>U Mom Knows Best: No More Sorting Laundry With Purex No Sort for Colors Detergent Plus a Giveaway

No More Sorting Laundry With Purex No Sort for Colors Detergent Plus a Giveaway

I hate doing laundry for a big family and don't like sorting the clothes either. How many times has your husband done the laundry and mixed the whites with the colors and he ended up with pink underwear? Now there is a new Purex detergent that solves these problems.Purex No Sort for Colors detergent is the latest innovation from the Purex brand designed to simplify your laundry routine. Purex No Sort for Colors detergent features a Anti-Color-Transfer technology which traps loose dyes in the wash and reduces color bleeding accidents in your mixed color loads leaving your clothes bright and clean.

Now you can have one less step when doing laundry, no more sorting clothes. When you add Purex No Sort to you washing machine you can rest assured that your colors will not bleed onto your light clothes. So go ahead and let hubby do the wash as you know he just throws all the clothes in the machine. He will not end up with pink underwear again. You can stop sorting clothes as there will not be any more color bleeding accidents with Purex No Sort detergent. The detergent also has a wonderful clean scent to it, making your clothes smell wonderful.

Purex has changed the rules when it comes to laundry! Purex No Sort detergent is packed with innovation but not a miracle worker so please follow their words of advice: wash strongly colored fabrics like jeans at least five times before doing a mixed color load with Purex No Sort for Colors detergent.

Look for this Purex detergent at your favorite store like Walmart or Target. Check out Purex on Facebook and Twitter

To celebrate the release of New Purex No Sort for Colors detergent, the Purex brand will be hosting a Sweepstakes. One grand prize winner will receive $1.000 while 100 2nd place winners will receive a coupon for a free bottle of Purex No Sort for Colors detergent. To enter just click on the below link and good luck!

I also have 2 free coupons for Purex No Sort for Colors detergent to giveaway to one of my readers. Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above mentioned product to write this review."


Jodi said...

Entered, tweeted, liked your page :-) Thank you for the chance & great review!
Jodi from @thenoiseofboys

steve weber said...

I had my dad do laundry once and he turned all my dress shirts pink.. never again.

Misty Lunceford said...

I haven't done it, but hubby has. He is banned from washing clothes. So this could help him get back in the laundry room.

Mami2jcn said...

It's been years since I had an accident with the laundry. In college I think I ruined a white shirt this way.

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I have had some black clothes fade on to a white shirt before.

Vunda Vall said...

yes one time a white shirt snuck in my color load and got ruined!

Jackie said...

Yes...my daughter once threw a pair of red undies in with the whites.

Yona Williams said...

I haven't had a pink situation...maybe once, but every time my Dad does laundry...this happens...lol.

Jamie said...

I've had the good old pink problem, but now that I use color catchers, I never have to worry about it. Also Purex works great to get everything clean!! Love it - great post!

Sandra VanHoey said...

Mine sure has when something red was in the washer and we had added bleach not knowing there was a red shirt in the washer that someone washed alone

Erin S said...

I have a teen son-I have many bleeding stories!!!

Buzz4Mommies said...

Yes, a red sock once crept in with my whites! then we had a lot of pink!!

Scott said...

All the time. Usually one of the kids' socks gets into our whites. Nothing like wearing a pink t-shirt!

Karen said...

No, this has never happened. I try very hard to wash my clothes properly. Thanks.

Stephanie - Couponing Momma said...

A white sock accidently got put into a load of jeans and the sock ended up blue.

Ellen said...

they did when my husband did the laundry

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

So much laundry so little time!!! My husband does the laundry but sometimes I wished he didn't....if you know what I mean. I've got 10 socks w/out a mate!

Unknown said...

I havent done laundry is so long lol... I have it dropped off because I hate being at the laundromat for so long.. However I feel need to buy some Purex and send it with my laundry so that they can use

D Cheatle said...

I had a whole load turn grey once. Hubby put a new pair of black socks in a load of whites. The result was not pretty

Unknown said...

Oh yes! I once turned my Dad's tennis duds pink.

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Maybe without sorting I will have less loads of laundry to do!! :) Sharing also.

Unknown said...

This is my dream come true. Because I cheat anyway, and it bites me--you know the pink "White" shirts??? Awesome!

Melissa said...

