>U Mom Knows Best: New Mexico Pinon Coffee 101

New Mexico Pinon Coffee 101

I had a great opportunity the other day to attend a Coffee 101 class at a place that sells the best coffee. New Mexico Pinon coffee is a local owned coffee roaster in Albuquerque, New Mexico. New Mexico Pinon coffee sells a unique great tasting coffee made with pinon nuts, a edible pine nut that comes from the pinon trees of New Mexico mountain forests. The pinon nut adds a wonderful taste to the coffee, once you try it you will be in love with this coffee. I send the New Mexico Pinon coffee to all my relatives for Christmas and it is their most favorite gift.

Coffee 101 is described as "The Ultimate Coffee Tasting Experience" and was a fun 2 hour class that includes:
Cupping (The practice of experiencing the tastes & aromas of brewed coffee.)
Roasting (You’ll learn the different roasting terms and get to participate in actual coffee roasting.)
Fun Facts about coffee and its history
A 25% discount towards any purchase at their retail store the day of your class.
A FREE gift with your seminar attendance. (Hint-the gift involves coffee)

The coffee 101 class is held at the place where they roast and produce their wonderful coffee. It is a  small class for 12 people, so everyone will get their questions asked. The class starts out in a room with coffee beans to look at on the table. Then you will be able to see the coffee beans getting roasted. The class will conclude with coffee tasting and learning about where coffee comes from. 

 The first two are raw coffee beans and the others are coffee beans that have been roasted at different stages.

 This is the coffee roaster that they heat up to 400 degrees to roast the coffee beans. The beans are roasted and when done they are stirred around to be cooled down.

These are some of the big bins filled with coffee beans that have been roasted. These coffee beans will be hand packaged to be sold.

New Mexico Pinon coffee is sold in New Mexico as well as in stores like Costco, World Market, Amazon, and online at http://nmpinoncoffee.com/  They sell their wonderful Pinon coffee along with many other wonderful flavors like chocolate and vanilla to name a few. They even made a bacon flavor coffee for a local Bacon Fest event.

To order this wonderful coffee, click on the below link:

Visit their Facebook page every Tuesday for their Tag-Me-Tuesday contest to win a bag of coffee and be sure to tell them Mom Knows Best sent you.

Now for the best part! You too can attend New Mexico Pinon's coffee 101 to learn about coffee and take home a wonderful gift. The classes are held in Albuquerque at their factory and retail shop, located on 4431 Anaheim Avenue Northeast. They have classes on Saturdays, twice a month at 10 AM. To get more information and to register go to

"These opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any way to write this post. I wrote the post to share this wonderful class opportunity with my friends"


Jamie said...

Yum - that looks good!! Plus, it's from our neighboring state. Would love to try it here in AZ!! :)

Danisdecadentdeals said...

Sounds like awsm coffee!! I had never heard of coffee made from pine nuts before! Very cool:)

Yona Williams said...

I would love to go to a coffee farm or roasting plant.we had a chance in Hawaii...but I didn't get a chance to follow through. I bet it smells amazing in there.

Scott said...

Not a coffee drinker, but my wife loves small-batch and regional coffees. This looks like one she'd love to try!

Southern Mom Loves said...

Sounds delish! I am a coffe lover and I've never tried a Pinon coffee. Thanks for sharing!

Rebekah {McMama) said...

That looks like a really cool experience. :) I don't drink coffee, but I have several family members and close friends who do. I'll have to keep this in mind for gifts.

Ellen said...

How neat! I'd love to attend and learn more.

Kelly said...

I would love to attend one of these classes, I love coffee!

las930 said...

This is really great stuff! While I do not like coffee I love the smell. Hubby drinks enough for both of us lol

Unknown said...

Looks cool. That looks like it would be a fun class. I don't like coffee but my husband is addicted!

Terri Grothe said...

this would be an incredible thing to visit and learn about

Unknown said...

Wow I love coffee so this would have been something that I would have loved to attend! I can just imagine how delicious this New Mexico Pinon coffee is!!

Anonymous said...

That looked like a fun event. That coffee looks great too.

Michelle F.

Angel said...

Yum you are making me want coffee too late at night! This looks so interesting, what a neat thing to see! We'll have to look for this brand at Costco :) Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I want to go there lol... such an experience

Steph said...

Aside from www.coffeeforless.com, whats a good place for buying coffee pods??

Adams Moore said...

Coffee is good for health but remember you should to drink toxin free coffee and brew it with care. One more thing If you have high cholesterol please drink filtered coffee. Coffee Shop.

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Mom knows best