>U Mom Knows Best: Fridays Are For Family Night

Fridays Are For Family Night

Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tyson Foods, Inc. All opinions are entirely my own.

 It has been a busy week at my house and I am glad it is Friday night. The whole family looks forward to Friday. My boys know that Fridays are special as it means movie night. Our movie night starts out with a trip to Walmart to choose something special for dinner. I always let the boys choose what they want for dinner. The only rule is that it has to be easy for mom to make as I don't want to be in the kitchen all night. So the boys and I went to Walmart. When we got there they headed to the frozen food aisle for their special dinner selection. One boy wanted State Fair®  Corn Dogs and the other wanted Tyson® Chicken Fun Nuggets. So the negotiation began, with each child trying to convince the other of why their selection was the best. So, I told the boys that we could get both as long as they ate some carrots with them. I figured that if there were any leftovers, which does not happen often with a teenager in the house, they would be great for lunch the next day. The boys jumped up and down and promised to eat some carrots. Hey, a mom has to do what she has to do to get them to eat their veggies.

  After we paid for the chicken nuggets, mini corn dogs, and baby carrots, it was time to select our movie. I am glad that there is a Redbox kiosk at my Walmart Neighborhood Market as that means I only have to drive to one store. The boys took a while to select a movie as there were a lot of good movie choices. The movie selection was made and we were ready for our Friday family movie night. Now we just had to wait for dad to get home from work. So while we waited, I baked the chicken nuggets and corn dogs in the oven. While the food was baking, the boys nibbled on their carrots. I always get my boys to eat their veggies while the food is cooking. If I give the veggies as part of the meal, they never want to eat them. Finally, dad arrived home and it was movie time. My boys love it when I let them eat dinner in front of the TV.

 I am glad that I bought Tyson products as they have a good promotion, going on that is perfect for a night in. The #TysonFreeMovieNight is one you will want to check out. All you have to do is buy two participating State Fair, Jimmy Dean or Tyson products at Walmart Supercenters or Neighborhood Markets. Then snap a picture of your receipt. You will then get two Redbox-promo for a 1-night DVD rental* codes. It is a 2 for 2 deal!

*1 promotional code per transaction. Payment card required. Charges apply for additional days. Can’t be combined with other offers. Subject to additional terms. Void where prohibited

Visit http://www.tysonfreemovienight.com/ for more details and to see a list of the participating products.

What do you do on Friday nights?


Terri Beavers said...

Tyson and Friday's go hand and hand here in Georgia. The grand kids come over on the weekends and it's their choice for meals and snacks.

GiGi Eats Celebrities said...

Aw! Relish these moments - because soon enough, Fridays will no longer be family nights and your boys will be out and about!

AiringMyLaundry said...

We enjoy having Corn Dogs as well! Movie nights are always fun. We do those now and again. Sunday we all went to see The Lego Batman Movie.

Jenny @cookeatgo said...

I love this promotion!!! Redbox is our go to for family movie nights, love the corn dogs as well, a hit with all my kids!

Unknown said...

Aww trust boys to pick food like that! Mine would too. Great that it give you a night away from the food prep though!

Mom Knows Best said...

So true as I already have two kids out the door and a 17 year old who will be off to college in 1 1/2 years

Sarah Bailey said...

I agree with you about a mom that will do anything just to let the children eat veggies. My mom does it too, you have to eat this brocolli or some squash first before you can have that stuff. lol

Elizabeth O. said...

My kids and I love movie night as well. We look forward to it all the time! I think it's nice to spend time with the kids like this!

Sylvia F. said...

Movie nights are always super fun! I have not tried corn dogs before but always wanted to so it's about the time :)

MishyV said...

Yes to Friday family nights! Wish we had these at home too! But maybe it's good that we don't, I'm now trying to lose weight :)

Ivette L said...

Oh that is such a good idea, and deal I rent from Redbox all the time. I also practically live in Walmart lol so tomorrow when I go get some items I need I am going to get some Tyson items so I can get some movies, thanks!

Unknown said...

Love spending family time together. We always do a game night on Saturdays.

Unknown said...

Movie nights are one of my favorite, especially after a long week. I love Tyson chicken nuggets. I think more so than my kids lol

Joyce | Live Laugh Love Post said...

I've always love to spend my time with my family but my grown up sons are hanging out with their friends. But, we used to order the pizza and watch the rental dvd every Friday...

Anosa said...

I love that you are spending time with your kids. I think you have to do that more often and cherish the moments because sooner or later they will have some friends to hang-out with and well, let's face it, girlfriends too in the long run.

Unknown said...

I love having a movie night with my son. Watching Star Wars mainly but being together is important but having corndogs in the mix would be cool. We usually order pizza or I make homemade pizza rolls.

Cynthia Nicoleti said...

We do not have movie night here often because my children are adults now. We do spend a lot of time together. I buy Tysons all the time my son loves it.

Unknown said...

I've never used Red Box but this is a good deal! I've noticed them everywhere and there always seems to be someone checking out a movie!

Unknown said...

i love tyson chicken. i think movie night is every night in my house. i am obsessed.lol

Dhemz said...

Awww, what a yummy pair for Friday family night. We have pizza every Fridays. Thanks for sharing!

aareeba said...

we go out and have a dinner every friday . thanx for sharing

Cianna Reider said...

Fun! When I was a kid our movie nights were a pizza and blockbuster movie! I can't believe there are not any more stores like that!! Redbox is so convenient now a days, and this promo is awesome! There might be a mini corn dog night in my future! It's fun to be a kid!

Unknown said...

We don't have movie night every Friday but we try to do it as much as we can. We spent a lot of time together as a family though. Enjoy your movie time with your family.

Unknown said...

that is an amazing promotion for movie nights! wish that we have them too here in dubai

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Mom knows best