>U Mom Knows Best: Ten Tips for a Healthy Heart

Ten Tips for a Healthy Heart

Sponsored post: All information was gathered from Macrolifenaturals.com & https://www.goredforwomen.org/

The best love is a healthy heart!

     February is the month of love. Most people are celebrating Valentine's day but did you know that February is also American Heart Month? It is the month to wear red to raise awareness for heart disease. February is the perfect month to promote heart health and take steps to learn about how you can take care of your heart. The heart is one of the most important organs in your body so while you are enjoying your chocolate, hopefully, dark chocolate, take some time to love your heart. 

 Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans, taking the lives of 2,200 people each day. In addition, 103 million adults have high blood pressure and 6.5 million are living with heart failure

Show your heart some love with these 10 tips

Everyone wants a healthy heart so try these simple lifestyle changes to give your heart the love it deserves. Some of these tips may be easier than others but make today the day that you say "I love you" to your heart and body. Treat your body with love and make your heart proud as it beats a happy beat to help pump that blood through your body. 

1. Stop smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for the lungs but it also harms your heart. Quitting smoking is never easy but it is the best thing that you can do to say I love me! Smokers have a higher risk of developing many chronic disorders like atherosclerosis or the buildup of fatty substances in the arteries. Go HERE for helpful resources to help you quit smoking. 

2. Eat smart

Most everyone knows that a diet full of healthy food is essential for a healthy heart. Some of the healthy heart food includes oatmeal, salmon, berries, and nuts. You will be happy to know that dark chocolate is also on the list. Sometimes healthy eating can use a boost and adding a Red Supplement to your diet can help with your cholesterol. My favorite red supplement is a delicious drink from Macrolife Naturals. These superfood Miracle Reds has19 different delicious fruits and an array of herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, fiber and probiotics to supports heart health and so much more. It is a delicious way to love your heart.

Take a look at some of the ingredients in Miracle Reds:

Pomegranate: Evidence suggests pomegranate improves cardiovascular function, brain tissue, bone mass, and prostate health. 
Grape Seed Extract: It’s 50 times more potent than vitamin E, and 20 times that of vitamin C. 
Goji Berries: Himalayan mountain goji berries contain amino acids and more iron than spinach.
Plant Sterols: Studies show that consuming plant sterols provides revolutionary heart protection and significant cholesterol-lowering benefits.
Mangosteen Fruit: This fruit provides xanthones, which are some of the most powerful antioxidants
found in nature to support the heart and cardiovascular system.
Oat Beta-Glucan Fiber: Oat beta-glucan fiber is a biologically active soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol and balances glucose and insulin levels.
Turmeric: Turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant with valuable compounds that help
ease inflammation, pain, and improve circulation.
Açaí 5:1 Extract: Açaí is a rare fruit found deep in the Amazon Rainforest. It’s a concentrated source of anthocyanins and has a naturally high ORAC value.
Papaya: Papayas offer a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C, B vitamins
and folate. They also contain the enzyme, papain, which aids with digestion.
Non-Dairy Probiotic Culture: Containing 18 billion non-dairy “friendly bacteria” per serving, this
culture helps with the digestion of foods and also with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Miracle Reds superfood supplement is much more than a fruit blend!  Miracle Reds Organic SuperFood is Rich in Vital Vitamins, Minerals and Polyphenols – Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten and Dairy Free.  It’s an Organic superfood supplement with probiotics: Miracle Reds Superfood fruit & veggie drinks powder with an ingredient list of vital digestive enzymes, polyphenols, vitamins & minerals for all-day energy.

Find out more about this amazing red supplement and make sure to enter the giveaway at the end to win a prize pack that contains a month supply of Miracle Reds.

++ Discount does not apply to MacroNutrition packages-United States orders ONLY!

3. Screen for diabetes

Untreated diabetes can lead to heart disease. Diabetes can be easily discovered through a simple blood test. If you discover that you have diabetes, don't stress out as it can be managed by diet and exercise and/or medication prescribed by your doctor. Take the first step and talk to your doctor about being tested for diabetes.

4. Get active  

       Heart pumping physical activity not only helps to prevent heart disease but can also improve overall mental and physical health. The American Heart Association recommends five 30 minute moderate exercise sessions each week. While this may seem impossible at first, You can break up the 30 minutes throughout the day into smaller 10-15 minutes sessions. Walking is one of the best ways to exercise. Even on the days that you don't feel like working out just remember that even 10 minutes is always better than nothing. Check out 13 Simple Ways To Sneak In A Workout and Workout Tips For Stay At Home Moms to get some motivation to workout. 

5. Build some muscle

 Strength training is not only great for toned muscles but it is also great for the heart, it might even help you burn more calories. I was late to the weight lifting thing and when I turned 50, I realized how weak my arms were after I tried yoga for the first time. The American Heart Association recommends getting in two days of strength training each week. I have been doing simple weight lifting for a year and I am amazed at how strong my arms are and I can now do push-ups with my boys.

