>U Mom Knows Best: Coffee Myths And Tips For New Moms

Coffee Myths And Tips For New Moms

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on pregnancy health or a health professional. If you want to consume coffee and/or caffeine during your pregnancy PLEASE consult your healthcare professional first.

Now that I am pregnant, can I have coffee?

              I received samples of Mommee coffee to facilitate this post.

 You just saw those two red lines on a pregnancy test and discovered that you are pregnant. Congratulations on that bundle of joy and no I am not pregnant but I recently became a grandma for the first time. Whether this is your first pregnancy or your second, I bet you have plenty of questions. So if you are like most people you take your questions to the internet and start searching for answers. Sometimes these answers to the questions that you find on the internet can leave you confused. One person will say one thing and another will say the complete opposite. The internet can have a wealth of information, like tribute horse feed is the best, but is it all accurate? When I discovered that I was pregnant with my first 29 years ago, I did not have the internet. I instead got all my questions answered from a book called What to Expect When You Are Expecting. This was my go-to for answers to my pregnancy questions before I had that first doctor appointment. Back then, doctors did not see you until you were 12 weeks along. They usually just prescribed that nasty horse pill prenatal vitamin and scheduled your first prenatal visit at 12 weeks. I remember one of the questions that I had when I discovered that I was pregnant was "can I still drink coffee or have drinks with caffeine?"

Can I have coffee when I am pregnant?
With my first pregnancy, I was not a coffee drinker but I did enjoy diet coke. Twenty-eight years ago the advice was pregnant ladies had to stop all caffeine, so that meant I had to give up my diet coke. I think the reason was that it could harm the baby or cause a miscarriage. Today, the advice that Pregnant women need to give up coffee is a MYTH! Kind of like hay nets for horses.

Pregnant women needing to give up coffee is a MYTH!
Current studies suggest it is safe for pregnant women to drink coffee in moderation during their pregnancies. Most studies suggest that 200mg of caffeine a day is perfectly safe. This is equivalent to about two cups of coffee. However, make sure you listen to your body and talk to your OBGYN first. All women and pregnancies are different and certain restrictions might be advised.

Check out some baby products that I am enjoying HERE

I enjoyed coffee with my other pregnancies
 Several years later when I was pregnant again, studies showed that some caffeine was ok for us pregnant ladies and I was so relieved to know that I could enjoy a glass of diet cola, I still was not a coffee drinker. I discovered that diet cola and salty food helped ease my morning sickness (all day sickness) and helped me from losing my cookies. By the time baby number four arrived, I was a coffee drinker and drank 2 cups of coffee while I was pregnant. I had no problems with this pregnancy.

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Coffee will not affect the baby
 I was drinking 2 cups of coffee a day by the time I was pregnant with babies 3, 4, and five. These babies had no problems with anything like sleep. In fact, baby number four slept 6 hours a night from birth. I remember the doctor telling me to wake him up after 4 hours to feed him. I laughed inside when she said that. This was baby number four so I had experience with babies and I knew not to wake a sleeping baby. This baby was just fine and at twelve years old he is in the gifted program at his school. So coffee did not affect his brain. Coffee did not affect baby number three either as he was a straight-A student, graduated the valedictorian of his high school, and is on the honor roll at the merchant marine academy. My older two children, which I did not consume any coffee with were smart kids also.

Coffee will not cause early labor or a miscarriage
  All my kids were born after their due dates, except the last one who was ten days early. So my enjoyable cups of daily coffee did not cause premature births or any miscarriages for me. I enjoyed my daily coffee all the way through my pregnancy. I even continued to enjoy coffee after my kids were born and while I was breastfeeding the babies.

Coffee will not affect your breastmilk
 I enjoyed coffee every day while I was nursing my babies/ The amount of caffeine that gets into your breastmilk is less than you think and it did not affect my babies. They still took naps and slept like a baby should. They were not hyper babies either. 

Moms need coffee
 We moms get little sleep when babies are little so we need that cup of coffee to get through the day. That warm cup of coffee may make the morning so much better after being up all night with a hungry baby. Babies are a lot of work so if you need that coffee, go ahead and enjoy it without feeling guilty. Of course, check with your doctor first as each pregnancy is different and high-risk pregnant ladies may have to forgo coffee.