Every time hubs helps with the laundry, something of mine comes out ruined. But I think I would like this even better for when the kids help me sort.

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

oh I need this..my hubs makes everything gray!!! i have had to buy more whites because he never sorts

Gwendolyn M. said...

I haven't had this happen in a long time but with the boys doing laundry I can see it happening.

jlee said...

I've never had colors bleed but I've had bleach residue ruin clothes before!

hoeyhooper said...

i've never had the pink incident

amanda whitley said...

when i was first doing my own laundry i made the mistake once, now i am very careful

blessedchick said...

I have had some white socks turn a shade of pink before. I normally don't sort my clothing

LeahSay's Views - Bonnie said...

Yes, when I was visit my in-laws after I was first married I thought I would "help" by doing the laundry. I washed a load of whites. However when I opened the washer low and behold there was a red table cloth in the washer with the whites. Apparently it was in the bottom of the washer and I didn't check before adding the whites. Not a mistake I ever made again. Father in-law wasn't too happy with pink socks.

Unknown said...

My husband does mix clothes but luckily I have never had that happened.

Let's Grow said...

my fiance once put my red underwear in a white load. (i don't know how someone can miss something red in an all white load hah) BUT it was bad. thankfully it was only socks, and shirts we both wore around the house. that's why i would LOVE to try this product out for myself. then i would be able to leave the laundry duties to my fiance without worrying about him messing up.

mmstarla said...

Yes they have! I hate it when its that brand new, crisp white shirt! Boo, that always stinks!

Anonymous said...

I have turned white socks blue before. I think I liked them better that way though.

Jaime Nicole said...

My white socks seem to absorb a lot of dye - but never pinked a load!

Unknown said...

whenever i wash a striped shirt, the white stripes always have a bit of a tint after they come out of the wash

janetfaye said...

I sort my laundry and I have not had any incidents with my whites.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Been there........I purchased a new handquilted red and white star quilt and OOPS....not a happy person.,

Charlotte said...

In college, I had a olive green hoodie. Didn't even think about that old thing bleeding. Turned ALL of my clothes green.

mmstarla said...

I pinned: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/215961744605817198/

Susan Christy said...

Never had a color bleeding accident that I can remember

ivyvine1977 said...

Knock on wood I have never had this happen, yet :).

Anonymous said...

I think I accidentally lost a red sock in a load of whites long ago. Yes, it turned pink.

Julie said...

It hasn't happened to me

Julia said...

It's been a long time, but yes we've had some color issues in our laundry

Unknown said...

First time washing baby girls clothes was a mess. Glad ive learned what to wash and what not to wash.

las930 said...

My hubby use to ruin my clothes all the time. When I was working I could afford to replace them, not now. So I do the laundry.

Unknown said...

i have had a lot of clothes fade but nothing like that has happened to me before

luckynordberg said...

My daughter threw her red shirt in with the whites and everyone had pink undies and socks!


freshsamanthaaa said...

Ahh! I think my hubby does that on purpose to get out of doing laundry. Or maybe he just likes pink undies?

Rebekah O. said...

Yes! And I learned my lesson!!

TemporaryWaffle said...

Yes one time I washed some whites with something red (because I mixed colors with some whites lol) and I turned my husbands white tshirt a little pink

brittany said...

Oh yes my gma does laundry sometimes at my house and she had new red rags with the white clothes. lets just say the whites were ruined.

Brandy said...

Yes! I changed all my son and husband undies pink... opppss

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

Other than a long, long, time ago, when I turned my husbands whitie tighties pink, I haven't made any color mistakes. I did however recently wash a crayon. Not a good situation.

Unknown said...

Sure, I've had new clothes bleed on other clothes. It ruined so many clothes.

Kelly said...

I have had that to happen before, but luckily it has been a while!

Unknown said...

i never had anything like this happen and i never sort

Clair Shumack said...

I've not had it happen before (knock on wood!)

Jasmine P said...

It hasn't happened yet, thank God!

Susie's Reviews said...

It happens to me all the time. I cannot wait to try this product. Thank you for the chance to win it!!

Unknown said...

One time, I washed a burgundy blanket with cream towels. Let's just say, the towels turned a nice pink color, but I was thankful it wasn't an article of clothing.

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Mom knows best