>U Mom Knows Best: Can The Grain Quinoa Strengthen My Hair

Can The Grain Quinoa Strengthen My Hair

           I was sent a sample of Quinoaplex to try and facilitate this post

   My hair is usually dry and frizzy with plenty of split ends. I like to blame my dry hair on the weather and living in the desert but I know that my damaged hair could be the result of too much hair coloring. Coloring one's hair can lead to hair that is way too dry and the chemicals that do the magic of transforming my hair to a pretty shade of blonde are the cause. The past couple of years, I have been trying to eliminate toxic chemicals from my personal care beauty products but the one product that has been hardest for me has been hair color. Sure, I could just stop dyeing my hair but I am not too fond of my real hair color, dishwasher blonde. I am not even sure why they gave that hair color that name, maybe it is from the dirty water that is in the dishwasher. I am also at 53, starting to see some white hairs growing in. I really need to start using natural hair color but have you seen the price? I am not even sure natural hair color would work.

Can the grain quinoa help my damaged hair?

Introducing Quinoaplex by ONC, made of the new miracle grain “quinoa”, that transforms hair when hydrolyzed and molecules are then small enough to get through the cuticles of the hair to penetrate into the hair shaft. Quinoaplex by ONC is therefore beneficial because hair is made of 85% Protein which also is called Keratin. Washing hair, color/bleach and/or its exposure to sun, causes loss of protein, thinning of hair (men & women), hair loss and hair breakage. 

Did you know that Quinoa does wonders for the hair? 

That is what the company that makes Quinoaplex says and I want to find out if this bottle could help my hair and fix the damage that I have caused my hair. The product said I could spray in on my hair or add a capful to my chemical hair color before I colored my hair. Since I had just recently colored my hair, I chose to spray in my hair. The first time I used the product I sprayed it on my hair in the shower after I shampooed it. I then towel dried my hair and massaged it into my hair. I followed the directions and rinsed it out, followed by conditioner. I did not see much difference in my hair as it was still frizzy the next day.

I gave the product a second chance

 I reread the directions that came with the Quinoaplex and it said that I could spray the liquid on my hair after washing and leave it there. The instructions also said to use the product before using a conditioner as conditioner closes the cuticles of hair, therefore, limiting its penetration. So I after I washed my hair, I sprayed it lightly with the quinoa product and let it dry naturally. My hair felt softer and looked less frizzy. So I did see some improvement in my hair. This product can be used daily so I will be using it every time I wash my hair. I will just have to remember to towel dry my hair after washing it so my wet hair does not dilute the product. When my hair needs coloring, I will also add some of the product to the coloring product. I am thinking with regular use of Quinoaplex my hair become stronger as the quinoa protein will penetrate through the cuticles and supplements the protein loss that happens through coloring.

It also protects against hair loss and thinning 

 I am glad that I do not have any hair loss as for now, my hair is thick but it is good to know that this product will protect my hair from that. I am going to explore hair coloring products that are less damaging to my hair as I don't like dry frizzy damaged hair. I want healthy soft hair and maybe once my hair is restored maybe it will be easier to manage my curls.

Other great benefits of quinoa hair protein are:

It promotes growth
Helps the pigmentation of your hair color
Its minerals are natural hair strengtheners
Protects your hair from environmental damaging agents like air pollution.

Do you like to color your hair?


Patricia said...

it is amazing all the benefits one can get from this tiny seeds! always great for the tummy but never knew it can help with the hair too!

Eric Kaya said...

Hi, we are the manufacturers of Quinoaplex. The product has to be used after washing and towel drying hair ( so as to not to dilute the quinoa ptotein)
If it is to be used as Leave on, it has to be used before condtioner not after. Condtioner closes cuticles of hair therefore limiting its penetration.

Michael said...

Just basing on looks, I think it did. But give us updates after some few days.

Mom Knows Best said...

This is good info to know. I will try it this way, next time I wash my hair and give an update on my hair.

Mom Knows Best said...

I will be using this product again and share new photos.

Shubh said...

That's what dry and frizzy hair people need it. I also have dry hair and I would like to try out this product.

Terri Beavers said...

I've been having a lot of hair loss and thinning lately. I need something good that will help strenghthen my hair. I've got to check this product out.

Brie said...

I colored my hair a bunch in my teens but I have not done so in many years. I have a full head of natural hair haha, I just didn't like how stringy it would feel.

Monidipa said...

First of all you have great hair. I never knew grain-quinoa is great in strengthening hair.

Brittany Charnley said...

Oooooh i've never heard about the quiona and it's strengthening powers for hair. I really need to try this

ayiza said...

First of all you have great hair. I never knew grain-quinoa is great in strengthening hair.
Henna Hair Dye

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Mom knows best