Calm your fears and stomach with Mommee Coffee
  I discovered a low acid coffee that is easier on that sensitive pregnancy stomach. Coffee is usually an acidic food that acid food leads to bone density loss. At a time when you are not only caring for your own bones but growing those of another, you need all the bone support you can get. Mommee Coffee is a low acid coffee so that is a bone-friendly approach to coffee consumption. This flavorful coffee also comes in delicious unique caffeine content varieties that have pregnant and new moms in mind. You can get this organic water processed coffee in decaf, 1/4 cafe 1/2 caf, and full caf so you can choose the level of caffeine that you are comfortable with or that your doctor recommends. So now you can still enjoy coffee while you are with a child. If you are looking to add some nutrition to your coffee, you can always add some protein powder to your coffee. Check out protein powders that are safe for pregnancy.


Danielle said...

i've see people drink coffee while pregnant a lot recently. I don't think it's as big an issue as it used to be.

Patricia said...

how interesting, I do not have kids so I do not even think about this! definitely a good topic to handle!

AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds like great coffee for pregnant moms. I personally don't drink coffee. I tried to lay off the caffeine in my first trimester, then I had it again in the form of Diet Coke.

Sarah Bailey said...

I am sure this is going to be such a great thing for so many pregnant mums! I mean coffee specially for them who doesn't want that!

Megha Saraf said...

Wow you cleared up many things that old people used to say. Though I don't drink coffee but i shall share it with my preggy friends

Shubh said...

I have not seen anyone giving up coffee. But yes, I had seen ladies avoiding coke.

Nabanita said...

I wish I knew this when I was pregnant. Will share this with a friend who is pregnant and loves coffee. Thanks.

Cristina Coroiu said...

While I was reading the first words of your article I started to think if there isn't some kind of coffee created specialy for pregnant women. And then, there it was :))

kumamonjeng said...

Good to know that coffee will not affect the baby. The Chinese believe that if you drink coffee during your pregnancy, the baby will come out with darker skin. Chinese prefer fairer skin so the mommy to be will all have to drink milk in order to get a fair skin baby. Pretty funny right. I hope this post reach out to more.

Kitty said...

I had coffee through out my two pregnancies and It was perfectly fine... Anything in a limit is totally fine 😊👍🏼

Unknown said...

There are a lot of myths when it comes to pregnancy. Another one was working out too much hurts the baby. Not so. As with everything else, you have to know your body. What it handled before your pregnancy is basically what it can handle while being pregnant.

Mommy Sigrid said...

Hmmm...I can't exactly remember, but I think I did stop the coffee. The effects may not be adverse, but I need to sleep.

S. Graham said...

I know that caffeine isn't the best idea while pregnant. I try to stay natural and as healthy as possible.

Delhifundos said...

Good news for the pregnant women's those who are coffee lovers and yes I heard a lot about coffee that it's not good for the pregnant ladies. Good to know that its just a myth. I am sharing this.

latte lindsay said...

I love coffee, I could not adult without it! Even during my pregnancy I enjoyed a good cup of coffee, nothing wrong with it as long as you don't over do it.

Ladonna Batiste said...

I never thought about coffee and pregnancy. I know what caffeine does to me and I wouldn't want my baby to be buzzed up like that. But if you research say that it's okay go for it.

Monique said...

I don't drink coffee, but know of several women who did so while pregnant. Their pregnancies were great. Different strokes for different folks!

Karen Monica said...

This would make many pregnant mum smile. I doesn't love a great cup of coffee. I had a friend who drank coffee almost everyday during her pregnancy.

WDWRWS said...

Congrats on your first grandbaby! I never cared for coffee until after all my kids were born, but now I literally can't start my day without it. LOL

Devyani said...

I enjoyed my coffe and tea during pregnancy ! Great write up !

Bindu Thomas said...

Looks like a great post with useful tips. I personally love coffee very much. Thanks for sharing this post.

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Mom knows best