>U Mom Knows Best: Carlsbad Caverns Is a Must See Place In New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns Is a Must See Place In New Mexico

Last week my family and I went to a place called Carlsbad Caverns which is located in Carlsbad, New Mexico. It was about a 4 1/2 hour drive from Albuquerque but worth the long drive.  Carlsbad caverns are cool caves made out of limestone. There are two ways to enter the caves. The first is by an elevator ride and the 2nd, which we took, is a mile walk that goes down. The walk down goes by quickly as there is so much to see. My younger boys who are 6 and 7 years had no problem walking. 

Once in the caves, there is plenty of cool formations to look at. There are are more than 119 known caves - all formed when sulfuric acid dissolved the surrounding limestone. You can take a self guided tour that has railed pathways to view the rock formations or go on a guided tour to explore deeper into the caves. Some of the tours involve climbing and some require you to wear a helmet with a light on it. For more information on this cool place visit:

 My 7 year old son did a project at school about the caverns so he was excited to visit. Some of the facts my son wrote about was:
1.It is a famous bat colony
2.One of the worlds largest caves
3.Always a cool 56 degrees

The bats only come out of the caves at night time and when you are in the caves, you can not see any bats. When the bats do come out of the caves, it is an awesome show to see. The bats come out to search for food, a 20 minutes to 2 hour process. Then they go back in the cave to sleep until the next night. 

Enjoy the pictures and if you are ever in New Mexico be sure to check out the caverns. There are more pictures of the caverns at http://www.nps.gov/cave/index.htm


Jamie said...

We so want to go there!! My husband has been and wants to take us one day, so I can't wait to see it. Great pictures!!

Yona Williams said...

Oooo - I love places like that, but my sweetie does not :( I've been to Howe Caverns before, and I've gone caving before...and it was soooo much fun.

Unknown said...

I am from the Caribbean and this reminds me of the Limestone caves in Barbados. It is so unique every where it is formed and the shapes that they create. You must see stuff like this in your lifetime

Jessica said...

That is so cool. I took my kids to some caves in MN this past summer and they just loved it.

Bola said...

had no idea that there is a Carlsbad in New Mexico. Just know of the San Diego one.
My family is planning a trip to NM- Sante Fe, I will if we can add Carlsbad to the itinery.

ReviewsSheRote said...

Breathtaking photos-- such unique formations

krystal said...

Looks like a beautiful place. I'd love to go there!

Esther said...

Caverns are so beautiful and scary at the same time. I love your pictures!! Looks like you all had a great time!!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Love the pictures! Looks like going down into the cave by foot you get a great view. Looks like a great time was had by everyone! I have been to a cave here in Japan that was used in World War II. I love exploring caves, they have many stories within the walls.

Ellen said...

That looks like so much fun. I love wandering around in caves.

Terri Grothe said...

my husband would love this, me not so much... I'm always scared they will cave in or something... (pardon the pun)

Jeanette said...

I would love to go there. I remember going and visiting different caves on vacations with my family.

grtlyblesd said...

Oh, that looks amazing! The only time I've been to Carlsbad was for Legoland several years ago. Looks like another trip is in order!

Southern Mom Loves said...

Amazing! We love to go to Blanchard Springs Caverns in Arkansas; I didn't know you could tour these caverns. Thanks!

Buzz4Mommies said...

I visited here when I was a kid and I will never forget it, I hope to bring my kids someday!

Lisa said...

WOW This Looks Like A Amzing Place To Visit I Must Go Sometime Thank You!

Kelly said...

That is amazing, I would really love to visit there someday!

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