>U Mom Knows Best: How to Save Money on Your Allergy and Asthma Medications with Inside Rx

How to Save Money on Your Allergy and Asthma Medications with Inside Rx

This post has been sponsored by Inside Rx. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The Inside Rx trademarks and graphics provided on behalf of Inside Rx, LLC. 

 Once the weather starts getting warmer here, the flowers, grass, and weeds are blooming everywhere. That means allergy season has started and so have the allergy symptoms. The flowers, grass, and weeds can bring on allergy symptoms that can lead to asthma attacks so it is important for me to refill my families allergy and asthma medications so we can be prepared for allergy season. I want to make sure that my family has the medications that they need so they will not have an allergy attack from all the plants that are growing here. My youngest has allergy-induced asthma and if he misses a dose of his medication he may have an asthma attack that could require a visit to the emergency room. My other son is very allergic to grass and if he forgets to take his allergy medicines, he starts having many allergy symptoms like breathing problems and itchy swollen eyes. I too have allergy-induced asthma and require several medications to manage my allergy symptoms once those spring plants start growing. I am glad that I have discovered a prescription savings program that helps me save money on all these medications that my family needs to survive allergy season.

Inside Rx is not insurance and cannot be used with insurance. Use is subject to 
eligibility and other restrictions; see terms and conditions at www.InsideRx.com

It's easy for me to save with Inside Rx.
 Since I have a lot of prescriptions to fill every month, saving money is important to me. I want to save money on all of the healthcare expenses that we have every month.
I love that a simple card helps me save money on the prescriptions that my family needs during allergy season and on other prescriptions that we may require year-round. I just show my Inside Rx card when I pick up my prescriptions and I get the savings right away. The Inside Rx card is accepted at more than 40,000 pharmacies including big national chains. So I can get my prescriptions filled at the pharmacy near my house. Saving money helps my family breathe easier and regularly taking our medicines helps keep our asthma from getting out of control.

Inside Rx card is free and simple to use
  I love that I can fill my prescriptions at any participating pharmacy with this money saving card. To save even more money I can search for my medicine on the Inside Rx website and see which pharmacy offers the best price with the Inside Rx card. I never realized that pharmacies could charge different prices for the same medication so by driving a couple extra miles, I could save even more money. I like saving money on medicines that my family needs to manage our health. Saving money means we have more money for other things.

Ways to save
  Using the Inside Rx prescription savings card is so easy. All I had to do was visit the Inside Rx website, confirm the eligibility and use terms for my medicines, and print the savings card. I could also download the prescription saving card to my mobile wallet so the card is ready to use when I need it. When I pick up my prescriptions, I just show my Inside Rx savings card to save money on prescriptions that my family needs for our allergies and chronic conditions. The best part is there are no separate annual or monthly membership fees or costs to use this prescription discount card.

Price your medication on the Inside Rx website. 
Click here to price your medication

   Inside Rx is not insurance. Use is subject to eligibility restrictions and other terms and conditions at www.InsideRx.com

 See if Inside Rx Can Help You Save Money:

Go to www.InsideRx.com ~ search for your medication ~ find the best deal and closest participating pharmacy near you – The Inside Rx card can be used at more than 40,000 participating pharmacies in the United States and Puerto Rico
o Download a free prescription savings card and see if you could save on brand-name and generic medications
o Show your card and prescription to a pharmacist
o Enjoy the savings and use the same card every trip for every medication

 Have pets with prescription medications? 
Inside Rx may help you save on your pet's medications too with the Inside Rx Pets card, which offers discounts on select human medications prescribed for pets.

 I am glad that I discovered an awesome way to save money on the prescriptions that my family needs. I don't have to let money get in the way of filling important prescriptions that my family needs to manage our health. The boys and I can enjoy being outside during allergy season and not have to worry about breathing problems, asthma attacks, inflamed eyes, or a nagging asthmatic cough. Having access to affordable prescriptions at 40,000+ pharmacies is important to so many families. I know that so many people are uninsured, have a high deductible plan or their medication that the doctor ordered isn’t covered by their insurance, so having access to the Inside Rx card may help them be able to fill their prescriptions without having to worry about paying full price. One should not have to let money get in the way of managing their chronic health conditions.

Downloading this free savings card from InsideRx.com can save most people on average 78% on generic medications and 37% on brand medications!


Brianne said...

I love the service Inside Rx provides. Not everyone has insurance, so drug prescriptions can be costly. Fortunately, Inside Rx is here to help offset those costs.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I will keep this in mind. I always love when I can save. When my husband retires from the military, this will come in handy.

Lillian J. Turner said...

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Valerie said...

It never ceases to amaze me how expensive prescriptions are, it's great when you can find a way like this to save money. We have insurance but we have had to get prescriptions for pets over the years and there's no insurance for that so this could be helpful.

Chad said...

i've never heard of Index Rx. That is great i just need to know a little bit more about it. Thanks a lot for the info, it is great.

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

First time I heard about Inside Rx and I am sure a lot will benefit from its service. I need to check and learn more about what they can offer.

Kathy said...

I've been hearing a lot of great things about this. I need to check it out and see more about it. Sounds like they got some good deals.

Candace Hampton said...

I've never heard about Inside Rx before, but it sounds like a great option. Prescriptions can be really expensive even when a good health insurance. Better be covered and have the best option. I will look into it for sure!

Ruth I said...

This sounds great! The benefits one can get is fab. I'll check this out!

Gust si Aroma said...

When you have health problems you need a lot of money . So glad to have these tips to save some money in this medical situation.

Toni | Boulder Locavore said...

This is really helpful! Such a great way to save! Glad they can help with my pet's medication too!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh interesting. I only have anxiety meds but my husband has asthma. I may have to show this to him!

Alexandra Cook said...

I’ve been using my own version of this for a while now and not sure how I managed without it! I really need to take a look with this. Thank you for sharing

Paulette said...

Thank you for sharing this, we do spend a good amount on allergy medication.

Ceci Rey said...

I have never heard of this website. Anything that helps with the cost of medications, I am all for. I will have to look into this. Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly Morris said...

Thanks for all this info! I always wondered about this and if it was easy to use and truly worked or if there was some catch. Good to know the ins and outs now.

Rachel said...

I haven’t looked into prescription discounts because we have such a high deductible and I hope to meet it!

Nancy Horn said...

We pay a fortune for our prescriptions with my son's Type 1 Diabetes (insulin, test strips, diabetic medical devices like his insulin pump and Dexcom CGM monitor). I wonder if this card would help us.

Katie Walsh Beck said...

Having health insurance, I have long taken for granted the cost of prescription meds and I had no idea that different pharmacies could charge varying amounts, I had always assumed the were always the same. Good to know and a great site for people who need this.

Lavanda Michelle said...

This a great post. Very beneficial for me especially because I have asthma and allergies. Thanks for sharing.

Celebrate Woman said...

From my experience, the savings are a few cents to a dollar. But again, it all depends on what prescriptions a person needs. For some it could be a good saving mechanism.

Binge on Basics said...

These are some great tips for asthma patients. I am going to share this useful information with my family and friends. Thank you for letting us know

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Mom knows best