>U Mom Knows Best: 13 Simple Ways To Sneak In A Workout

13 Simple Ways To Sneak In A Workout

Stop making excuses about finding time to exercise!

         I received products from H2O Audio to facilitate this post.

  Exercise is important and everyone should be getting some throughout the week to stay healthy. Exercise not only keeps your body healthy but it is also great for so many other things. Things like improving your mood, helping you concentrate, helping you sleep, and helping your body fight germs to name a few. Yes, sweating is good and should be done often. Exercise should be a part of your life, just like eating and brushing your teeth. Our bodies were meant to move. The problem that I hear from a lot of people is, "I don't have time to exercise!"

I don't have time to exercise!

   I so get the time thing as most days I am super busy and have a hard time getting out for a run or to the gym. Most days, I just don't feel like working out and have to force myself out of my comfy chair. In the winter it is even harder for me to want to work out as the dreary weather makes me want to stay indoors. So most days I don't get out for a run until an hour before the boys get home from school. I always go to bed with good intentions to get my exercise done first thing in the morning but that never happens as is it cold outside. It is getting easier to choose when I workout now that the boys are old enough to stay home by themselves for an hour. Also having the opportunity to meet my husband at the gym after work helps. When the boys were younger I had to find ways to make exercise happen and these exercise tips for stay at home moms helped. So I get the time problem but you can make exercise happen without having to commit to a large amount of time. You should get at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. To make exercise happen here are some helpful tips to squeeze that exercise in.

Tip: Exercising three days a week for 30 minutes keeps your body healthy. For weight loss do five days for 45 minutes each time.

 The best tip that helps me get a good workout in, is listening to fast music. The music lifts my mood and it helps the time go by quicker. I put all my favorite workout music on my sweatproof Bluetooth MP3 player and then put on the headphones to make my exercise time more enjoyable. When I am at the gym on the treadmill, people are probably wondering why I am smiling while running so fast. The secret is fast inspirational music like my favorite from Mandisa. My favorite song is Overcomer and I have to control myself from sing out loud at the gym.

1. Break up the time up
 In a perfect world, one has the time to workout 30-45 minutes a day but we lead busy lives and have kids so that is hard to do. So try sneaking in the exercise in several times a day to add up to 30 minutes or more.

2. Take the stairs
  If your job has stairs, skip the elevator and take the stairs. Even if you work on the first floor, get to the stairs during a break or lunch time. Stairs are a great form of exercise.

3. Park farther away
 Anytime you find yourself parking the car, choose a spot farthest away and get some exercise in that way.

4. Join a gym close to home or work
  You will succeed better at getting to the gym if it is close to your home or work. That way you are not adding extra time into the workout with driving. I belong to two gyms (the benefits of my husband working for the city) and I choose to go to the smaller one near my house over the one further away with a swimming pool. While the one with the swimming pool is way better, it adds in 40 minutes of driving so I only go there once in a while. I value my time and that extra 40 minutes of driving time is not going to happen most days. The benefit of having a gym near the house makes it easy to drag your but there. My husband takes the bus to work so it is great that the gym is near the bus stop. So he meets me there after work. Most days I run and then head to the gym for simple weight exercise.

Helpful hint: Consume a natural energy drink or a cup of coffee 20 minutes before your workout to get some energy. 

5. Turn Your Commute into a Workout
 If you are able to bike or walk to work that is awesome for exercise. If you drive or take the bus, park a couple blocks away from your job or get off a couple bus stops ahead and walk. Just keep your good shoes at work and change out of your gym shoes once you get to work.

6. Sneak In a Lunch Break Workout
  Take the full amount of your lunchtime and spend half of it doing a brisk walk. Leave a pair of gym shoes at work that you can wear. If you can get a couple of coworkers to join you in walking, you can have someone to talk to. This could also be a great way to talk about work. I remember a trip to New York and seeing a lady walking with two guys while talking about business things and thinking what a great idea!

7. Set Your Alarm Early
 For some people, getting the exercise in first thing always helps. An early morning workout also gets the brain charged up and on the mornings that I run, I always have a productive day and get more things done. So set that alarm early and get out for a walk.

