>U Mom Knows Best: Reasons Why You Should Take Skin Cancer Seriously

Reasons Why You Should Take Skin Cancer Seriously

 Your skin protects your entire body from various external elements, so it is one of the organs you need to care for. While it is customary to notice changes on your skin as you age, you must be aware of skin cancer, particularly if you are frequently exposed to the sun's harmful rays. This article lists some reasons you need to take skin cancer seriously.

Save Lives

 One of the primary reasons why you need to take skin cancer seriously is because by doing so, you will have the opportunity to save lives or even save your own life. In this case, consider a skin scan early on for your peace of mind. It involves full-body skin cancer checks in just seconds, taking notice of any suspicious moles. The technology helps to track changes over time, allowing medical practitioners to see which moles need further attention earlier. Although most cases of skin cancer are treatable, some forms, such as melanoma, can be deadly if not detected and treated early. The sooner a melanoma or skin cancer is identified and treated, the greater your chance of avoiding surgery, potential disfigurement, or even death.

Preserve Quality of Life

 Statistics show that the prevalence of skin cancer is growing globally. Perhaps this is because of several risk factors that contribute to this, such as extreme sun exposure, family history, and genetic conditions. Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be devastating because it can be physically and emotionally taxing. However, with early detection, you can preserve your quality of life and keep doing what you love because extensive treatment will be unnecessary. Simple lifestyle changes, such as always using sunscreen before you are exposed to the sun's rays or seeking shade, are already significant preventive measures that can reduce your risk of acquiring skin cancer. 

+ Preventive Measures

 Some other preventive measures for skin cancer include wearing protective clothing precisely when you need to perform activities under the sun for an extended period. For instance, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat when you intend to spend the day gardening. You can also wear long-sleeved shirts to protect your arms while doing so. Staying hydrated and eating a healthy diet to protect your skin from within is also a good idea. Several studies suggest eating foods rich in antioxidants can help protect your skin against cancer.

 As much as possible, try to avoid tanning beds because the artificial radiation from this equipment can significantly increase your risk of getting skin cancer. In line with this, you must be aware of your risk factors. Specific research reveals that having fair skin increases your risk of getting skin cancer, and so does having a family history of the same illness. In this case, you can undergo regular checkups, performing visual inspections on your skin to assess any unusual growth in any part of your body. You can also schedule routine consultations with a dermatologist. If you are a smoker, perhaps this is the best time for you to kick the habit because this increases your likelihood of getting cancer and other types of diseases.

Awareness of Treatment Options 

+ Surgery

 Another reason why you need to take skin cancer seriously is to be aware of the possible treatment options in case you get diagnosed with the condition. Depending on the severity of your condition, you can undergo surgery. In this case, the surgeon will remove the cancerous tissue on your skin. There are different types of surgery for this, including excisional and Mohs surgery, curettage, and electrodesiccation. In excisional surgery, the surgeon will remove the tumor and a margin of healthy tissue. In contrast, Mohs surgery removes layers of skin one at a time until the cancer cells are eliminated. Curettage and electrodesiccation involve scraping away the cancerous tissue before using electricity to kill any other remaining cancer cells.

 + Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy

There is also the option for you to undergo radiation therapy. This is where a medical practitioner will leverage high-energy beams to target and destroy the cancer cells in your skin. Since the skin is quite a large organ, it is generally recommended to treat people with skin cancer, where the cells can be complex to remove via surgery. There are also instances wherein chemotherapy drugs are applied topically or administered orally to foster skin cancer treatment. These prescription drugs are intended to kill the cancer cells as well. However, chemotherapy is often performed when the cancer has already metastasized or spread throughout the skin and other parts of the body.

+ Other Treatment Options

Apart from surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, there are other treatment options available for skin cancer. For instance, your doctor may recommend undergoing immunotherapy, which involves taking drugs designed to stimulate your body's immune system. From there, your body can detect and kill cancer cells. You may also consider undergoing targeted therapy, wherein you will have to take prescription medications that target the genetic mutations or proteins contributing to the growth of cancer cells. Other treatment options include photodynamic therapy and cryotherapy, which are best recommended for superficial skin cancers, precancerous lesions, and early-stage skin cancers.

Public Health Impact

 Finally, ensure you take skin cancer seriously because of its public health impact. More and more people getting diagnosed with skin cancer can take a toll on the public health system. This is because these individuals will most likely rely on the public health system to cover the expenses they incur for the necessary treatment for their condition. This can be prevented if sufficient public awareness is raised about the risks of skin cancer and how to avoid it. If governments initiate early detection efforts, the possibility of people acquiring this illness will be significantly reduced, mitigating the need for the public health system to shoulder the burden of necessary treatments.

 There are several reasons why you need to take skin cancer seriously. Besides saving lives with early detection, you can also preserve your quality of life. Rest assured that numerous treatment options and preventive measures are available. Remember that skin cancer can also have an adverse health impact, so take care of your skin and live your best life!

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