>U Mom Knows Best: Chike PB Peanut Butter Powder Makes Wonderful Smoothies

Monday, March 17, 2014

Chike PB Peanut Butter Powder Makes Wonderful Smoothies

I love smoothies as they are a great way to get a quick healthy breakfast before I go running in the morning. Most of my friends are doing smoothies to lose weight or to gain health benefits. Most everybody loves peanut butter but when you are on a health plan it has too much fat. I have discovered a great new product that allows you to indulge in the great taste of peanut butter without all the fat called Chike PB.

Chike PB is the peanut butter you've been waiting for with all natural ingredients and no added oils or fats. This creamy, dreamy peanut butter has less fat and calories and is a healthier and more versatile option than traditional peanut butter. Isn't it great to know that your go-to comfort food can be enjoyed with a little less guilt?

You can use Chike PB  in your PB&J sandwiches, or use it in your favorite recipes, desserts or smoothies. I even add PB powder to my yogurt for a great taste. The ingredients are very simple: roasted peanuts, sugar and salt. Chike PB powder has only 45 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving. Chike PB powder also has 6 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber per serving. Chike PB powder tastes just like real peanut butter but with a whole lot less fat. So now you can have peanut butter without all the fat and stick to a healthy diet!

I am going to show you how easy it is to make a peanut butter banana chocolate smoothie without all the fat of real peanut butter.

Peanut Butter banana chocolate smoothie
1 cup chocolate almond milk, soy milk or chocolate milk
1 banana sliced
2 tablespoons Chike PB powder

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

To get more information about Chike PB powder and to purchase click on the below link. This sells at a great price!

So how will you enjoy Chike PB powder?

"These opinions are my own and I was sent the above product in exchange for a review on my blog."


Unknown said...

I have some awesome smoothie recipe's that call for peanut butter! I would love to try this. I am on a Dr order low fat diet so this would be perfect.

ReneShonerd said...

Sounds delicious, easy too!

Anonymous said...

That looks really good. I love how easily you can incorporate it into a smoothie.

Michelle F.

Nicole Pyles said...

What a good idea! I've seen powdered peanut butter before and I wondered what on earth to do with it! Now I know and I'm definitely going to try out that smoothie! :)

Esther said...

I love smoothies! I love peanut butter! I have never heard of peanut butter powder. This would be perfect for me. I am going to try it out! Thanks for sharing this!

Terri Grothe said...

I love peanut butter smoothies, i find they really keep me full longer

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Mom knows best