>U Mom Knows Best: How To Restore Gut Health After Traveling With Bio-Kult

Monday, August 1, 2022

How To Restore Gut Health After Traveling With Bio-Kult

A week at summer camp can do a number on a teen's gut health. It can be a challenge to get them back to healthy eating.

 My two teen boys just returned from a week of summer fun with their school's NJROTC program. The boys attended a sailing camp and had a blast learning all about sailing boats on the lake. This was an overnight camp, so they also got the experience of camping for the first time without their dad. They slept in tents near the lake at night and had fun on the water during the day. 

 I am sure that my boys had the time of their life just hanging with their friends. Along with their adventures on the lake, I am sure my boys enjoyed plenty of delicious camping food. I am sure it was the typical camp food of burgers, hot dogs, and plenty of other junk food. I am quite sure my boys did not consume any fruits or veggies while at sail camp. 

Restoring the gut health after traveling 

 Traveling can do a number on one's digestion and gut health. Most people, they are indulging in unhealthy food and are not consuming any food that is good for digestion like fruits, veggies, and whole grains. So their bodies are not getting any fiber or foods that are good for gut health. This can lead to constipation and stomach problems. Traveling can do a number on the microbiome of your gut.

 I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions.

When I travel, I always pack a fiber supplement that contains probiotics as I know that my eating will be not as healthy as when I am at home. Taking a fiber supplement while traveling helps me enjoy my vacation and not have to worry about stomach problems like constipation. Since my boys were camping with their friends, it was not cool for them to bring along a fiber supplement.

 So the first thing that I did when the boys got home, from summer camp, was to give them a probiotic supplement. My boys need serious gut health restoration. I knew that giving them Bio-Kult would help my boy's stomach. Bio-Kult, is an advanced multi-strain formulation that contains 14 probiotic strains. The bacteria in Bio-Kult helps to reestablish and rebalance the gut microflora. 

Easy to take capsules

 If I was going to get my teens to take any kind of supplement, it had better taste good and be easy to take. My boys are busy with sports and they don't have the time to mix a prebiotic fiber supplement into water. The texture of a fiber drink or a fiber bar would be a no go for my teens. So I am glad that the Bio-Kult probiotic supplement is in a capsule form that my boys can easily swallow with a glass of water. This smart mom leaves the bottle of Bio-Kult on the kitchen counter with a note that reminds them to take 2 capsules before they head out the door for cross-country practice early in the morning.

Supports more than gut health

When your gut health is off, your whole body can be affected. The probiotic strains in Bio-Kult are specially designed to support your mood, energy, and general health every day. That sure is an extra bonus for my teen boys. The teen years can do a number on their mood with all those raging hormones. 

Happy stomachs equal happy teens

 The first couple of days after my boys got home from the camp were rough. They were tired, sunburned, and crabby. The oldest complained that his stomach hurt the first night. So I gave him the mom lecture of making sure to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. I also made sure that the boys took the Bio-Kult supplement every day. Within a couple of days, the boys were spending less time in the bathroom and they were back to normal. 

About Bio-Kult

Their award-winning range of clinically proven, probiotic strains are specially designed to support your mood, energy, and general health every day. 

Just the facts

• Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation is the UK’s number one probiotic supplement, containing 14 unique probiotic strains for digestive and immune support.*

• This product targets the digestive and immune system and has been proven to survive the high acidity of the stomach.*

• The capsules can be swallowed whole or broken apart and the contents added to food or drink.

• Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation has been approved by the Vegetarian Society as a vegetarian product.

• It is also non-GMO and gluten-free.

• This product has been backed by over 30 clinical trials.

• A 30-capsule box of Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation typically retails for $14.85; a 60-capsule box for $25.50; and a 120-capsule box for $39.95.

Where to purchase

+ Bio-Kult Original Multi-Strain Formulation is available to purchase online at bio-kult.com, amazon.com, and walmart.com.

Save 20% on your entire order at bio-kult.com with promo code MOMSMEET20


Melanie Edjourian said...

This is really useful. I know a few that could do with these products as they go camping often and don't eat as healthy as they could.

booksbyjlbooks said...

This product is helpful. I never heard of this product before, but I do know other brands do the same thing.

Kim said...

My gut usually takes a few days to adjust when on vacation so this is great.

Michael said...

Seems like an effective one based on your story. I will bookmark this to be a reference in the future if ever I have some gut problem. Might come in handy

Gervin Khan said...

Definitely looks like a great supplement for our digestive condition, got to check this out! Such a great find!

Nicz Escat said...

This is really useful and a really great product! I’m surely gonna check this out!

Beautiful Touches said...

Gut health is so important and I think it's great that there's a product that can jumpstart a break or lapse in the healthy food cycle!

Kelli A said...

We are going through this with my oldest right now. She is having to heal her gut from years of eating things her body disagreed with and not catering to her dietary needs

Lavanda Michelle said...

This looks very effective, I'll definitely try it out if I ever need to. Thanks for sharing!

Anamika A Chattopadhyaya said...

Bio Kult probiotic supplements sound great for gut health! I need to check this out, thanks for sharing ❤️.

Everything Enchanting 🙂

Christy G said...

I really need to try Bio Kult and see if it would improve my autoimmune disorder symptoms. I'll have to give it a try. Thank you fro sharing.

Gust si Aroma said...

After travelling I always have a lot of gut problems. I am so glad that I found this solution now!

Anonymous said...

Gut health is really important. I will have to check those and give them a try myself. -LYNNDEE

Marysa said...

I can relate to this after traveling. I always feel like I get off track and then I need something to help me get back into my routine.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit it makes such a huge difference for me to sue a good probiotic. I use the SEED probiotic but have not used it in some time and I am suffering for it. I will, have to check this out.

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Mom knows best