>U Mom Knows Best: Twelve Things Your Skinny Friend Wants You To Know

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Twelve Things Your Skinny Friend Wants You To Know

Do you have that friend who is in great shape? Do you think that they have great genes or just are lucky? All may not be as it seems, so read on to discover how they stay in shape.

  We all have that friend who seems to be one of the lucky ones who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. You know the one who likes exercising and eating veggies. The ones who can wear a size four and complain about her love handles on her flat stomach. The friend who talks about going to the gym for fun. The friend who can go swimsuit shopping and find a swimsuit that looks good on her.

The friend that has the good genes

 You may wonder why she has the good genes and not you. You may wonder how she stays so fit. Well, I may be that friend that you consider to be one of the lucky ones but I am not really lucky. I  have the same battles when it comes to food and exercise. I have just learned over the years some healthy habits to help me win the war against the battle of the bulge. I want to share some things that I do to stay in shape. 

 It is all about being healthy and not about what size you are. People come in different shapes and sizes. Love your body first and then take good care of it.

1. I don't diet
 I tried a diet once and I failed miserably. I think I lasted a couple of hours on a diet once and gave up. I simply love food and I was not willing to go hungry. I lack the needed discipline to stay on a fad diet and while I admire those who have the willpower to do the whole 30, paleo, keto, or any other current diet, I shake my head and think I could never give up bread.

2. There is no magic pill
 Stop believing all those ads. There is no magic pill that allows you to eat whatever you want and be skinny. It takes hard work and sweat to lose weight. It also takes a while to lose weight. You did not gain that weight overnight and you will not lose 10 pounds by Friday.

3. There is green tea matcha 
   While there is no magic pill to help you lose weight, there are supplements that can help give you the energy so you will feel like working out and they may also put you in a good mood so you will make wise choices. One of my favorite supplements is matcha or green tea powder.

 Matcha is simply green tea leaves that are made into a powder. We all know how healthy green tea is for antioxidants so 1/2 teaspoon of matcha is equal to about 10 cups of green tea. Matcha is also said to be great for metabolism. I like to add matcha to my morning smoothie but it also tastes so delicious in a cold fat-free green tea latte.

4. Exercise is not always fun
 Sure you see or hear me talking about having a blast while running a race but you don't hear about the days that I have to drag myself out the door to go to the gym or for a walk. There are plenty of days that I would rather not work out but I force myself to do so five days a week because I know that it is good for my health and I like the way I look. I do find that once I get myself off the couch and start exercising, I start enjoying it. I also found that upbeat music helps me work out. 

5. I need still need the motivation to stay in shape
 Sticking to healthy habits is not easy. So I rely on my kids and husband to keep me healthy. Now that my husband has joined the gym, he helps me stay fit by asking me to meet him at the gym after work. Me saying yes also helps him get his butt to the gym. The kids love going to the park so I walk laps around the park while they play. I don't let my kids be my excuse for not exercising and instead, I make fitness a priority. I like to set an example for my kids, so they can learn to importance of fitness. See some fitness tips for stay-at-home parents.

6. No pain no gain
    A bit of muscle pain is normal when you first start working out but don't let that pain stop you from getting in shape. It does get better after a while and there are natural ways to treat muscle pain and other body aches. My favorite healthy supplements that I use after a good vigorous workout session are turmeric and CBD oil

 I tend to push myself hard when I run or lift weights. When I experience some muscle pain as it means that I am doing my body good. I also know that once I get home, these supplements will help take my pain away. Make sure to read this article to learn more about the benefits of CBD oil and why I love it.

 I stopped weighing myself years ago as that scale just made things worse for me when I was trying to get in shape. I would step on the scale and see that I lost a pound, so I would reward myself with food or I would discover that I gained weight. That would then set me in a bad mood so I would comfort myself with food. So now I just stay away from any scale and instead have a mindset that I need to eat healthy food and exercise to stay healthy. I also judge my progress by the way my clothes fit. If my pants are hard to button, then I will work out harder that day.

Discover my secret to young-looking skin. Use discount code MOMKNOWSBEST to save on this amazing facial device.  

