>U Mom Knows Best: How To Fall Back In Love With Cooking And Improve Your Family's Health!

How To Fall Back In Love With Cooking And Improve Your Family's Health!

It's no secret that as a nation, our waistlines are getting bigger. Of course, we all know the importance of healthy eating and exercise. But when it comes down to it implementing it into our busy lifestyles just isn't all that easy. Our day jobs, social activities and running around after our kids doesn't leave us with much chance to focus solely on health. As a result of this, you may find yourself leaning towards buying convenience food for your family, simply to buy yourself that extra time. But this is entering dangerous territory, as your children may become easily accustomed to this style of food. Convenience food tends to contain abnormally high amounts of fat, sugar and sodium, plus a whole host of additives. The combination of these ingredients produces an almost addictive quality in these types of food, which is why so many people end up relying on them so much. There's nothing wrong with indulging occasionally, of course. But if your children get a taste for these types of food, it can potentially be harmful to their future health. They may start to dismiss fresh, home-cooked food and will be less inclined to learn how to make it themselves. If food has become little more than a daily chore for you and you family, here's how to re-inject your love of cooking into everyone's daily lives!

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Think about your routine

Consider carefully when you eat throughout the day. Then consider when your partner eats, and finally when you children tend to want their meals. More and more families are eating separately these days, whether that is making their own individual food or snacking on leftovers. In fact, just over half of all American families with children under 18 say that they eat dinner together at least six nights a week. That leaves an enormous 47% of families who eat separately on a regular basis. This can be detrimental to a family's development for a number of different reasons. Firstly, it can seek to break family ties. Thirty years ago, an evening meal was considered the time where the family would sit down together to talk about each other's days. Now, living separate lives means that all the family members may not even be in the same room very often. This lack of communication can make family members distant from each other and can make the younger generation even more reliant on social media. It can also change the way in which your family, especially your children, think about food. Other cultures, such as the culture amongst Italians, revere food as a social occasion in itself. If your children are simply grabbing food when they are out and about, they lose sight of the importance of eating together as a family tradition. Plus, you never know 100% what it is fast-food, or even packaged sandwiches. It can be incredibly hard to get all the family together for a meal, but try to do it at least a couple of times a week. You'll soon see your relationships and your attitude to food change.

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Modernize your kitchen

Take a look at your kitchen and consider what is working and what isn't working. If parts of your kitchen are faulty, or you are lacking in equipment, don't wait another day to get it sorted. Putting it off will only mean that you are continually less inclined to spend time in your kitchen, meaning you are more likely to rely on takeout. If you have been struggling with parts of your kitchen that are inconveniencing you, consider replacing them. Old stoves can take ages to heat up and can be dangerous if you have young children. You might wonder 'what is induction cooking?', but this could be your very answer. Essentially, it is a safe, energy-saving piece of kitchen equipment that can save you time and money. Your oven could also be letting you down, so consider getting a replacement. As far as utensils and gadgets go, make sure you have all the basics such as tin openers and sharp knives. In fact, a good set of knives for all different purposes is ideal. You may shy away from brand-new, sharp knives, but in fact, these are much safer than hacking away at something with a blunt knife. Lots of people click for hand-forged Damascus kitchen knives knowing it could be a reliable set for years to come. Efficiency is key when designing your kitchen, so make sure it works for you. Also, having the right equipment means that your family may also be tempted to chip in and have a go themselves.

Change what you cook

Do your family dread your home-cooked dinners because they know exactly what they are going to get? This is disheartening of course;  but as the saying goes, sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind. If you are cooking the same things week in week out, unfortunately, it's going to get a little boring. Plus, you and your family may not be getting the nutrients and vitamins you need. Look online for new recipe inspiration; there are plenty of healthy food blogs out there and Pinterest is always a good place to start. Don't try anything too overboard just let - it's best to just keep it simple and see how things work out. Plus, that way, your partner and children may also be inspired to give cooking a go themselves. It's easier than you would think to make your own pasta sauces and try adding some exotic vegetables to a big bowl of stir fry. Talk to your family about the kinds of food they like to eat. If you all tend to eat separately, you may not even know what it is that tickles their taste buds. We live in a culture where we are lucky enough to be able to sample a whole host of different cuisines. So, consider organizing your weekly meals by country of origin. Homemade tacos are perfect for a Mexican evening or add a hint of spice to your palate with a rich Indian style curry. This is also a great way to get younger children interested in food and where it comes from.

1 comment:

Roger Bells said...

Great post! I love to cook. You should try these super bowl treats with best foods

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