>U Mom Knows Best: How To Make Easy Cold Brew Coffee

Monday, June 24, 2019

How To Make Easy Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is so delicious and so easy to make. Once you discover how easy it is to make cold brew coffee, you will skip the coffee shops. You can store the cold brew coffee in the fridge and then use it to make a coffee drink over ice or heat it up for a delicious latte.

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 There is something about the warmer weather that makes me want a glass of cold-brew coffee. I then remember how easy it is to make cold-brew coffee and wonder why I waited until summer to enjoy the best-tasting coffee. Cold-brew coffee is popular right now in the coffee shops as it makes the best ice lattes and other summer coffee drinks. This popular coffee concentrate is so easy to make so save your money and make your own cold-brew coffee at home. You don't need any fancy coffee beans or machines to make this delicious coffee. If you are a coffee lover, you probably have everything that you need to make a pitcher of cold-brew coffee.


 Cold-brew is different from iced coffee. Iced coffee is simply brewed coffee that has been cooled and then poured over ice. Cold brew coffee is coffee that has brewed in cold water, which results in a smoother cup of coffee that is sweeter and less acidic. Cold-brew coffee will stay fresher longer, up to a week in the fridge while hot brew coffee gets stale rather quickly.


+ Cold Brew is slowly brewed in cold or room temperature water, rather than being quickly brewed with hot water.

+ Cold brew is higher in caffeine – cold brew contains 100-200 mg of caffeine, compared to about 95 mg of caffeine in a traditional cup of coffee.

Regular coffee only tastes fresh on the day it’s made, whereas cold brew coffee stays fresh for 5-7 days when refrigerated.

+ Cold brew coffee has less acid so does not have a bitter taste.

  I love cold brew coffee as it has a way better less bitter taste than traditional coffee. Cold-brew coffee also has a rich sweet smooth taste that can only be achieved by soaking the coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours. You see, the bitter taste that traditional coffee can have is caused by brewing the coffee grounds in hot water and that can also cause the coffee to have more acidity. When I drink cold brew coffee, I add way less sugar to my cup as it has a sweet delicious taste. You can also mix it up by using flavored coffee beans. Bones Coffee has an impressive array of diverse flavors to add a unique twist to your traditional cold brew. 


 There are many ways to make cold-brew coffee. You can use special cold brew filters, a Mason jar, or even special cold brew K-cups. There are many products for sale for making cold brew coffee but all you really need is a jar, coffee, water, and a way to filter the coffee. Those paper coffee filters work just fine to strain the coffee but if you are going to be making cold brew coffee often, I would invest in a mesh filter or nut milk bag to make straining easier. You can also buy a pitcher or a cold-brew coffee kit that is made for cold brew coffee making. These Cold Brew Mason jar kits even come with the mesh filters that make straining the coffee grounds so easy.. Cold-brew coffee can be stored in the fridge for up to a week so I like to make enough concentrate to last for a couple of days. The below recipe makes enough cold brew concentrate to make 6 or more cups of coffee.


  My favorite way to make cold brew coffee is with a Mason jar. I simply add the coffee grounds to a  Mason jar and then cold water. I then let the coffee brew at room temperature for 24 hours. If you are short on time 12 hours will make a nice cold brew coffee but 24 hours will yield more flavor. Most of the time I just make enough coffee to drink every day, but in the summertime, I will make more cold brew coffee so I have plenty to share with my husband. Sure it seems like you are using more coffee when making cold brew coffee but you are making a concentrate. Make sure to use the right amount of coffee. If you have a kitchen scale weighing the coffee will give you better results. Using a coarse coffee will also provide better results so using whole bean coffee is recommended. You can use ground coffee also but use a coarse blend of coffee like ones made for drip coffee makers.

If you like this recipe, be sure to Pin It on Pinterest!

Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate
3 cups of water
+ 3 ounces coarse ground coffee, about 3/4 cup
+ a large glass mason jar with a lid
+ 1 paper coffee filter or fine mesh cloth nut milk bag
strainer or mesh coffee filter
+ a pitcher or glass mason jar to store the coffee concentrate in

 Combine the filtered water and coffee in the large mason jar. Stir the water and grounds up well so they are thoroughly wet.  Place the lid on the jar and place it in the fridge or on the countertop for 12-24 hours. After the coffee has brew place the paper coffee filter in the strainer or filter. Then place the filter on top of the other empty mason jar. Pour the coffee concentrate through the filter to strain out all the coffee grounds. A mesh cloth nut milk bag makes straining the coffee so easy. If you are using a coffee filter, I recommend using the mason jar lid to hold back the coffee grounds so they don't clog the paper coffee filter.

Store the coffee concentrate in the fridge for 7-10 days. To enjoy the coffee cold, use 1 part coffee concentrate to 1-3 parts to water, milk, or nut milk. To enjoy hot, combine the coffee concentrate with 1-3 parts hot water. The amount of water that you add to the concentrate depends on how strong you prefer your coffee. Add your sugar, if desired, and enjoy. This makes 3 cups coffee concentrate which then makes 6 or more cups depending on how much you use per serving. 

Make sure to weigh your coffee grounds as I discovered that 3 ounces of my coffee equaled a 3/4 dry measure cup. 

Want to make cold brew coffee for one?

Click HERE to learn about a unique product that allows you to brew a delicious one cup of cold brew coffee at a time.  This coffee product is ao simple to use and is great for home and travel. With this coffee product, you can have a cup of cold brew coffee in as little as 12 hours.

Items to buy to make cold-brew coffee


Cristina Petrini said...

The cold coffee of any kind is just not for me ... but it sounds interesting!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I wish I liked coffee! I'll have to show this to my mom, who loves her coffee and will try these out!

Jessi Joachim said...

I absolutely love cold brew coffee, but I have never made it myself. I think I will have to try this out though because it seems pretty easy!

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

Simple drink to make, I love making my cold brew especially on weekends afternoon break.

anshul said...

I have always wanted to make my own cold brew coffee. This one also sounds like a budget friendly one. I am tired of paying for expensive coffee all the time.

Sarah M said...

Yesterday my hubby was talking about cold brew coffee and today I saw your post, I think I should try it now :)

Alvern said...

I never quite realised that cold brew coffee was actually a thing. Due to the addictiveness of coffee it is not something I am interested in for health reasons but it is good to know what options are available.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh yum, I just love cold brew coffee. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us!

leah said...

this is a great recipe. my husband makes this type of coffee every morning!

Farrah Less said...

Cold brew coffee is my favorite especially in summer where the weather is like high 80's. My husband will thrilled on this recipe I can't wait to try this at home very soon.

S. Graham said...

I've never been able to drink coffee cold for some reason. However, my husband loves it like this!

Erica Rodgers said...

I love cold brew especially in the summer. I just assumed you made it and refrigerated it. That's why it never tasted right when I tried it lmao. Thank you!

fashionmommy said...

Coffee over ice is absolutely one of my summer faves, so I will definitely be doing this to save money this summer.

Unknown said...

I've recently discovered cold brew and I love it. I've been meaning to look into what makes cold brew different other than the self-explanatory name.

Miss Tilly And Me said...

I never knew there were different ways to make cold coffee! You learn something new everyday. Hope you really enjoyed it

Sundeep said...

Coffee and friends are the perfect blend. I love coffee. And thanks to you for sharing for sharing how ot make cold brew coffee which I dont know earlier

Shalini said...

I love cold brews! I'm gonna try your method because after all, coffee is life!

Hannah Marie said...

I have initially thought it's both the same actually. I like that it is not complicated to make and prepare. I prefer this more than hot coffee.

Enriqueta E. Lemoine said...

I love my hot coffee in the morning, but I will be switching it up every now and then thanks to this post. Thank you very much!

Lala said...

I'm not a coffee lover before, but last year started to really loved them. However now I can't drink them anymore because whenever I had them, I always feel dizzy and nausea. But even now, I still love the coffee smell.

Brand My Cafe said...

Great tips! I've learned a lot of new things from your blog. Will try to make this cold brew coffee in the morning.

Aditi said...

I personally enjoy cold brews more over the regular cold coffees, although I have never brewed at home but have been toying witht his idea for long

Tessa said...

