>U Mom Knows Best: My Curtains I Made Using Valances

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Curtains I Made Using Valances

I have been busy replacing all my mini blinds with curtains. I did not find anything in the stores that I liked for my bathroom, so when I took these valances from my bedroom down to put up the new curtains, I decided to try them as curtains in the kid's bathroom. I bought two spring tension curtain rods and hung them up one over another. I liked that I did not have to do any sewing and I saved money!


Ashley S said...

You did a great job!

Unknown said...

Way to reuse stuff. I'm all about using stuff for other stuff! :)

Thrift Diving

Virginia at That Bald Chick said...

Those look great! Nice work!

Unknown said...

Fantastic job! Looks great.

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Mom knows best