8. I crave cookies and pizza
 Sure, most of the time I eat healthy food, and yes I enjoy veggies, but I do want pizza or cookies some days. So I enjoy a cookie, not the whole bag. I will also make a healthier pizza with lots of veggies on it. I also make my cookies healthier with less sugar or with lots of healthy ingredients like oatmeal and chia seeds. Check out this recipe for Guilt-free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookies. If I do indulge in a bakery cookie or take-out pizza, I enjoy every bite without any guilt as I know that I will go back to my healthy foods the next meal. The key for me is to make a list before a shop so I only buy healthy foods at the store. If that is hard for you, then order your groceries online and pick them up so you will not be tempted by junk food. Another way to not be tempted at the grocery store and try some new healthy food at the same time is to get a meal box subscription. Lots of the meal boxes are allergy and diet-friendly.

9. I don't judge 
  When I see someone who is struggling with their health, I don't judge them. I instead think about how I can help and encourage you when you are ready to make a change. When I see you out walking or at the gym, I smile as you took that first step of wanting to feel better. I want to high-five you or encourage you at the gym but I am afraid of reaching out to others. That is something that I need to work on. I may also be enjoying my music and getting my stress out.  I just hope you are not judging me for being the crazy one on the treadmill going way too fast. I enjoy fast intense workouts and sweating. Sweating is a good thing. So don't worry about how you look when you are working out at the gym, as you are loving yourself and that is all that matters. Exercise is so good for your heart and your well-being. People who exercise have fewer colds as their bodies can fight those germs better.

10. It took time for me to develop healthy habits
  I have been working on my healthy habits for quite some time. I also have had times in my life when I was not so healthy. I know that healthy eating and exercise make me feel good. I have really been sticking to exercise and an almost plant-based diet for the past 7 months as I had a rough year of asthma problems that first started affecting my exercise, I felt so out of shape as breathing was hard when running. Then my asthma symptoms got so bad that I was having bad coughing attacks that left me gasping for air.

 It was finally after eliminating all dairy, soy, and mushrooms that my asthma now only happens when I am exposed to smoke and chemical fragrances. Exercise also helps me get the gunk out of my lungs so I can breathe better. Eliminating foods that I am allergic to has allowed me to stop taking allergy medicine this winter and I have not had any sleep apnea episodes either. I am hoping when spring comes that I won't have to start back on allergy medicines but with my children having diagnosed allergies to weeds and grass I will have to wait and see.

My best healthy habit is drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day! 
  ~ Drinking a glass of water before meals will help you to eat less and will help with weight loss.

11. I was a fat child
     People don't believe me when I tell them I was a chubby kid. I remember shopping as a kid and having to buy my clothes in the pretty plus section and even then those sometimes did not fit. I was made fun of because of my size and I never had that many friends. I also was always the last one to get picked for any school team. I was also the kid who had bad eczema and frequent stomach aches. So I know what it is like to feel like to be unhealthy.

It was through self-help books that I learn how to take charge of my health. So that is why I am passionate about helping others achieve a healthy body. I love teaching my kids about nutrition and I make them look at their body like a car. I tell them that if you put bad gas (food) or no gas into a car it does not go. If you don't do regular maintenance on a car (exercise) the car needs to be repaired.

12. I start my day with a protein smoothie
   I too get tempted to eat foods that are not the best for my body. So I have found that starting my day off with a glass of water and then a protein smoothie that is loaded with nutrition and superfoods like fruit, veggies, and flaxseed. This ultra-healthy drink puts my mind into healthy thinking for the day. My smoothie also has 20 grams of protein to sustain my energy. My delicious smoothie also has 10 grams of fiber from chia or flax seed so it keeps me full for several hours and helps with my potty habits too.  I find that starting my day with healthy foods helps me to make healthy choices all day long.

 I know what you are thinking, that sounds boring and it probably tastes bad. If you use a great-tasting protein powder that comes in vanilla or chocolate and then I add different fruits to it, then it is delicious. I never add any vegetables to my daily smoothie, instead, I add a green or red superfood powder, depending on the flavor I want, for awesome nutrition. When I want a chocolate smoothie, I use chocolate protein powder and blueberries. Sometimes I even add peanut butter powder. When I feel like a fruit-flavored smoothie, I use vanilla protein powder and fruit. My favorite smoothie is a Tropical Coconut Mango Smoothie. Get the recipe HERE.

Tip: stock your freezer with frozen fruit and your pantry with vanilla and chocolate powder so you can drink a healthy smoothie every day.

It is all about being healthy and not about what size you are. People come in different shapes and sizes. Love your body first and then take good care of it.


