Be Strong Be Proud Love Out Loud With Teleflora Flowers
A tank full of gas, 500 free flower bouquets, and a pink Teleflora truck hits the streets with a mission to shower ladies with love. What happens next is truly amazing!
Fresh flowers have a magical power when they are delivered to someone. A bouquet of flowers can brighten someone's day and bring a smile to their face. Flowers can brighten a room with the pretty colors and their awesome smell. From the garden to a vase, Teleflora knows how to say I love you with their beautiful flower arrangements.
Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service with other 10,000 florist shops in their network throughout North America has launched its Valentine’s Day campaign. Teleflora partnered with Emmy Award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love to encourage women to #LoveOutLoud this Valentine’s Day and uplift others in their lives. Throughout our digital lives, we overshare everything, except our feelings for the ones we love. In its newest campaign, "Love Out Loud Truck,” Teleflora is encouraging you to go overboard and shower the special people in your life with love - one handmade, hand-delivered Teleflora bouquet at a time.
This Valentine's Day, think beyond your boyfriend, husband, or the one you love and instead send a beautiful bouquet of flowers to encourage another lady in your life. Think beyond a love relationship and instead think about a special lady in your life who could use an uplifting floral arrangement.
Ladies need to support each other
This special lady could be your best friend. It could be your mother. It could be a woman who you just met or a stranger on the street. Just Love Out Loud and brighten someone's day on Valentine's Day with some pretty flowers. We ladies need to let other ladies know that they are special.
Women know that a compliment from another woman is real stuff.
Watch what happens when ladies receive flowers
In the ad spot, Loni takes to the streets of Los Angeles in Teleflora’s Love Out Loud truck to surprise women and share unexpected compliments and bouquets. We see heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens — women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears.
Flowers are amazing
Think about the last time you received a delivery of flowers. How did it make you feel? I remember my last flower delivery and how they made me very happy. I remember my doorbell ringing and seeing the beautiful flowers arrangement. I was excited that someone took the time to think of me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. From the moment the flowers were placed into my hands to the day I had to place the flowers into my compost pile, the Teleflora flowers made me smile every time I saw them.
I placed the white and red flower arrangement on my dining room table and the smell was heavenly. I sure did enjoy the smell of the flowers that were in my beautiful flower vase. Just ask my kids as they will tell you that every time I passed the flowers, I said "these flowers smell wonderful!" The arrangement of flowers not only brighten my day but they also made my dining room look special.
Teleflora has the best Valentine’s Day flower arrangements and the prettiest flower vases. Teleflora's Valentine's flower arrangements are filled with red, pink, and white flowers. The flowers are hand-arranged in vases that were selected for Valentine's Day. The vases are as pretty as the flowers! So long after the flowers are gone, the vase can still be used for other purposes. I like to use my flower vases from Teleflora in my bathroom to organize my beauty items.
Make someone's day a little bit sweeter with a Valentine’s flower delivery from Teleflora! Bouquets are arranged and delivered by a local florist right to your door. So think of that special lady in your life and send them an uplifting vase filled with pretty flowers. Let that lady know that she is amazing and make her day the best with a beautiful Valentine's Day bouquet of flowers. Happy Valentine's Day and Love Out Loud!
I can't even believe Valentine's Day is around the corner. It's insane how fast 2022 is going. Love getting flowers during special occasions. Teleflora's flowers are always beautiful.
I love this! Teleflora is always spreading love with their awesome Bouguets during Valentine's Day!
I have used Teleflora in the past and have always loved them, this would be great for me to send to my mom for Valentine's Day!
I love getting flowers! Teleflora has some beautiful bouquets.
Flowers make such a lovely gift. I've not used these guys before. Their flowers do look lovely!!!
Such beautiful flowers. I don't think people send enough flowers anymore!
I can't even believe Valentine's Day is around the corner. It's insane how fast 2022 is going. Love getting flowers during special occasions. Teleflora's flowers are always beautiful.
I love getting flowers not just on Valentine's Day but in any occasion. They have such beautiful bouquets. -LYNNDEE
Teleflora has so many great options. This is a nice idea for valentine's day and a lot of other special occasions.
Yes, flowers can change your day! Definitely! What woman doesn't love flowers?
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