>U Mom Knows Best: Vegan Chocolate Mousse Made From Chick Pea Liquid

Vegan Chocolate Mousse Made From Chick Pea Liquid

I love when I discover unique recipes that use ingredients that are different. When I went to New York for a blogging conference, I learned how to make a chocolate mousse that is vegan from another blogger. When she told me it was made from Auqafaba ( the liquid from canned chickpeas), I was surprised. She told me that chickpea liquid can be whipped into a beautiful mousse and also can be used as a egg substitute in recipes. I just had to see for myself if this chickpea liquid could be whipped like eggs. I tried it and I was amazed that a liquid that I normally throw away made a beautiful mousse. So the next time you open up a can of chickpeas, save the liquid. It stores for a long time in the fridge. To use as an egg substitute in recipes like cakes and cookies, the rule of thumb is 3 tablespoons for one egg. Get more information on using chickpea liquid here.

Yes this was made from chickpea liquid. 

Vegan Chocolate Mousse

1 cup Aquafaba, chickpea liquid (room temperature)
⅛ tsp Cream of Tartar
1 tablespoon Sugar 
6 oz Dark Chocolate, melted and cooled (make sure it is dairy-free)

Melt your dark chocolate.I like to melt mine in the microwave . Melting chocolate in the microwave is so easy. You place the chocolate in a dish and cook on high. Then stir the chocolate and cook for 30 seconds. Stir the chocolate and if if is not melted cook for 30 seconds at a time until melted. Word of advice- don't lick the spoon as if any water gets on the chocolate it crumbles and is useless. Set the melted chocolate aside and let it cool completely while you prepare the meringue. 

Place the chickpea liquid and cream of tartar in a bowl and whip it with a mixer until soft peaks form- this can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes. If you have a stand mixer then use that. I used my Nutri Ninja  blend and prep bowl and it took only 5 minutes. Once you have achieved soft peaks, add the sugar and whip it for another minute.
Drizzle your cooled chocolate into the meringue and gently fold it in with a spatula. If the chocolate is not cooled it will ruin the meringue so make sure it is cooled.
Pour into glasses and chill for 4 hours in the fridge.

In a bowl of a stand mixer, combine Aquafaba and cream of tartar. Whisk until soft peaks form - this will take anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Once you've achieved soft peaks, add coconut sugar and vanilla bean seeds in. Continue whisking for another 1 minute.
Drizzle your chocolate into the meringue and gently fold it in with a spatula. Fold until all the chocolate has evenly incorporated into the meringue.

I also made a white chocolate mousse with the above recipe and substituted white chocolate for the dark chocolate. This mousse is not vegan because there is milk in the white chocolate. My next recipe that I will try chickpea liquid in is muffins. I will share the results with you.


Razzledazzlestyles said...

I am so going to try this out!! I am new to using chickpeas :) do you think you also could use chickpeas for making cooked eggs ? I never knew about these. Great review!! Thank you for posting this recipe :) xo

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Wow, this looks amazing! Who knew that a normally throw-away liquid could contribute to making something so beautiful-looking? I do want to try it!

Bre said...

I am going to have to give this a try!!!!

Mom Knows Best said...

I dont think so but visit this site for answers http://www.aquafaba.com/faq.html

Rachel Mouton said...

This looks interesting! I'm going to have to give it a try :)

Jamie said...

That sounds pretty good!! I would love to have something that my family would enjoy, that would be healthier for them!! Thanks for the info!

PatriceMFoster.com said...

Interesting , will try since I like chick peas in my smoothie awesome.

Heidi G. said...

This looks fantastic! Love a healthy alternative that everyone will love, thanks for sharing!

Masshole Mommy said...

How interesting. I love that this is a healthy dessert and it sounds yummy, too :)

Unknown said...

What a great idea. I have made the vegan chocolate mousse before using avocados. Will have to try this.

msvee said...

what a great and unique idea. Had no idea you could combine these ingredients

Heather Jones said...

That is so interesting that its made from chick peas! It looks delicious!

Liz Mays said...

In a million years, I never would have thought of that. I'd love to have a taste!

Chanelle said...

Love this. I am a chickpea fanatic. Need to try this.

Deal Match Maker said...

yum... very interesting recipe and i can't wait to try it out!

Elizabeth O. said...

How interesting! I'm curious about the taste because I can't imagine chickpeas as a part of something sweet. Definitely something I'd try just for the sake of finding out how it tastes.

Polen said...

Vegan, cool! :)

Unknown said...

How interesting! this looks amazing! I would to try this to be often how the taste is.!

Daughters said...

Looks good - not sure that I would eat it simply because it says vegan and I am averse to that word and vegetables! LOL.

DerrickMeister said...

I've never tried vegan chocolate before. Is carob somewhat the same thing?

Yona Williams said...

We have tons of cans of chickpeas around here...who would have known that something like this was possible? Very interesting!

Mom Knows Best said...

The whipped chick pea liquid by itself tastes ok but when you add the sugar and chocolate to it it tastes good. I used the chick pea liquid in muffins and it did not alter the taste.

dd said...

Learn something new every day. I would sub stevia for the sugar but great recipe!

Unknown said...

Wow! I had no idea you could use that liquid as a substitute for eggs. That's awesome! This mousse looks fantastic too!

Unknown said...

I love chickpeas! I am totally going to have to try this out!

Ourfamilyworld said...

That looks so yummy! I am going to try this.

Jay | Life of Creed said...

Wow! I love chickpeas! I will have to try the chickpea liquid as an egg substitute. The mousse looks amazing! Yum!

Teresa said...

Although I'm not vegan I do like to think of myself as a frugal cook and the idea that I can use something I have just been throwing down the sink as a substitute for eggs, which are becoming more and more expensive intrigues me.

Dr. K. Lee Banks said...

Oh my, who ever figured this out is a genius! I wonder if it was discovered by accident the first time. Looks delicious!

momo said...

(Vegan Chocolate Mousse Made From Chick Pea Liquid) Wow! I am going to have to try this recipe out for myself.

Anonymous said...

I was skeptical so I made this recipe. It is delicious and so simple to make. Ty! I’m officially hooked.

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Mom knows best