I am a little embarrassed to say I never knew the difference between cold brew and iced coffee until now! It's awesome you can make it ahead and leave it in the fridge a week or so to use it up each morning. I so prefer this idea to having to go to a coffee shop!

Julia Hess said...

I honestly never knew the difference between cold brew and iced coffee. Sounds like I would enjoy a cold brew more than an iced coffee and I really like iced coffee.

Brianne said...

Yes! I'm so glad I found this! I've been missing my cold brew over these past months. I can't wait to make my own!

Unknown said...

so, I love coffee but have never had cold brew. I hear about it all the time but didn't know it was twice as concentrated. I will have to try it.

Mama to 5 said...

I love coffee. I am doing low carb so I use flavored coffee with 1 scoop of monk fruit sugar and a bit of nut pods for the creamer then put it in my Vitamix with ice. It is amazing!

Loise said...

I love drinking hot coffee, but since the weather here is very hot, maybe I can give this a try!

CA said...

I will definitely buy a cold brew filter. That is now on my list of things to get after the quarantine. Unless I can find one on my next grocery trip!

The Super Mom Life said...

I've always wondered how to make cold brew. I can't wait to try this out!

Sherry said...

I didn't know there was a difference between cold brew and iced coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker but my husband is.

Lisa said...

I’m a big coffee fan, but never knew how to make this. I’ll give it a try today.

Nyxie said...

This is amazing! Thank you for sharing. I've been looking for a good cold-brew recipie. I've never tried it before but it's too warm here right now to carry on with my usual.

Toni said...

As a coffee lover, I am so happy to try this! Thank you!

Melissa said...

What a great recipe for at home cold brew coffee. I am a coffee addict and regularly enjoy changing it up. I will have to do this for tomorrow's cup of joe.

Adrienne said...

I am not a fan of cold brew coffee but my teenage kids are. Thanks for sharing this, I really though it was just cold coffee!!

Littlemisadvencha said...

YUMYUM! This makes me want to try one.. <3 I love this!

solrazo.com said...

Oh after that trending whipped coffee got me awake for 24 hours, this post feels like teasing me again haha

Kristyn said...

I resisted cold brew for too long, even though I kept hearing good things about it. After I tried it, I realized what I was missing out on!

Erin said...

I love cold brew coffee! Thanks for showing me how to make it!!

Lyanna Soria said...

My mom and I love our coffee and I often find coffee related recipes to surprise her. I'm sure she'll love this cold brew coffee recipe you have.

Ladystitch said...

I simply love cold brew!!!! I don't get heartburn when I drink copius amounts!

Natalie said...

I love cold brewed coffee. The flavor is amazing. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Yo siy said...

Are you a latte lover if you want to make coffee Latte coffee

noorg said...

This is also a very good post which I really enjoyed reading. It is not every day that I have the possibility to see something like this.. coffee

David said...

For these reasons alone, you can see why people are so adamant about having their morning Caffeiene Addiction Help or tea before going to work!

John smith said...

This is such an awesome idea! I need to make one for my kitchen since its coffee themed.kona coffee beans

John smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jobxuse said...

This is also a very good post which I really enjoyed reading. It is not every day that I have the possibility to see something like this.. Step by Step Coffee Brewing Guides

Terri Steffes said...

I am big into my cold brew. I do it in a similar way as you. It requires good coffee beans.

Joline said...

We're all about cold brew coffee now that the weather is getting warmer. Never thought to make some in a mason jar!

Tammy said...

I love cold brew and it is a much smoother taste.

Richelle Escat said...

I haven't tried making cold brews, I'm a coffee addict, I will never let my self not try this.

Rose Ann Sales said...

My family might love this too, thanks for guide, we'll definitely try it.

Ivan | Daddy Blogger PH said...

These are amazing information. I honestly didn't know what cold brew was until I read your post. Well, I hear about cold brew coffee but I thought it was regular (heat) brewed coffee that's chilled.

Anosa Malanga said...

This is indeed a great read. I learned something new about the difference between the two. I guess I will be doing more of the cold brew now.

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