>U Mom Knows Best: Homemade Blender Free Freezer Smoothie Cubes

Monday, August 30, 2021

Homemade Blender Free Freezer Smoothie Cubes

 Smoothies are a delicious way to get an abundance of nutrition but can be a pain to make. Ready-to-drink smoothies are expensive and usually loaded with sugar. So, learn how you can stock your freezer with smoothie cubes that don't require a blender.

 I am obsessed with my morning smoothie. While I love all the protein and superfoods that I get in a deliciously creamy smoothie, making smoothies is time-consuming. Sure you can make the smoothie, the night before but even that can be a pain. Then there is always the chore of cleaning the blender.

You know the smoothie routine ~ dig in the freezer for frozen fruit, add several powders like protein powder, greens, and other superfoods. Blend up the ingredients in a loud high-speed blender and then pour the smoothie into a glass. Then wash the blender. Then try to do all of this while trying to get the kids ready for school and yourself for work. Your perfect morning never happens, so you give your child a bowl of cereal or worse yet you head to the fast-food drive-thru. 

Prep the smoothie in Mason jars ~not!

 I remember when Pinterest was filled with premade smoothies made in Mason jars, that you store in your freezer. The concept was to grab a smoothie jar, add liquid, and place it on your blender, for a ready-made smoothie. Who has that kind of storage in their freezer? Who is brave enough to store glass jars in their freezer, that will break?

Then there was prepping the smoothie ingredients in plastic bags. That still involved using a noisy blender and having to clean the blender. All while trying to get out of the house. So the idea of healthy smoothies for your kids simply does not happen.

Quick and easy blender-free smoothies

The other day while I was on Instagram, I saw this video from a company that makes blender-free smoothie cubes. The video showed a person taking these colorful frozen smoothie cups and adding them to a jar with liquid. They shook up the jar and within minutes, they had a delicious nutritious smoothie. 

 I love my morning smoothies so I had to have those superfood smoothie cubes and I headed to their website. Only to find out that the smoothie cubes to make one smoothie was $5 and they did not ship to my state! The smoothie cubes also contained ingredients that I was allergic to. I then realized that I could make Homemade Blender-Free Superfood Smoothie Cubes.

 I could make the smoothie cubes with ingredients that I liked and were safe for me to eat. I could add my favorite vegan protein powder and the superfoods that I wanted. I could make several varieties of these ready-to-use freezer smoothie cubes and save money. The best part is I would be able to make a healthy smoothie on busy mornings without the mess.

Homemade Blender Free Superfood Smoothie Cubes are

+ Healthy

+ Dairy-Free

+ Easy To Make

+ Plant-Based

+ Loaded with Protein

+ Full of Fiber

+ Contain Superfoods

+ Vegan

+ Convenient

+ Great For Busy Mornings 

+ Allergy-friendly

Make-Ahead Smoothie Cubes

 The best part of these Homemade Blender Free Superfood Smoothie Cubes is how easy is to make a fresh smoothie with the frozen smoothie cubes. You don't even need a blender. You simply take the premade smoothie cubes and add them to your choice of liquid in a jar or smoothie bottle. I like using plant-based milk or even water. You let the cubes sit in the liquid for about 20-30 minutes and then shake it up. You have a ready-to-drink smoothie with no mess.

 Wait, I don't have time to wait for the smoothie cubes to thaw! The night before place the desired liquid into your shaker container and place it in the fridge. Then when you wake up grab the smoothie cubes from the freezer and toss them in the container. Set the container on the counter and get everyone dressed.  Then by the time you head out the door, the smoothie will be ready to shake and drink. So grab, shake and drink!

