>U Mom Knows Best: Does Amazing Grass Drink Mix Taste Like Grass? #momsmeet #Amazinggrass

Monday, October 5, 2015

Does Amazing Grass Drink Mix Taste Like Grass? #momsmeet #Amazinggrass

   I have tasted drinks made with wheat grass before and they do not taste that good. I go to health fairs and the vendors tell me how awesome this grass is for you. They tell me about all the nutrition in it and that makes me want to drink it. The vendors describe the flavors of the drink made with the grass and how they mixed in juice. I take a sip of the wheat grass drink and the taste was bitter and awful. I though to myself, how can people drink this stuff and tell me it tastes good? Why does something so good for you taste so nasty? Whose idea was it to eat grass? Have you tasted wheat grass drinks? Do you like the taste of grass?

   I decided to give grass another chance. I recently discovered Amazing Grass SuperFood from a group of moms from greenmomsmeet.com. The moms were discussing about how great Amazing Grass tasted and how it is a powerful blend of nutrient-dense organic greens that is loaded with antioxidants. I knew I just had to taste this amazing drink mix and give grass another chance. I am always looking for superfoods to make my diet healthy. I wanted to see if these moms were correct in saying Amazing Grass tasted good.

   I received a cool shaker from Amazing Grass that included 7 samples of their Amazing Grass Green Superfood. The samples that I received included:
                                                                  Acai Berry
                                                                  Lemon Lime
                                                                   Orange Dreamsicle

  The flavors sounded delicious! So I decided to try the pineapple flavor first. I tore open the package and poured it into the shaker bottle. Then I added water and shook it up. I looked at the drink and it was dark green. That kind of turned me off, but it is made of grass so I guess it has to be green. I slowly took a sip as I braced myself for a nasty taste. I was surprised with that first sip! The drink actually tasted good. It had a nice pineapple taste. The drink did have a green veggie taste to it but I could drink it as it was not bitter. I then added some pineapple juice to my drink. The Amazing Grass drink tasted so much better.  I could drink this drink mix every day plain but I think it tastes so much better when mixed with juice. I could also mix it into my daily smoothie. I could not wait to try the other flavors.

  So what makes Amazing Grass so amazing? These yummy drink mixes are loaded with whole food nutrition and are great for overall health, immunity and energy levels. The alkalizing greens help balance ph levels and their probiotic/enzyme blend naturally aids digestive function. They are also  organic, non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free. Each serving is only a $1.00 which is a great price when compared to drinks that you buy at the store.You can buy Amazing Grass superfood in canisters with 30 servings or in single packs. These drink mixes  can be mixed with water, milk, juice, or into your favorite smoothie! I am glad I gave grass a second chance and so is my body. I am loving all the nutrition that I am getting in one drink. Check out all the good stuff that is in the pineapple drink. I am amazed at all the nutrition that is packed into this drink mix.

  Check out the Amazing Grass website to learn more about this product and other healthy products that they sell. They even sell an  Amazing Grass Kidz Superfood which is a rainbow of 32 organic greens, fruits, and vegetables, all in a convenient drink powder. Available in two delicious flavors, Chocolate and Berry.  KidzSuperfood delivers amazing green nutrition and helps kids achieve the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. You can purchase these products online or at stores like Sprouts and Whole foods.

                                 Learn More Online 

           Amazing Grass was founded in 2002 by Todd and Brandon when they
experienced first hand the positive health benefits of consuming organic
greens on a daily basis. But, our roots run much deeper than 2002. Back to
our farm where Brandon’s family have organically grown and harvested the
most nutrient-dense cereal grasses on the planet. Today, we thoughtfully craft
them with the worlds highest quality superfoods to provide you with the whole
food nutrition your body needs and the flavor your taste buds will love.

I received this product for free from
the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May
Media Group LLC, who received it directly from
the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I
agree to use this product and post my opinion
on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC
or the manufacturer of this product.


Masshole Mommy said...

I can't drink anything green, but I would try a different flavor as long as it didn't turn green :)

Unknown said...

I'm all about smoothies now, so I totally would give these a try

Jamie said...

I'll have to try these. So many times, it seems that you're drinking cattle feed in the other brands. This sounds a lot better!

Krystal said...

Those flavors sound yummy

Kristi Wheeler @HomesteadWishing said...

I love amazing grass! I have not tried those little packets but I use the original flavor in our smoothies. It tastes absolutely delicious! You would be surprised how great it makes everything taste and it has lots of healthy benefits too! The kids love it too!

Rachel Mouton said...

How awesome! I wonder if I could get my kiddos to try it. I"m going to check it out and see :)

Shann Eva said...

These sound amazingly healthy. I'm glad to hear they taste good too. I'd love too try them.

msvee said...

This sounds different and good all at once. I might just have to try

Daughters said...

Never heard of this product but will check into it further.

Unknown said...

I'm not great at taking my medicine. I think a drink mix like this would be a perfect way to get in my vitamins.

Deal Match Maker said...

I've been taking their powder for years and love the quality

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the smoothie life so this is something that I would try.

Unknown said...

These are all great. I never knew about this product and it sounds good i love to try it.

Elizabeth O. said...

This is an interesting twist to the usual healthy drink. I like that it has a lot of flavors too. And good job to them for actually living up to the flavors that they put on the label.

Mykidsguide said...

I'm all about eating and drinking healthy. I would love to try this.

Shaylee Anne said...

I love taking a greens supplement and these look amazing! I'll have to see if I can find them :)

Liz Mays said...

My daughter would probably be willing to try these kinds of things. I'll have to tell her about them.

Unknown said...

never heard of but looks good.

Ashley R said...

I've tried some of their flavors before and have also been pleasantly surprised about the taste.

The Quiet Grove said...

Sound like I might just have to try some. Thanks for the recommendation.

Angie@Chasingmyhalo said...

This is my favorite brand for wheatgrass, sprirulina etc. You're right, the color kind of throws you off (it's almost a brown), but the flavor is worth it!

Dr. K. Lee Banks said...

I make my own green smoothies all the time, so I would probably give this a try!

Susan said...

Interesting. I've seen these and I admit they scare me a bit :) After your review, though, maybe I'll give them a try ...

Ana De-Jesus said...

I have never tried wheatgrass before but mixed with juice makes it sound so much more appealing!

Unknown said...

I never tried wheatgrass and I can't really stand green juices in general! I should give these ones a go!

Jay | Life of Creed said...

I haven't tried wheatgrass. But I may try it, sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing!!

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Mom knows best