6. Know your numbers

Healthy weight, blood pressure, and total cholesterol all play a part in a healthy heart. Now is the time to get your blood pressure and cholesterol tested to see if they are within the guidelines. Ideal weight is different for each person depending on things like age and height so check with your doctor to determine if your numbers are heart healthy.

7. Limit junk

We all love the taste of junk food but these foods can be loaded with excess sugar, salt, and saturated fat as well as being nutrient poor. These foods, when eaten in excess, can cause weight gain, raise blood pressure and clog arteries, which are all risk factors for heart disease. So love your heart and make better choices when it comes to junk food. Limit your intake of junk food and reach for healthy food more often.

8. Stress less

Did you know that stress can be bad for your heart? Stress increases cortisol, which leads to weight gain, a key risk factor for heart disease. Stress can also make you do other unhealthy habits like smoking and over-eating. Stress can also increase the risk of anxiety and depression. Many of the items on tips on this list can also help with reducing stress. To help reduce stress make time for "me time" with meditation, music, yoga, a soak in a hot tub or a night out with friends.

9. Sleep more

Sleep is important for a healthy body as it is a chance for our body to restore. Sleep can decrease stress and stress is bad for the heart. Getting enough sleep can make us feel happy as we all know how we feel when we do not get enough sleep. Aim for 6-8 hours a night. To get help with improving your sleep habits check out these Ten Tips To Get A Better Night Of Sleep.

10. Laugh more and enjoy life

A happy heart is a healthy heart. Did you know that laughing can be great for the heart? Laughing is like a mini exercise session. It improves your mood. Also, enjoy life for a healthy heart. Do things that make you happy, like dancing or watching a favorite movie. Spend time with those you love and give out more hugs. When you enjoy life, it is easier to love your heart.

Which of these tips can you do to love your heart?

Go discover more healthy heart tips, healthy heart foods, and other healthy heart resources at https://www.goredforwomen.org/

++ Discount does not apply to MacroNutrition packages-United States orders ONLY!


monique s said...

I really like that Miracle Reds have nutrient-rich, anti-aging anti-oxidants, polyphenols and heart-friendly plant sterols.

puye said...

I like that Miracle Reds have nutrient-rich, anti-aging anti-oxidants, polyphenols and heart-friendly plant sterols.


rrshep said...

I especially like the anti-aging anti-oxidants benefit.

Edye Nicole said...

I like that it is vegan!


Laurie Gannon said...

There are so many items on this list that I KNOW I should be doing - eating smarter, working out, lifting weights, etc. I am so grateful that I never became a smoker but I know there are so many other things that I could do to make my heart healthier. I need to do something before it is too late!

Meghan said...

I really appreciate that it is vegan and no artificial ingredients and high anti-oxidants!

tat2gurlzrock said...

Packed with antioxidants is a huge thing for me. This sounds like a great supplement!

Maranda Hymes said...

I've been struggling with frequent fatigue lately so "vital digestive enzymes, polyphenols, vitamins & minerals for all day energy" sounds amazing to me right now. Thank you for the chance! :)

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

love all the antioxidants and turmeric which has really helped me with back pain!

Anonymous said...

I love that you can drink this after a workout!

John Mulindi said...

The ingredients makes this the sure supplement to keep you health.

jdine said...

I love that it has probiotics!

Joanna said...

I think that one of the hardest things to do from your list is to stress less. When life brings you problem after problem is very hard to just calm down and don't think about them.

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

These are all such great tips to maintain a healthy heart. I know I could up my fitness game!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I'll keep these tips in mind for sure. I do want to have a healthy heart. My husband needs to as well--he has a history of heart disease in his family.

Livi said...

I like that it is a good work out recovery formula. I have been slacking on consuming those.

Carrie Steele said...

I like that its delicious and nutritious, great for anytime – perfect for post workout recovery and has Super Fruit Blend of blueberries, boysenberries, elderberries, blackberries, and red raspberries

Candace said...

Couldn't agree more. Taking care of ourselves is so important. Sometimes we lose track of what really matters. These are great tips to follow.


Jennifer said...

It is great tat Miracle Red has polyphenols and heart-friendly plant sterols that make it perfect for supporting fitness!

Maryann D. said...

I really like that Miracle Red is packed with antioxidants proven to help mop-up unstable free radicals that damage cells. And also that all ingredients are high in polyphenols, carotenes, and phytonutrient antioxidants – compounds sorely missing in typical diets.

AnotherFoodBlogger said...

Ok so by the looks of it my heart is a good balance of being healthy & unhealthy!!!

tatertot374 said...

I really like the anti-aging element. Thank you

Alexandra Cook said...

Wonderful tips! Some small changes can make a huge difference to your diet and longevity!

Anonymous said...

I like that it's Non GMO, Vegan, Gluten and Dairy Free with probiotics to boot.