Ingredients needed for smoothie cubes

+ Fruit ~ Fresh or frozen

+ Veggies ~ Fresh or frozen

+ Plant-Based Protein Powder ~ I like Nuzest Vegan Vanilla Protein ~save 15% with my code MOMKNOWSBEST15 at https://bit.ly/2OWQyk7 

+ Peanut Butter Powder

+ Prebiotic Fiber Blend ~ My favorite is Regular Girl ~save 10% with my code MOMKNOBEST10 https://www.regulargirl.com/?rfsn=977462.eafead

+ Superfoods of your choice: Chia seeds, flax seeds, beet powder, etc

+ Green Powder

+ Red Powder

The concept of these cubes is simple: add all of your normal smoothie ingredients to a blender with as little water as possible to form a paste, then freeze into cubes. This way you’ll have all your favorite smoothie goodies in several frozen cubes. Then on a busy morning, all you have to do is add these cubes + water or plant-based milk to your container with a lid for a quick and easy smoothie.

This recipe is highly customizable, but here’s what I like to add to my Superfood Smoothie Cubes:

+ Frozen berries: strawberries, blueberries ~ for sweetness & antioxidants

+ Flax seed or chia seed: for omegas and fiber

+ Matcha Green Tea: for antioxidants and for energy

+ Fiber powder: to stay regular in the bathroom department save 10% with my code MOMKNOBEST10 https://www.regulargirl.com/?rfsn=977462.eafead

+ Plant-based Protein Powder: save 15% with my code MOMKOWSBEST15 at https://bit.ly/2OWQyk7

+ A Super green powder: for lots of green veggies

Blender Free Superfood Smoothie Cubes ideas

+ Bananas, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder

+ Strawberries, beet powder, and vanilla protein powder

+ Peaches, green powder, and vanilla protein powder

+ Blueberries, frozen spinach, and chocolate protein powder

When you have an abundance of fresh fruit - make lots of smoothie cubes

When you have an abundance of fruit and veggies, don't let it go to waste. Blend it up and make freezer smoothie cubes. When my neighbor's apricot tree had plenty of fruit, I blended up the fresh apricots and made a fruit puree for my daily smoothies. I also froze apricot halves. Thankfully, I have 2 deep freezers so I can freeze plenty of fruit for my smoothies.

 Last year the prickly pear cactus plants had plenty of prickly pears and froze them. These frozen prickly pears would make great smoothie cubes. If your garden has plenty of kale, blend it up into smoothie cubes with your favorite fresh or frozen fruit.

What is your favorite fruit for smoothies?


AiringMyLaundry said...

This is a smart idea. I'll have to do this. I love smoothies.

Cathy Mini said...

Love that it can be done without a blender! So helpful for kids in the dorms!

Tasheena said...

This post is really informative, I would love to give this a try.

Kathy said...

This is a great idea. I need to start doing this. We sure do love smoothies in our house.

Ivan | Daddy Blogger PH said...

I love this idea. It's delicious smoothie in a flash. Thanks for the tips!

Fatima D Torres said...

Such a simple and delicious way to enjoy a smoothie. Quick smoothie recipes like these come in handy in the morning.

Monica Simpson said...

This is such a clever idea! I hate cleaning up my smoothie making mess. This sounds way easier.

Wren LaPorte said...

This is awesome! I will have to try it!

Melanie Edjourian said...

This is such a great idea. It makes having smoothies on hand much easier.

Gust si Aroma said...

OMG! This is genius! I love smoothies but I don't have always time to make them or even buy all I need!

Marysa said...

I love the convenience of this. What a great idea, and a great way to fit healthy eating into a busy lifestyle.

Swathi said...

This is wonderful idea. I need to give it a try, as morning smoothie is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Oh wow! I love the idea. Very easy to make too. Delicious!

Anosa Malanga said...

Such a very insightful post! Thanks for the tips! Definitely a very easy way to have some instant smoothie!

Sol said...

We also do this, we even make teas and coffee variants for a change. Love this post!

Anamika A Chattopadhyaya said...

Oh wow, that's an amazing idea! I love smoothie but am so lazy 😛 I'll definitely try out this now! Thanks for sharing ❤️

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