book that you can relate to? Tia Shurina's book Everything and a Happy Ending is one that I can relate to. Tia had a father who was not present in her life as a kid due to an addiction. She had four siblings. Money was tight growing up. She questioned why her dad could not change. She felt like her family was dysfunctional. The list can go on in the similarities. While my dad's addiction was a bit different than Tia's, her childhood feels just like mine did. I really never knew my dad as a kid either, but like Tia it all changed when I grew up. I guess as an adult we can see things in a different view and see that there is a happy ending.

This book is all about Tia's life and how the death of her father made a big impact in her life. Tia shares her life journey in her book. She shares things most would be afraid to reveal. Tia talks about her love life and her kids. She shares her talks with her deceased dad. She shares how her faith helped her also.  I just love the quotes throughout the book and at the end of the book. She helps me to realize that there can be happy endings.

 Here are some of the quotes that I enjoyed reading. Read on to discover more about this book.

“There is a reason God limits our days. To make each one precious.” 
Mitch Albom, The Timekeeper

“Probably we will all regret to leave this world, yet I believe that after I have drained the first cup, and have possibly grown a bit weary of its flavor, I will then turn not unwillingly to the second cup and to the new and thrilling experience of exploring the unknown.” 
Edmund N. Carpenter II, “Before I Die”

“I’m going to find myself a girl who can show me what laughter means, and we’ll fill in the missing colors in each other’s paint-by-number dreams.” 
Jackson Browne, “The Pretender”

EAAHE, a memoir published by Mascot Books, details the journey & soulful shift of her story as Tia shares her holy grail & trail she took to transform her life. After moving through her own metamorphosis she then helped an old friend, Ray Romano, move through his own transition, going with the flow very privately, but most profoundly.

My journey almost destroyed me. Almost. Boy have I come to like that word. What a pleasurable word almost can be. You may almost be ready to buy my book. You may almost be ready to begin an amazing new journey of your own. You may almost be over that rainbow Judy Garland sings about. What great potential almost can hold if you can flip your way of thinking. Just imagine, controlled pessimism, doubt & fear flipped into blind optimism, faith & love.” That flip helped Tia move to a place where heaven meets earth…the pearly gates of her own happy ending. Changing the ending for her story brought a pure, precious, peace of heart, but kicked her butt a bit as she made her way…committed to keeping her faith. The book was a Plan C, maybe even D, but Tia was determined, after a dedicated intention & divine decision to start swimming more with the current of her life, instead of bucking that flow. Her ordinary, relatable story took an extraordinary, fantastical turn when she showed the Universe she was committed to her intention & her desire to be given an opportunity to make some new, different choices. EAAHE is a memoir that shares the “how’d that happen?” & the “how’d she do that?” in a holy hope of helping others to see life in a new way. EAAHE recounts 3 inter-connected relationships & love stories that enabled Tia to love truly, deeply, & most of all, love herself. Three special circles she rounded with Ray, her dad, & her ex-husband. A true woman’s full circle journey to learn how to really trust, how to “thine own self-be true”, & then, the real & true love it led her ‘round back to. It shares how the power of love & a journey to intimacy helped her make a faithful flip which began a sacred circle & new chapter…one that would allow a different ending for a story she had begun writing for herself when she was much younger. One that Tia feels strongly will inspire other women of a certain age to keep faith that it’s not too late to write a new ending for their own, as they embrace their history, not try to re-write. Tia is, most days, filled with joy. She is, every day, filled with peace. She looks forward to a happy ending each new day now, however it unfolds, whomever it holds, & whatever way the Universe molds, as she continues to create a new “happily ever after”, staying committed to rising above her fears, moving out of her comfort zones, and going with the flow of her life. Here is what the customers are saying about the book on Amazon -

If you are interested in reading the book, here is where to find it - check out on Amazon - http://amzn.to/2h8Gy1N or from Tia's own site - http://everythingandahappyending.com/

                                               Here is a Press Release about the book -

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Unknown said...

Wow it sounds like I need to read this. There are some similarities from my own personal life here! Thanks for the review.

Azlin Bloor said...

Sounds like a really good read. Interestingly, I didn't really know my dad as a kid either, because my parents had a bitter separation, so I can kind of relate to that aspect.

Ivonne said...

Sounds like a very enjoyable and relatable read! Excellent review!

Unknown said...

Wow this sounds like a very intense book! I really enjoy reading memoirs though. There is something about connecting with the writer and understanding a piece of their story. It's genuine. It's heartfelt. I love them and think I might check this one out!

Sarah Bailey said...

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
We just have to believe, obey and wait instead of hating ourselves, our life and complaining.

Tia Shurina said...

dear dear tara, before i could reach, I had to turn on my ipad so i could write my words of thanks as JB serenades me..."& when the mornin' lite comes streamin' in..."
Thank u thank u thank u so very much for ur kind words. I am thrilled you felt a connection...& honored you feel it was worthy of your time. I wish you, & each of you lovely ladies, beautiful beginnings, happy endings, & only the loveliest of "everything" in between. With much gratitude, tia shurina
PS - what a beautiful Jeremiah quote Sarah...i love it. TU for sharing it...& helping me to keep the faith! peace!

Jenny @cookeatgo said...

I have not heard of this book before!!! This sounds like it would be a great read.

Angela Ricardo said...

I have been looking around for books that I can relate to lately. This definitely made the cut. Thank you for sharing. I haven't heard of it before until here.

Annemarie LeBlanc said...

This is one book I would find difficult to put down once I start reading. I recently lost a dear friend to cancer. She had her whole life ahead of her, but I guess God had other plans. I am just comforted by the thought that she is no longer in pain and is in the company of God and the angels in Heaven.

Dawnm723 said...

This was an awesome book review you really went into a lot of details. I'm always looking for new books to read and this looks like a definite winner.

Misty Nelson Dawn said...

I haven't heard of this before and it sounds interesting books for me. Glad you share this

Unknown said...

What an awesome book, it's my first time to heard it and it's really pretty amazing!

Victoria Heckstall said...

This book is really interesting! I really wanna have this book. I'll check it out.

Heather said...

This sounds like an amazing book. After overcoming so much and finding happiness, I certainly could use an inspiration like that in my life. Checking it out!

Lisa RIos said...

I am a book lover having a huge collection at home as a personal library. Everything and a Happy Ending sounds like a wonderful read as well as I love reading anything that could inspire you a personal life story of another!

Elizabeth O. said...

It sounds like a lovely book that will teach you more about life and happiness. I'm interested and I'd love to read it when I have the time.

Anosa said...

This sounds like a really lovely book, I am definitely going to check it out.

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Mom knows best