AnotherFoodBlogger said...

I’m lucky enough that I don’t put on much weight - was always very active growing up. These days I struggle to find the time and do see a few lbs more but I’ve learnt to be happy with the fact I don’t have a 6 pack but am generally fit(ish)

Nabanita said...

Most of my weight shows on my tummy. I don’t put on elsewhere if that makes sense. But I wish I had the energy to workout just to make myself stronger and get more stamina.

Joanna said...

I used to be very skinny when I was younger, no matter how much I ate, it wouldn't stick on me. Now the things have changed and I did put a little bit of weight on. I actually enjoy working out at the gym.

Mom Knows Best said...

I too have weight on my tummy from having 5 kids. Try walking for exercise

Mom Knows Best said...

That was my husband but it too caught up and he is now eating better and exercising.

latte lindsay said...

I'm one of those "lucky ones" too but it really annoys me that people think I don't work hard to maintain my shape. Running marathons isn't easy!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I was lucky until I hit 20! I had amazing metabolism. Then it died on me. So now I have to jog daily if I want to still have my junk food, which I refuse to give up.

S. Graham said...

You are SO right that exercise isn't always fun. That's often why I skip doing it. However, I have found many ways to make it fun for myself so I'll want to do it.

Themamicam said...

I'm gonna copy you about the protein smoothie to start my day! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I love starting my day with a smoothie too. It gets things off to the right’s start and sets me up for good choices. Exercise is the most challenging aspect for me.

Mom Knows Best said...

I like to change things up with exercise. Sometimes just starting the exercise helps, like today I it is cold and windy out so I will tell myself that I can just walk on the treadmill but once I start listening to music I usually have a good workout.

Aishwarya Shenolikar said...

Talking about weight is always tough for me. But, I suppose whether you're overweight or skinny, there is always some or the other challenge. Thanks for the perspective!

Dalene Ekirapa said...

I have a friend in super good shape who necer does workouts nor eat healthy. I think it's just in her genes. For me, I'm just slim, even if I workout or not, eat or not. I hardly change. And I've loved it this way.

Alvern said...

This is so awesome thanks for sharing. I believe people spend too much time worrying about diets instead of staying mindful about what they consume everyday. There is also the flip side of friends who spend a lot of time running marathons only to discover that they have cancer. Live life in moderation, eat smart and enjoy your time with friends and family.

Princess Quinn said...

Many people gets jealous to those who eats so much but don't gain weight. You are right, there is no secret diet. It could be that some people are lucky or unlucky.

What Corinne Did said...

Staying in shape is requires so much effort and motivation! but it is rewarding in the end! there is no secret indeed

Farrah less said...

Someway we all miss our weight when we were bit younger. I wish it was that easy to lose weight. I myself have to hike hours to get that ideal weight for summer body

Shubh said...

I believe the social network and society has made most people feel bad about their body shape. Fat or thin , everyone has to face it. We should focus more on exercise and healthy supplement for good energy. We should all ignore what other people say and just focus on our healthy life :) That's true there are no secret pills.

Mommy Sigrid said...

Everyday is a new day. But I keep pushing off the plan to exercise. Sometimes I start and stop after a day. Sigh...

Mom Knows Best said...

I grew up with hearing that only people who need to lose weight need to exercise. Now I know better, that all people need to exercise to keep their body healthy. All should eat healthy as even a skinny person can have a heart attack.

Mom Knows Best said...

It should not be about body size but rather taking care of your body. When I exercise, I think about my heart and also how exercise is helping my body fight off germs and other diseases. When I eat, I think about the nutrition that my body needs to run properly and I never count calories. It is about loving your body and not weight. I have no clue how much I weight and I am proud of my belly bulge as it stretch out five times to give me 5 wonderful kids.

Mom Knows Best said...

Those people who seem to be able to eat a lot may also move a lot or they dont eat much the rest of the day. I may eat a lot when I go out to eat or I am at a party but then I may not each much the other meals.

Mom Knows Best said...

Focus not on losing weight but rather health. Over exercising is no good either. Our bodies need 30-40 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. I found that adding in muscle exercises helps. Yoga is great for muscles as well as lifting 5 pound kettle ball weights. One can do both while watching TV. Doing weights 2-3 times a week for 10-20 minutes is ideal.

Mom Knows Best said...

