>U Mom Knows Best: 4 Ways You Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance As A Parent

4 Ways You Can Improve Your Work-Life Balance As A Parent

 If you’re a working parent, you will no doubt be aware of the challenges you might face in balancing your working life and your personal life. 

However, there are a number of strategies you can use to improve your work-life balance without too much effort.

If you’re looking for more balance in your life, we’ve put together a list of four ways you can make the most of the quality time you spend with your family.

1. Take Family Holidays

 You might want to use your annual leave to the maximum effect by taking holidays when your children are away from school. This means you can spend the maximum amount of quality time with them, and continue to build an excellent bond with them. 

Additionally, this also means that you can spend less on holiday childcare, and you can maintain a daily routine during holidays easily.

If you’re looking to take a family holiday, there are often favourable packages available at resorts like Disneyland Florida, with something to entertain the entire family, and an unbelievable cast of characters to enchant your children.

2. Use Virtual Recruitment For Your Business Needs

If you’re required to hire extra workforce, you can easily do it from anywhere with software like Oleeo. Traditional recruitment can take valuable time out of your day but implementing recruitment software can introduce automation to your work life.

The automated artificial intelligence allows you to work from home, or on the go with ease and means you can focus more of your time on family matters while still providing a great candidate experience during your hiring process.

3. Set Clear Boundaries For Your Working Day

 It can be easy to get lost in your working day and lose track of time, but setting boundaries for your working hours can help you to get home to read a bedtime story, do bathtime, or engage in a family meal. 

 To do this, you can create an “out of office” email signature for the day around your contracted working hours, so that colleagues and clients do not expect a reply to any correspondence they send you. 

Alternatively, if you have important appointments to make or a reason to be away from work, with many online calendars like Google, you can block off time in your diary that will remain unbookable for meetings. 

4. Work Smarter, Not Harder

 One of the biggest tips for succeeding in business with a family is to work smarter rather than harder. This means you can catch up on work around any other commitments you have, and work flexibly. 

 Working flexibly enables you to catch up on your work at a time that suits you. For example, you might want to wait until your children are asleep, and catch up on emails during the evening, or work first thing in the morning before dashing them off to school.

Do you have any tips for maintaining a work-life balance when you have a family? Share your thoughts in the comments below!​

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