>U Mom Knows Best: Five Good Reasons To Wear SunScreen In The Winter

Five Good Reasons To Wear SunScreen In The Winter

Do you really need to wear sunscreen in the winter?

I received samples of MyChelle to facilitate this post

   Winter is not my favorite time of the year as it is cold outside. Sometimes there is even snow where I live and that makes winter even more miserable. I am the person who complains almost daily, "who ordered this weather?" and "when will spring be here?" Yes, I hate cold weather. I am glad that we have short winters here, 3-4 months long, and that we have sunshine most days. I don't know about you but I am in a better mood when it is sunny out and I seem to get more done on those days.

 My town just had one of the worst snowstorms here the other day.  I know by the above picture, you are thinking, "that is not much snow" but this storm shuts the town. You see it was not really the snow that shut down roads but rather the lack of equipment to keep the roads non-icy. We rarely get snow and if we do it melts quickly so there is no need for snowplows here. The snow from this storm melted after two days and we finally got our typical temperature of 45 degrees. The sun was out in full force. I just had to get out for a walk and I gladly applied my sunscreen. I had not been outside during the day for over a week so I was excited about a walk. I was also excited to try a new mineral-based sunscreen. 

I love sunny days!

   Most people know that sunscreen is needed in the summer but it is just important in the winter as the sun is still out. The good part of winter is you may need to only apply sunscreen to your face as the rest of your body is protected from your thick clothes. The sun may feel good on a cold winter day but it can still harm your skin.

Five Good Reasons To Wear Sunscreen In The Winter

1. Snow nearly doubles your exposure to UV rays.
Just like water reflects the sun so does the snow. So if you have snow on the ground then make sure to slather on the sunscreen before heading out to play and don't forget the sunglasses. I have mostly rock on the ground near me but I can feel the sun reflecting off of other things when I am out for a walk. I really like that the MyChelle Sun Protection blends nicely into my skin and does not leave a white pasty residue on my skin. This is the only sunscreen that I have tried that does not feel thick on my face. I have used other mineral-based sunscreens and I can't wait to remove it as I feel it on my skin.

MyChelle Sun Protection blends nicely into my skin & does not leave a white pasty residue.

                              2. Higher elevations mean a thinner atmosphere
  I live in a mountain state so my town is 5312 feet above sea level so that means the sun rays are more damaging here. So not only am I closer to the sun, but it also means the rays can get through the atmosphere easier. The plus side of that we have very few days that the sun is not shining. So sun protection is always on my mind. I make sunscreen a part of my daily routine and I love it when I find a sun shield product that has a tint in it so I can use it instead of foundation.

                      3. The Earth is closest to the sun in the middle of the winter.
  As the seasons change so does the tilt of the earth. That means we are closest to the sun about two weeks after the first day of winter and the furthest from the sun about two weeks after the first day of summer. So being that I live in a high elevation, I am even way closer to the sun in the winter so I better be good about applying my MyChelle Sun Shield Broad Spectrum mineral-based sunscreen.

                  4. Ozone, the Earth’s “sunscreen,” is the thinnest during the winter.
 Think of the ozone like the Earth's sunscreen. It can filter out the harmful UV rays but in the winter the ozone levels are at its lowest so we have to protect our skin just like we do in the summer. We get deceived thinking that cold weather means we don't need to protect our skin from the sun. Now is a good time to try a non-toxic sunscreen that is reef safe so by the time beach season comes, you made sunscreen a part of your daily routine.

                                        5. UVA rays can go through glass.
  This one shocked me but it makes perfect sense that the UVA rays can go through glass. I look at the back of my curtains and I can see how the sun has faded them. Glass and clouds can block the UVB rays but 50-60% of UVA rays can go through windows. So if you are driving during the day or soaking in the sun inside by the window like me then you need to protect your skin.

  So I am going to keep my sunscreen right near my toothbrush so I make sure to apply it to my face every day. The Sun Shield Coconut has a pleasant scent and feels light on my face so it is just like applying my moisturizer. I even forget that I am wearing any sunscreen on my face. On days that I am going somewhere that requires me to wear makeup then I will apply my tinted Sun Shield liquid instead of foundation. The nude shade is perfect for my light winter skin. In the summer I just add a bronzer to my face when my skin is darker. So before you head outside slather on the sunscreen and bundle up, don't let the cold weather spoil your fun.

What is the weather like near you?


Terri Beavers said...

I just never seem to think about how important it is to wear sunscreen year round. I'm so glad I found this post as a reminder that I need to get out my sunscreen and keep it with my makeup so I'll remember to apply it.

Cristina Petrini said...

You have asked a really interesting question, because in fact I think that in winter you do not need, but something tells me that I'm wrong!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Yes, I always wear sunscreen, even in the cold. The sun is still the sun after all. Granted, I do forget more when it's cold out, but I'm working on this :/

Unknown said...

It’s cold here right now and I’m hoping for snow. My year round moisturizer has SPF in it and I do add sunscreen if I’m going to be out for a long time. This is a good reminder to put sunscreen on my kids before they head out

Jessica Lyles said...

You're information made so much sense but I never thought that you will still need sunscreen in the winter. Very informative great read!

Candace said...

Sunscreen is so important!! The dermatologist told me that I should be wearing it daily, even though I weren't planning to be outside for longer. We are constantly exposed to sun light or artificial light that still can harm our skin. Great post!


The Super Mom Life said...

Living in FL, we wear it year round, but I don't think I realized that people that are in the snow did that too.

Alexandra Cook said...

Well, I never realised this before!
I must admit, I do tend to wear it more often than not (I live in Australia) but I had not thought about it in the snow before!

Dalene Ekirapa said...

Many peple actually think that they should only wear sunscreen during summer but it's nice that you're pointing out that it's important to wear sunscreen even in winter. I'm getting mine too.

Laura Dove said...

Great post. I think living in the UK everyone assumes we dont need sun screen throughout the year, other than in the Summer. It;s so important all year round!

What Corinne Did said...

I don't usually wear sunscreen in winter, except when i go skiing because the sun is always super strong!

Dani said...

I just wrote about sun safety recently. When you read into UV it really is quite scary. This is a great post!

Gladys Nava said...

Looks amazing product to try! Sunscreen is so important! Even if winter season, sun is in there!

Monidipa said...

I only use sunscreen in winter, not even in summer. I sweat a lot. I Know it sounds weird but cant help.

David Elliott said...

IT's something easily forgotten. But all the white from the snow being reflected does tend to make one burn so much faster. You need to remember.

Dr. K. Lee Banks said...

I live in Maine, so I'm used to the snow and cold. Still not a fan of the super cold weather (it has been below 0 with wind chill this weekend), but I do like seeing the snowscape in the winter. I don't spend much time outside in the winter, so I never would think about using sunscreen. The points you listed certainly make sense!

Bindu Thomas said...

I only wear sunscreen when I get outside home in the day time. In our country winter is not so much strong. But you solved many peoples doubt.

Blair Villanueva said...

I think yes, even winter season you still need to wear sunscreen. Why? Those artificial lights indoors also gives bad UV rays that damages our skin in the long run.

HotMess Mom said...

I guess I never really think to use sunscreen in winter unless we are planing on being in the sun all day. It’s common sense though, the sun doesn’t just go away at winter. So we should continue protection.

Mommy Sigrid said...

Oh yes! I agree. And even indoors when there are really bright lights. We need that especially for the face.

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Mom knows best