I so agree with this. We should focus on health and not size. That is why I stay off that darn scale as it is evil.

Ankita said...

Oh, I have been a skinny girl since forever. It's probably an inheritance. With everyone talking about bodyshaming, I want to point out that even skinny girls feel bad. There are so many time that people called me a skeleton, a girl with no curves, a girl with a boy like body, a stick and what not! It breaks my heart to see people bashing someone else for their body type. So, when people say mean things about skinny people to make a non-skinny person feel good, it actually hurts. Your post title really opened up something :)

I applaud you for being determined and in shape. As long as you are healthy, nothing else really matters. Doesn't it?

Mom Knows Best said...

I so agree that it is about health.

Bindu Thomas said...

I love starting my day with some exercise and a smoothie. But I usually skip exercise and only have smoothie. Thanks for sharing.

Blair Villanueva said...

Each of us have different body type. Some are born skinny, and some are born opposite. What importance is you accept yourself as who you are. :D

Becca said...

Interesting post – some great tips and advice here! I will definitely have to take some of this on board x

Cristina Petrini said...

I admire you a lot because I would like to have your perseverance and your knowledge to be able to take care of yourself in the best way!

melissa said...

You are refreshing because you are like all of us who workout because we have to would love to gorge on pizza and ice cream. I do have to try matcha it seems like a great supplement.

Celebrate Woman said...

Tara, I adore your sharing the tips from your own experience, your own daily living. That's what really motivates.

Ryan Escat said...

Great that you share your tips as well! Each of us has different body, skin color etc., and that's correct no matter what else as long as you accept yourself.

Lavanda Michelle said...

I shared this with my friends, we will watch tomorrow during our morning walk.

Lyanna Soria said...

Quite an interesting read and love reading different experience of people. Those are some great points to keep in mind.

Chad said...

Amazing tips!!! Thank you so much for the amazing insights especially not weighing yourself every two minutes like i do!

Joanna said...

I used to be able to eat everything and I wouldn't put on any weight. But that was when I was in my 20s. Metabolism changes.

Mommy Sigrid said...

hahaha I have a problem who is exactly that. I think that now she is down to 90 lbs and it's really her problem because being too thin is also not healthy/

Sarah Bailey said...

Hands up I'm overweight - it got a lot worse when I lost my mobility + the medication I'm on I struggle to do much to shift it. I definitely think there are issues with people judging both sides of the spectrum.

Monica Simpson said...

I threw away my scale a long time ago. I stopped caring about the number and started caring way more about how I feel.

The Super Mom Life said...

I think everyone has their own journey with food and health issues that they have to overcome. There is no right size.

Marysa said...

I could have written this about myself. Everyone is different and we need to recognize that is how life is.

Ivan Jose | Dad On The Move said...

Wonderful thoughts. I don't diet too and I love food. I get cranky when I don't get to eat the food that I want. But I do try to exercise and manage the amount of delicious food I eat. As long as I'm healthy and I'm happy with the way I look, I'm fine. Haha.

Brianna steele said...

I love this article! As someone who is also built small, I hate how people just assume I eat healthy 100% of the time...not even close to the truth!

StacieinAtlanta said...

I had no idea about these things. I've never been skinny.

Richelle Escat said...

I know a lot of people whom I consider lucky because of their petite figure, and they are really lucky coz they loved their body and they really ate a lot without gaining. Ughhh

Scarlett Brooklyn said...

Green tea works great and protein smoothies too. But I prefer smoothies, coz it's really refreshing.

Melanie Edjourian said...

I stopped weighing myself years ago but don't think it did me any favours. I do try to exercise where I can.

Gust si Aroma said...

wow! Thanks for being sincere. And I think that everyone is in the same situation. It's not easy to be in shape but it's possible!

Kelli A said...

I relate to so much of this. I also try not to weight myself for the same exact reasons you listed.

Jasmine said...

i've been skinny shamed my whole life. no matter your size, body shaming is wrong and never justified

Terri Steffes said...

I like the green tea matcha piece. I didn't know it did those things for you!

Authentic Food Quest said...

Staying fit and exercising is a habit, like any other that must be developed consistently. Being physical helps and so does eating. Love your protein packed smoothie and matcha tea recommendation. Love this article!

Swathi said...

You are right, I was skinny gril while growing up, but with two kids I become fat. Now trying reduce the weight is a struggle.

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Mom knows best