>U Mom Knows Best: Your Health Needs Selfish Daily Me Time

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Your Health Needs Selfish Daily Me Time

If mama ain't happy, no one is! 
My "me" time with a pink face mask that is perfect for spring.

 We all have heard about "me" time but most people do not realize how important it is to their health. Taking some much needed time for yourself can make a huge difference in your health. This thing called "me" time can also help with your stress levels which is also a big part of health. I have heard many busy people complain that they do not have time to take care of themselves as they are busy with work or with taking care of other people like their kids. These are the very people who need to realize that they need to take care of the "me" first so they can do a good job of taking care of others. This time does not have to be huge as even five minutes can make a difference in how you feel. Sure, being able to carve out 30 minutes a day for selfish time to take care of you is even better but you have to start somewhere. So make today the day that you take 5 for you.

So make today the day that you take 5 for you

"Me" time is not about exercise or spending a lot of money
 Most people think that they need to spend money or hang out with friends to have "me" time. They also think that they need to use that time exercising. No, this is a time that you enjoy doing something that brings you happiness or does not cause stress. This time can be as simple as drinking a cup of coffee or listening to some music. The point is allowing "you" to do something that makes you happy without having to worry about feeling guilty. As a mom, I get the " I barely have time to pee so how can I have 5 minutes of time to myself!" That is where you have to be creative. Your time could happen after you put the kids to bed or it can mean taking kids to the park, while you sit on a bench and enjoy a cup of coffee. For moms with babies, it can mean putting the baby in the stroller and going for a walk. I have even heard of moms dropping their kids off at the gym daycare while they relax in the gym's hot tub. It can mean handing the kids off to dad and just going somewhere for 5 minutes or longer outside of the home.

Me time can be a game of Candy Crushing
  My husband likes to take some "me time with a game of Candy Crush on his phone. He plays a couple of rounds of grabbing the virtual candy and then he is ready to tackle the necessary work that he needs to for work. For my husband, this game time helps him to unwind from a long day at work.

Why is me time important?

Time doing something that you enjoy can help with your stress, boost your brain, help you concentrate, help you unwind, and help with relationships. This time can make a difference in the way you look at things.

Ditch the guilt
Remember that taking care or yourself keeps you from burning out and makes you a better parent, partner, or friend. This time for you is also so important for your health. The way I look at it, take some time for you now or you will have plenty of "me" time later while you are sick in bed. The time for you takes away the stress that can be bad for your health.

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It is easier to maintain good health than to regain it
 I am not going to tell you how to spend your "me" time as this time is what you enjoy. It needs to be a selfish time for you. Once you allow yourself some time to take care of you that may lead to you taking care of your body. Once you realize that you matter then you can discover that your health matters too. You can realize that you need to take charge of your health by doing good things for your body. Good things like feeding your body healthy nourishing food. Good things like getting enough sleep' or trying to get sleep if you are a parent of young children. My favorite "me" time is soaking in the hot tub at the gym. Good things like exercising to keep your heart healthy. Heart disease can be a silent killer and a healthy lifestyle can prevent a heart attack. Start by committing to a healthy lifestyle.

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Quality me time does not always mean alone time
 You quality time that you take does not have to be alone time. It can be time to do something you enjoy with your husband. That may mean grabbing a coffee or taking a walk around the neighborhood, catching with each other. It can be some time with friends. It can be you going to the grocery store without the kids. It can be listening to your favorite music. Just think of something that makes you happy. Make a list of things that make you happy and place it on the fridge, so that every day you can select one/ This list can have things that take five minutes, things that take longer all the way up to things that you desire to do like baking cookies or taking a vacation. Start enjoying time for you. Start enjoying life.

Me time can be enjoying a healthy meal

 Finding time to go out to eat can be hard but one can always get some healthy food to go from their favorite restaurant or even the grocery store. I do love the stores that have take-out salad bars as that makes grabbing my favorite foods so easy. About once a week, I will also grab healthy food from the freezer section and take the night off from cooking. My boys and I are loving these healthier pizza pockets that are a guilt-free indulgence of a childhood treat. These grain-free pizza pockets are dairy-free and soy-free so I can enjoy gooey pizza with the boys. They come in 5 amazing flavors like pepperoni and pizza so everyone can choose their favorites for a simple yet healthy dinner.

 I received samples of Mikeys to review and all opinions are my own.

 So make today the day that you will not feel guilty about "me" time and take 5-30 minutes doing something that makes you happy. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a piece of chocolate to spending a long soak in the tub while giving yourself a face mask.

What is your favorite "me" time?


Once Upon a Dollhouse said...

Haha love the pink face mask! We need to try this.

Michael said...

It is not bad to do a me time from time to time. It is also helping others by making yourself happy and healthy!

Brittany Charnley said...

OMG me time is my absolute favorite. I need a recharge and my family benefits from a happy and healthy mama!

Sam said...

I need the pink face mask. Also the overall title is accurate!

Shubh said...

So true. It is difficult to regain health. We don't have to be alone for me time. Yes,it's about enjoying with no stress

Tara V. said...

For years Ibfelt guilty about having me time. With 6bkids at the end of the day, my me time helped me relax and unwind.

Delhifundos said...

I am in love with your pink face mask. Waiting to see the results.

Chad said...

If mom's not happy no one is lol This is so true. Great tips to take care of yourself like you should. Thanks for sharing.

alison said...

I'm so happy that candy crush is considered me time. I find an excuse all the time to play it, when ishould be doing something else. Thank you.

Nina said...

thank you for sharing suggestions on how to pamper yourself. i need to focus on relaxing and find ways to de-stress.

Unknown said...

Me time helps you recharge and gives you time to just do some self reflection. Great Article

Chelle Dizon said...

Yes I totally agree that Moms like us and also Dads should have a “Me Time” to help lessen the stress levels. What I do on my “Me time” is to have a long bath, eat my favorite comfort foods and browsing through social media.

Cindy Ingalls said...

My favorite me time is taking a hot bath while listening to a good book or some music. It kinds of reminds me of the old Calagon, take me away ads.

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

I can't agree more. Happy n=mother, happy family. we do all need a break and it has to be often enough to feel your best

David Elliott said...

You do have to be a little bit selfish. It's like the mom who puts the air mask on herself before she puts it on her child if the pressure should drop in an aircraft. If you don't minimally maintain your needs, you cannot help others with theirs.

Janay said...

I loved reading this!! I agree me time isn’t always about spending a lot of money but me time is very important!

Sandra said...

YES! A me-time definitely is a must... I find tat spending some time just for myself helps me recover much faster and makes me more energized after. That helps me to be healthier and be proactive with my next tasks to do! You go, girl!

nishitak said...

Your day seems like a delightful way to refresh and rejuvenate. I am very fond of head massages and I splurge once a month or so on those.

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Anonymous said...

Pretty cool tips... Love reading your posts.
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PopGamer said...

Well good food always makes me happy :D Samantha

Two tanks said...

Thank you for sharing these food ideas, probably I will try to make some of these dishes

Muhammad Hassan said...

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Stars of Basketball said...

Damn, I still want to go back to childhood where things were so simple and enjoyable.

Chemistry game said...

What can I say, well done my friend, you did it again, you are awesome.

Doge2048 said...

Thanks for the fantastic recipe :)

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Mom knows best