>U Mom Knows Best: The Best Way To Take CBD Products

The Best Way To Take CBD Products

 Thinking that CBD, a natural hemp-derived remedy might be an option for you, but not sure where to start? Keep Reading to find out more.

I received samples and information from https://vitalleaf.com/ to facilitate this post

 I am no stranger to CBD oil and have been using it for many years. Over the years I have used CBD products for many different reasons and I love sharing my CBD experiences with my readers. That way you can understand the best uses of CBD. While I have plenty of experience with CBD, I am still learning about CBD benefits and uses.

 The first time I took CBD, I really did not understand much about CBD oil. It took a couple of uses of CBD in different forms to understand how to use CBD products. I felt comfortable using CBD oil as I knew that it was a natural product that comes from a plant and not a factory. CBD or cannabidiol is one of 100+ naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis, a genus of flowering plants including the hemp plant.

CBD is a natural product derived from the hemp plant and unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and will not make a user feel "high"

What are the most common reasons people use CBD?

 Scientific research and clinical studies have found CBD to have a wide variety of health benefits. I have used CBD for sleep, to help me fall asleep faster. I have also used CBD oil for anxiety. My favorite way to use CBD is for pain relief. 

Some of the most common reasons people use CBD

+ Headaches

+ Depression

+ Anxiety

+ Sleep

+ Pain

Ways to take CBD

 CBD is a natural product that is sold in many different forms. Once you decide to try CBD, you need to decide the best way to take CBD. I love using CBD gummies for my bedtime treat to help me fall asleep. Before I used CBD for sleep, I was having trouble falling asleep. All the best sleep tips were not helping me get a good night of sleep. For pain relief, I was using CBD topicals as a natural way to treat muscle pain. For dental pain, I would give my boys CBD capsules after their orthodontist appointment.

Types of CBD products

+ Edibles

+ Topicals

+ Vape

+ Tincture

+ Capsules

How CBD interacts with your body and mind

  CBD needs to get into your bloodstream to work efficiently as then the CBD can work with your body and mind. Your body or human endocannabinoid system (ECS) has many receptors that interact with cannabinoids like CBD. These receptors in your body affect your mood, sleep, memory, appetite, digestion, pain sensation, and immunity. It is amazing to learn where the receptor locations are in your body.

Common Receptor locations

+ Brain

+ Organs

+ Blood

+ Skin


+ Muscles 

+ Nervous System

How to best take CBD

 Once you decide on the form of CBD product that you will be using, make sure to learn how to use CBD. Recently I learned that I was not taking my CBD properly for it to be efficient. My CBD gummies were no longer helping with my sleep and I learn that I needed the CBD oil to be under my tongue for my body to absorb it. The problem was the CBD in the gummies was not getting into my bloodstream to help me fall asleep. So I switch to using a CBD tincture under my tongue so my body could absorb the CBD oil. I started sleeping better.

 So when using a CBD topical for pain, make sure to rub it into the skin so it can reach the receptors. If you are enjoying a piece of CBD chocolate, make sure to savor it so the CBD reaches the receptors in your mouth.

Best ways to use CBD products

+ Edible - Savor the CBD edible so it can be absorbed better in your bloodstream.

+ Topical - Thoroughly rub the CBD topical into your skin

+ Tincture - Works best under your tongue for 30 seconds

+ Capsule - Can take 20 minutes for it to enter the bloodstream

Know your CBD product

 Before purchasing a CBD product, you will want to confirm some things as not all CBD is of good quality. There are CBD companies selling inferior CBD. So know before you buy.

CBD things to confirm

+ Its true potency per serving

+ Is is free of contaminants, solvents, or additives

+ Where the CBD is sourced from - whole plant (full-spectrum oil ) or single-molecule (isolate )

+ The quality and source of the hemp plants that the CBD was extracted from

 So it is important to identify brands that value transparency and publish their product's lab results so you can confirm their true potency and quality. Vital Leaf is a CBD company that is transparent and I know that their CBD products work for me. I use their CBD tinctures for sleep and enjoy their CBD chocolate when I am feeling stressed. Get more information about CBD and buy CBD at Vital Leaf.


AiringMyLaundry said...

I haven't tried any CBD products yet. I might in the future. I'd probably try the topical version first.

Terri Steffes said...

Those are great tips! I am starting a plan for chronic pain and have the products, but didn't really know what was the best way to use them.

Ali Smith said...

i love the CBD teas sometimes they're wonderful for my anxiety.

Krystin Tysire said...

Thanks for sharing these tips! I don't currently use CBD but will keep this post in mind for the future!

Tammy said...

Thanks for the tips. I’ve been looking into CBD

Kita Bryant said...

These are really great options. I have been curious to see its effects.

Kathy said...

I love CBD products. I think they work wonderful. I'm glad you shared some of these tips with us.

Lisa Martin said...

I keep hearing more and more about CBD. There are a lot of hair and skincare companies starting to add it to their products. Thank you for sharing these.

Richelle Escat said...

I got all the reasons to use these products hehe I hope it's available in my area.

Wren LaPorte said...

I love CBD products. This is great information!

Anne Marie said...

This is such a helpful post for those wanting to learn about this supplement before trying!

Marysa said...

I have only tried a couple of CBD products, but it really is hard to sort through them all. It is nice to have some more information.

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Mom knows best