Check out my favorite items for summer running!
These are samples of products that I received over the past year and are ones that I love.
I have been a runner for quite some time and when summertime hits, I have to change up things in my running game. The hot weather forces me to have to change the time of day that I go running. That means I either go running early morning or late at night. I am not a morning person so it is hard for me to get up early to go running. Waiting to night time to run is not any better as I am too tired to run. So I either force myself to get up or just go running in the heat. Oh, the struggles of summer running! This summer I have been working out at the gym three days a week and running outdoors for two days. I like that I have a free gym membership. I also have been going to the gym more often as I am trying to motivate my husband to workout more.
This has been my typical summer fitness schedule
Monday- elliptical machine at the gym for 40 minutes. 15 minutes of weight machines
Tuesday- run 30 minutes
Wednesday -elliptical machine at the gym for 40 minutes. 15 minutes of weight machines
Thursday- run 30 minutes
Friday- elliptical machine at the gym for 40 minutes. 15 minutes of weight machines
Saturday/ Sunday rest
This summer I have discovered some products that have helped me with running. So in no particular order of preference, I am excited to tell you about my favorite running products.
My go-to supplement for energy!

When I wait until evening to run, I am tired and I need some energy so I reach for this delicious berry flavored Endurance Drink to give a boost of energy. What I like about this supplement is that it gives me great energy without any caffeine. If I have caffeine after 3 PM, I will not be able to sleep. So I just mix up this drink that is loaded with B-vitamins to get some energy for running. This delicious drink also has collagen in it so it helps my muscles too.
The aches of summer running!
I seem to be getting more muscle aches this summer. Maybe it has something with the heat or the fact I have increased my weights at the gym. I think both as the aches have also been on my knees and I only do arm weights at the gym. I love using CBD Oil Cream for muscle aches as it helps with the aches and pains. I discovered that CBD Oil Cream is great for pain last winter when I had a trigger finger that was stiff and hurt when I moved it. I applied CBD Oil Cream to my finger and it felt better the next day. I also use CBD Oil Tincture for other pains like headaches. Since CBD Oil has no THC in it, I feel like it is a safe natural supplement. The other day my neck was sore from the trampoline park and I used the CBD Oil Cream on it and it gave me immediate pain relief. I also used the CBD Oil Cream on my 11-year-olds back as it hurt from falling on it at the trampoline park and it gave him excellent pain relief too.
My favorite drink after sweating!
Once it starts getting hot here, I start drinking an electrolyte drink after I run to replace all that summer sweat. I am picky about what I drink for fluid replenishment as most of these drinks are too thick and salty for my taste. I love the taste of detox water as it comes is some tasty flavor combinations. This detox drink also has aloe vera in it so I am getting the benefits of healthy digestion. My boys also love the taste of detox water and I catch them sneaking sips from my drink.
I love Turmeric for inflammation!
On the days I run and do weights at the gym, I drink a delicious Turmeric Drink. This drink has plenty of Turmeric in it and it keeps my muscles from aching. I also take a daily turmeric supplement to keep my old joints healthy so I can continue to run. On days my muscles do get achy, I will take some extra turmeric and that helps with the pain. Turmeric is great for inflammation too!
My favorite protein powder!
I continue to drink a daily protein smoothie in the summer as the extra protein helps my muscles recover quicker. I usually drink my protein smoothie in the morning as it is a great way to start my day with protein, fruit, and veggies. The extra protein in my diet has helped my body tone up. My boys love when I make Peanut Butter Cup Protein Pancakes for breakfast.
So these have been my favorite summer running products that I have been using.
Do you have any favorite products that you are loving?
I should share these with my husband as he is a trail runner and marathon runner and is threatening to do a 50 and 100k. I don't run, but I do high intensity training, so these can help me as well.
Im curious about this endurance collagen! Checking it out now :)
I love that Detox Water! Peachberry and Appleberry are my favorites. I'll have to look into that CBD Oil Tincture and cream though!
It sounds like you have some great must haves for this summer, I think whatever you are doing when it comes to exercise you need to make sure you are refuelling yourself.
these are all great must haves for the summer and it is so important to keep yourself hydrated with tons of water, it is so hot and so important and cbd oil is amazing, i use cbd tincures everyday.
I have never tried detox water, or heard of it. I will have to look into it more.
I definitely want to try the detox water. I don't like most of the standard replenishment drinks on the market, too chemical or sweet tasting. That one looks good!
Wow! You nailed it, this should be on everybody's list when running. Thank you for recommending such great products.
I've used the extract labs muscle cream before too and it is MAGIC! Thanks for the list.
It can be hard to find the motivation to work out. 40 minutes on the ellipticals is great! I usually have to push myself to do 30!
I just started running in hopes of being able to do a run Disney marathon one day. I love seeing what everyone's running must-haves are.
I like the sound of the collagen endurance drink. I can use a pick-me-up on occasions. You offered som great tips.
These are all really great products to have for a fit summer. I haven't heard of some of the products before such as the protein pwoder, but they seem like great products. I'll have to check them out, thanks for sharing!
These all sound like great products! I'm super interested in that Detox Water since I run a lot as well!
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