Nabanita said...

Absolutely...You make such great points. Unless you are healthy, it very difficult to enjoy life let alone love someone and be loved without being distracted..

courtneebeth said...

My favorite is the Complete Anti-Aging Antioxidant Spectrum! I'm trying to do everything I can to look and feel better and be healthier overall.

Cristina Pop said...

These are all great advice! Unfortunately, because of lack of time,we tend to forget about our health and well-being.

Kiwi said...

Great list and I love the list of superfoods! Smoking will never many anyone healthy.

holyveggies said...

I love these tips, I'm all about healthy living.

Dalene Ekirapa said...

Eat healthy, get some exercises done, reduce the amount of junk and get regular screening! That, I will have to agree on. Cheers to a happy heart!

renata said...

I love how MacroLife is loaded with so many nutritious vegetables and fruits to keep you healthy and vibrant! Great tips on taking care of yourself too - thanks so much!

Alvern said...

This is a very interesting supplement. They have so many healthy items as standard. I must pop into the health shop tomorrow to learn more.

The Super Mom Life said...

While I'm already doing a few of these, I really need to exercise more! I'm going to commit to it and just do it.

What Corinne Did said...

I don't smoke so at least I have that. I do have a very good sleeping pattern though but i know i should improve my diet!

Unknown said...

I'M diabetic, I need a supplement to strengthen my heart

Kayte said...

I love that it has grape seed extract because I love anything that helps my skin stay supple looking.

Winkytinky said...

I like that there are no artificial ingredients.

Christine Goulbourne said...

Your tips are sound advice fir us all! I especially love your list of miracle red list!

Delhifundos said...

Very helpful tips for healthy heart. I am sharing these tips in our FB group which is all about health. Hope this will help many

Sarah Meh said...

These tips are a good reminder for me. We shouldn't ignore the importance of right amount of sleep in our lives that is vital for good health.

Ray said...

This will make a great addition to my post-workout smoothie after the gym as it's great that is how so many vegetables and fruits for antioxidants and anti-aging benefits. Wonderful healthy reminders too to keep in mind.

Blair Villanueva said...

Eating more vegetables and fruits are good! But sometimes a little treats like sweets are okay :D

Jason Vaughn said...

Thanks for the Sweepstakes.

Traci said...

Great list! I need to try some of those supplements/foods you listed.

Leela said...

No artificial ingredients.

Jen said...

I like that the ingredients are raw.

megistrate said...

They contain 1 billion non-dairy “friendly bacteria” per serving. This helps with the digestion of foods and also with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Alfreed Siang said...
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Chocolate Mami said...

I like the Miracle Reds Promotes Healthy Immunity. This Winter I've had a constant cold and I usually don't get sick.

Unknown said...

I love that this is perfect for natural immunity support! As someone that has been battling an autoimmune disorder, products like this are perfect!

Nancy P said...

I like the anti-aging benefits.

tannawings said...

I really like that you can use this in recipes and it lends itself well to a heart and healthy lifestyle.

Karley Moore said...

I like that the product is full of anti-aging anti-oxidants. Thanks for all the great info!

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Wow, I like all the benefits this has....and that it's made of fruits (I'm not a veggie eater, sadly). I like that "A Super Fruit Blend of blueberries, boysenberries, elderberries, blackberries, and red raspberries combines to form a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with antioxidants proven to help mop-up unstable free radicals that damage cells. All ingredients are high in polyphenols, carotenes, and phytonutrient antioxidants – compounds sorely missing in typical diets." Thanks and God Bless! ILuvTheEucharist @ aol dot com

Unknown said...

Perfect Post Workout Recovery Formula

Kerry P said...

I love that it has one billion friendly bacteria to assist in the vitamin absorption! I love that it has a great berry taste too!

KristinF said...

I love how easy this is to incorporate into my daily breakfast smoothie

JONI514 said...

I need the anti-aging anti-oxidants benefits. I feel like life is just closing in on me as I age. I've needed a hip replacement now for 4 years and I am just too afraid to go through with it so I need to keep my health in good shape to stay strong.

Anonymous said...

this isn't working properly for me so I had to enter anonymously but name is maria simon I love that is is vegan cant wait to try thank you

bev said...

I like the anti-aging anti-oxidants these have, especially now that I'm older. Thanks!

Peggy Rydzewski said...

non-allergenic, proprietary fruit blend. Miracle Reds has nutrient-rich, anti-aging anti-oxidants, polyphenols and heart-friendly plant sterols. Delicious and nutritious, great for anytime – perfect for post workout recovery!

Eileen Boyce said...

I like that it is vegan and no artificial ingredients.

yellowlabs said...

I like that this gluten free!

Chucosgirl said...

I love that it promotes healthy immunity!

Harry jacob said...

frases Thanks for sharing. I like this post because we can get some useful information from your blog. This blog is very nice

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Mom knows best