>U Mom Knows Best: A Healthy Cafe Mocha Smoothie That Has an Incredible Chocolate Taste

A Healthy Cafe Mocha Smoothie That Has an Incredible Chocolate Taste

     There are days that I want chocolate, ok that is most everyday that I crave chocolate. Then there are days I want coffee. Then there are days I want coffee and chocolate. I try to eat healthy everyday so how I am suppose to satisfy my chocolate and coffee craving? Simple, I drink a delicious chocolate mocha smoothie that it loaded with protein and fiber and my chocolate/coffee craving is satisfied. I get the great taste of coffee and chocolate and my body gets wonderful nutrition.

    I discovered a chocolate protein powder that is made with rich cocoa and tastes like a yummy cup of hot chocolate. CardioWhey Rich Cocoa is a delicious blend of high-quality whey protein that also has 7 grams of fiber per serving. This healthy protein powder made by Cardiotabs tastes great mixed in water and is also the perfect base for my healthy smoothies. I can add fruits and veggies or even peanut butter to my  Cardio Whey protein powder and still have a yummy smoothie that has a wonderful chocolate taste. My favorite smoothie contains spinach leaves and raspberries along with this cocoa protein powder and it makes a yummy chocolate raspberry smoothie. On days that I need coffee, I will add a scoop of CardioWhey to my coffee and the result is a yummy cafe mocha. There are so many delicious ways to satisfy my chocolate craving.

   CardioWhey Rich Cocoa contains 21 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber per serving. It makes a great supplement for any one who wants to add more protein to their diet. If 21 grams of protein is too much for you, then just use one scoop of the powder. Did you know protein is great for muscle recovery? I like to consume more protein after I go running. Protein is also great for improving lean body mass. If you are trying to lose weight extra protein and fiber from CardioWhey will help keep te hunger away for hours. This product is also gluten free.

   My son loves that CardioWhey Rich Cocoa protein powder tastes delicious when mixed in water. My son runs 10 miles after school with cross country. When he is done, his muscles need protein recovery. So he simply adds water to his shaker bottle, filled with CardioWhey, that he packed in his backpack the night before. My son is then able to bike the 3 miles home.

There are so many healthy ways to take care of a chocolate/coffee craving with CardioWhey Rich Cocoa protein powder. Here are some delicious recipes that you can make with a blender:

Chocolate Raspberry
2 scoops CardioWhey Rich Cocoa
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup spinach leaves
1 cup vanilla almond milk

Chocolate Peanut Butter
1 scoop CardioWhey Rich Cocoa
3/4 banana
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 cup vanilla almond milk

Cafe Mocha
1 scoop CardioWhey Rich Cocoa
1 cup cold coffee
1 cup vanilla almond milk

What drink would you make using CardioWhey Rich Cocoa powder?

"These opinions are my own and I received the above mentioned product in exchange for a review."



Masshole Mommy said...

Yes please! I definitely need to try this. I love me some chocolate smoothies :)

Jamie said...

My husband would love this!! Favorite flavor, and it would be healthy! :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Interesting. I'd try it!

dd said...

I'd make a mocha drink with chocolate whey, chia seeds and coffee to wake me up and get me going! ~Deb

msvee said...

I often wondered with this tasted like and if it worked. Now I know

Unknown said...

I love protein shakes! And this chocolate one looks super YUM! I've gotta try it..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's yummy!

Elizabeth O. said...

It looks really chocolatey! I don't drink whey or protein shakes, but this looks good!

brokenteepee said...

Glad you found something rich and chocolately to satisfy your craving

Unknown said...

I need to try this. and this is great for my mom i will tell her about this she loves protein shakes.

Eileen said...

I will be trying this oe - love a great protien smootie

Deal Match Maker said...

I love chocolate drink.. I bought a cocoa powder (unsweetened) and always use it for any smoothie recipe

Mama to 5 said...

This sounds great! I so would add it to my iced coffee - yum!

Daughters said...

Anything chocolate has my name written all over it. :)

Chanelle said...

I would try blending it with 1/2 an avocado and ice, to give it a rich and creamy taste.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate+ smoothie= winning combination! Thanks!

Shann Eva said...

The raspberry one sounds awesome! Actually, any of them would be great because I also love chocolate. I'm impressed with the amount of protein and fiber.

Victoria said...

After hearing how active your son is and what this allows him to do, I need to try this myself. My mind has officially been blown. #ProductReviewParty

Dr. K. Lee Banks said...

OK, I really need to try this one -and all the recipes you posted! Thanks for sharing!

CourtneyLynne said...

Ok this shake actually sounds pretty good! So need to give it a try!

Unknown said...

This shake sounds like something my wife would love! Sounds like we may try this one this week.

Unknown said...

Every smoothie I've tried tastes chalky or gritty. I'd like to try this one. I think you've convinced me to do so.

Mykidsguide said...

That looks delicious. My son would love this.

Unknown said...

This looks really good and healthy!

Olivia Mesquita said...

I just stocked up on almond and coconut milk for my smoothies. Can't wait to give this a try!

Lou Martin said...

I need something like this for myself. Sounds like a yummy and healthy treat! #ProductReviewParty

Liz Mays said...

A mocha smoothie like that in the morning would be awesome. I have to tell my daughter about that whey protein. My daughter uses whey everyday!

Unknown said...

looks delicious.

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Mom knows best