>U Mom Knows Best: Unicorns and Potty Humor Are Two Biggest Toy Trends

Unicorns and Potty Humor Are Two Biggest Toy Trends

My boys think potty talk is funny!

          I received samples of Mythical Slyme putty.

  After having four boys, I have learned things that I never thought I would. The biggest thing that I have learned is boys think that farting and burping are hilarious. I think most of their conversations are about farting. If I want to make my boys laugh, I just fart. My boys like when I let out those long farts and even congratulate me on how many seconds they are. So I tend to freely fart around the house to entertain my boys. The youngest two boys always want to know how it is that I can fart so long and I think they are jealous of their farting mom. Now I don't have them beat in the burping category, that belongs to the youngest boy. My husband tends to get annoyed at all our farting and burping but I just say to him, it is how I entertain my boys. If you can't win, then join them. My husband needs to learn that farting is a sign of good digestion. Don't worry, I have taught my boys that we don't fart in public and other peoples house's. My boys know that the potty talk stays at home and they do find it rude when kids fart in class.

Unicorns have made potty talk popular! 

 When unicorns talk about poop it is a hot toy trend. I guess when a mythical creature talks about things like poop, snot, and boogers it is ok. My boys like that they can open up a tin of colorful Mythical Slyme putty and potty talk with their friends. This colorful goo is so fun to stretch and squeeze. It also entertains my boys. Even my fart hating husband loves to play with the Unicorn Snot and make pretend sneezes with the putty flying from his nose. My favorite Unicorn Putty is the Pink Unicorn Poop as it has glitter in it. Ewww, I touched Unicorn poop!

Come Together For Squeezable Twistable, Stretchable Fun!

 This stretchable potty putty is also great for sensory play. Playing with slime encourages the development of fine motor skills and coordination! And like the popular fidget toys and spinners, Unicorn putty is kinda addictive for folks who like to fiddle so don’t be surprised to see this at workplaces on adults’ desks, too!  Some happy fans have reported that having a bit of putty in their hand helps them concentrate and focus. When play is done with Mythical Slyme, the gooey mess goes right back into the tightly-capped tin.

Play with your Boogers! 

  Since the putty keeps their hands occupied, my boys don't pick their nose. I would rather have them playing with Unicorn Boogers putty than sticking their fingers in their nose. My boys love to bring their Unicorn potty on car rides. I love that it keeps them entertained. This fun snot, poop, and boogers also keep my son number 3 three from asking 100 questions. That boy would even drive those voice-controlled devices crazy with all his questions. We joke that Alexa would say "you exceeded your amount of questions today."

So let the kids potty talk!

  If potty talking keeps the kids entertained and Unicorns approve of it, then it is ok in this mom's books. The Unicorn Putty from Mythical Slyme comes in many other gross and not so gross names. Each putty has a different color and some even have glitter and stars in them. Check out this big toy trend and get your hands on some snot or poop.



GiGi Eats said...

I am all about that potty humor, so I can SO get on board with this stuff, he he he!!

Edward said...

Very nice

Sarah Bailey said...

Ah potty humour something that is NEVER going to go out of fashion. Or at least I don't think it will. The unicorn slime looks cool for sure.

LiveLoveAndAdventure said...

This is really funny. I'm glad it's something you can laugh about with your boys! It's always good to find things to make you laugh.

Evelyn Lo Foreman said...

Oh my goodness! Hours and hours of fun in a can! This toy provides loads of creative options for our boys indeed. 👍🏼

Dana Peller said...

OMG! These are hilarious. Love the idea of the unicorn boogers. So slimey!

Ashlee Morgan said...

These are too cute! I know a few little knew that would get a kick out of these!

Ada said...

Omg these are so cute! My little sister is super into slime too and I honestly just don't get it! But whatever to keep them distracted.

mail4rosey said...

These are cute pictures. There was a slime epidemic at my school, lol. Kids just started bringing it left and right and we had to ban it. .;)

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

Your boys think this is funny, but I am cracking up over here too, LOL! My daughter would love this stuff as well!

Unknown said...

Those names are so funny. My daughter would love it for the slime and the names lol.

David Elliott said...

Ah the fun of all this great slime. I would say I know my daughter would have loved this when she was younger. But heck! She would still love it now. It looks like a lot of fun.

The Super Mom Life said...

My girls would LOVE this! They are all about slime and unicorns.

Terri Beavers said...

OH my word, I need to get some of this for our upcoming trip. Abby will sit and play with stuff like this for hours when we're traveling.

Unknown said...

This is too cute! Kids will have to play for funny hours with this slime, so cool!

Unknown said...

Slime is very popular right now. One girl who I teach in Spain has made like 20 different slimes. It's so much fun to play with.

Unknown said...

My daughter is so into slime right now, she makes all of her own! Potty humour will never not be funny, I think kids find so much more humour in it though x

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Mom knows best