8. Combine exercise with errands
  If the store is close by then walk or bike instead of driving. When the weather is nice out, I will walk to the store that is a mile away from my house if I just need to pick up a couple items. When I have to get more items then I will bike to the store. I have baskets on my bike that hold all my groceries. Biking is great exercise.

9. Take the Kids with You
 Stop using the kids as your excuse to not exercise. Head to the park or push the younger ones in a stroller. Kids love running around so they will love to go on a walk or bike ride with you. It is also a great way to catch up on how their day was.

10. Make It a Date
 Now that the kids are older, my husband and I head to the gym together. Being together at the gym is great motivation for my husband to workout more. Then about once a week we go out for a quick bite after we workout. Another great idea is to leave the kids home with dad and meet a friend at the gym.

11. No more couch potato
 While you are watching your favorite tv show, hop on a treadmill or exercise bike. You could also use some free weights or a balance board. Just marching in place during commercials is also good exercise.

12. Do the microwave dance
  While you are cooking or heating something up in the microwave, get silly and do the microwave dance. Put on some music while you are cooking and dance. Those few extra moves are a great way to get some exercise.

13. Change up your workout
  Most people stop working out because they get bored. So chose different ways to get the exercise in. One day head over to the gym while the next go for a walk. Other days you can go for a bike ride and then head to the pool to do some laps. If swimming is your thing, then you need to get this waterproof MP3 player and waterproof headphones. That way you can listen to your favorite tunes and make doing those laps in the pool more exciting. I just love how these headphones fit so well in my ears. I have small ears and most headphones fall out. These 100% waterproof headphones come with 5 different earplugs so they give me a secure and comfortable fit while swimming.

I always feel great after a workout

  There are many days that I have to force myself to workout. I make the excuses too. When I finally do get to some healthy exercise, I always start feeling better. When my workout is done, I am always glad that I forced my self to run or workout at the gym. I always feel so energetic and happy. I am always in a better mood too. 

What excuses do you have when it comes to exercising?

                         Love this sign at my gym!


Laura G said...

That's right, there really shouldn't be any excuses to not work out! 20 minutes is all it takes. And 10 minutes is better than none!!

Joan said...

I needed this, I have made excuses all week and I now have to start during the weekend.

Mom Knows Best said...

The weekend is always a good time for exercise.

Mom Knows Best said...

Thats so right any amount is better than none

Kristen Frolich said...

I try really hard to fit exercise into my schedule. I get one hour for lunch and I am surrounded by hills so I try to go out for a walk or run at least 2 to 3 times during the week to get my exercise in. I'm also trying to be better about getting to the gym on the weekends.

Sarah Bailey said...

These sound like some wonderful tips for having the time to work out. I like the idea of thinking of somewhere closer to work or home allowing you to visit easier.

Carla Necole said...

I feel like you're in my head. I've making excuses for years about why I'm not exercising. These are tips I think I can do that don't make it feel so intimidating.

Jessi Joachim said...

I have the hardest time finding time to work out! I am not a gym person, but I have a treadmill at home and really need to take my 15-30 minutes a day to just do it!

Nadj said...

I'm also on my fitness journey and I admit sometimes I have excuses for missing the gym. But surely, there's really no excuse if you want to be healthy. I love the simple tips!

Lebogang Xolo said...

I only survive because of music too. For some reason, it just becomes easier and time flies by when you listen to music.

Jesusa Gilliam said...

Such a great read! Not having time to exercise is usually the reason it is hard for me to workout. I have two toddler boys who make it difficult to make time to exercise. As they have gotten older its been easier to find time, sometimes they even join me.

Mom Knows Best said...

Kids can make it harder to exercise but glad to hear it is getting easier

Mom Knows Best said...

So true!

Mom Knows Best said...

Just doing my job. You got this!

Oliver said...

These way are so effective, I've been following them. I can see the change in body,Thanks for sharing.

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Cruise said...

There are clearly various things to consider before utilizing recuperation workouts in your everyday practice, except with a couple of tips and a bit of arranging, you will see that it is truly not very muddled.They love the teacher they hate

Lavanda Michelle said...

Self care is so important! Sometimes kids can get in the way but glad to hear that’s not such a problem anymore.

navi said...

its very informative post

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Mom knows best