>U Mom Knows Best: 10 Healthy Foods You Need To Eat For Fat Burning

10 Healthy Foods You Need To Eat For Fat Burning

       Want to burn some of that fat off your body?

  Summer is on its way and that means more skin will be showing. We all want to look nicer in a swimsuit or maybe this will be the year you put on some shorts. Spring is a great time to consider shedding those extra winter pounds. Starting the fat burning process can be as easy as adding some delicious high-fiber foods to your diet. Change out some of the unhealthy food that you eat with these healthy fiber-rich foods and you will be on your way to a healthier body. The best part is no calorie counting needed or having to starve yourself. These high-fiber foods will keep you full all day so you will eat less of the bad food. Fiber is a weight-loss superstar that more people need to add to their plate at every meal. Fiber not only keeps you full but it also helps with digestion. By incorporating these high fiber carbohydrates into your diet, you’ll feel fuller longer, get many of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, and burn fat while enjoying good, healthy food.

              I received samples of grains to facilitate this post.

These fat-burning foods are low in calories but packed with taste.

LENTILS - Lentils are loaded with nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. They are also low in calories and contain virtually no fat. One cup of cooked lentils only contains about 230 calories. Lentils are great to use in many recipes like veggie burgers and will keep you full. They are great for blasting belly fat.

CHICKPEAS -  My favorite hummus ingredient is chickpeas. They have a nutty taste and are also great for snacks when roasted in the oven. Each serving comes packed with nutrients, from iron to B vitamins. And chickpeas have plenty of nutrients that can help you lose weight, too. How? Chickpeas are a great source of protein. Your body burns a lot of energy - in the form of calories - to help break down the protein.

QUINOAQuinoa is higher in protein than any other grain, and it packs a hefty dose of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats. Quinoa is also a great source of fiber and B vitamins, and it’s gluten-free. I love using this delicious grain in my homemade veggie burgers.

KAMUT – Kamut is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s also high in protein while low in calories. A half-cup serving has 30% more protein than regular wheat, with only 140 calories. Kamut helps to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and inflammation. This nutty-tasting grain is easy to cook and is a great substitute for rice.

BANANAS – Bananas help reduce stomach bloating and are a good source of potassium, which can help lower water retention and prevent muscle cramping during a workout. Bananas are also rich in glucose, a highly digestible sugar, which provides a quick energy boost. These healthy Fudge Bites are a great sweet treat are a great way to get bananas into your body.

SWEET POTATOES -  Sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, nutrients and can help you burn fat. The magic ingredient here is antioxidants - they stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance, which prevents calories from being converted into fat. They provide a great energy boost before a workout. Oven roasted sweet potatoes are a great substitute for those unhealthy french fries. Just slice them into strips and toss in a tablespoon of olive oil. Then arrange on a baking sheet and cook at 450F for 30 minutes or until crispy.

BROCCOLI – Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that’s rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C builds collagen, which forms body tissue and bone, and helps cuts and wounds heal. It has nearly 1 gram of fiber per 10 calories. Fiber helps keep you regular and helps maintain healthy bacteria levels in the intestines. Broccoli also aids in digestion by helping to keep your stomach lining healthy. My favorite way to enjoy broccoli is roasted or in this summer broccoli salad.

BUCKWHEAT - Like quinoa, buckwheat is gluten-free and a complete source of protein, which means it supplies all nine-essential muscle-building amino acids the body cannot produce on its own. It is also high in magnesium and fiber.

TEFF – Teff is a mild, nutty whole grain and a complete protein that’s rich in vitamins and fiber. It is also rich in calcium and iron. Diets rich in calcium have been associated with lower body weight and reduced weight gain over time. Check out this Gluten Free Salted Chocolate Truffle Tart that I made with teff.

BLUEBERRIES - A cup of blueberries has 21 grams of carbs, but they couldn’t be better for you.  They are loaded with polyphenols—chemical compounds that prevent fat from forming— and that actively burns belly fat. This is my favorite fruit to use in my protein smoothies.

By incorporating these high fiber carbohydrates into your diet, you’ll feel fuller longer, get many of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, and burn fat while enjoying good, healthy food.

Which of these healthy foods will you be adding to your diet?

Pereg Natural Foods (www.pereg-gourmet.com) offers an extensive line of all-natural grains and ancient grains including quinoa, teff, buckwheat, kamut, lentils, and chickpeas, among others. They manufacture all their products from start to finish, controlling the quality from the sourcing until the product is packed and ready for the consumer.


Unknown said...

nice. thank you for sharing the tips!

Casey said...

Def. a great article. Majority of my friends are always going on about diet and stuff. Will def. share this to them tonight.

Joan said...

I really need to get my health in check, I have been eating too much junk. This is really helpful and a great reminder.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I need to make sure I'm eating more of these. I do know I eat tons of blueberries throughout the summer!

Unknown said...

Love it! Trying to loose slme fat from my belly before my holiday so all those tips are super useful for me right now

Unknown said...

I didn't know the details about alot of these foods! I'm happy to know I'm eating some of these foods already.

reesa said...

I am working on some fat loss right now. Thank you for your ideas!

Sarah Bailey said...

Now I am totally going to have to add all these into my diet, I could definitely use a little helping hand.

jessi joachim said...

Woo, I actually love most of these foods already! Sweet Potatoes especially!

Unknown said...

i had no idea that sweet potatoes and bananas were great for fat burning. all very useful info to have. thanks so much! really appreciate it for the info.

Unknown said...

I love and really needed this info! Thank you so much for sharing, glad I always have those on my kitchen! 😉

slope said...

Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.

Lisa Torres said...

I started eating healthy a few years ago and it's one of the best decisions and the biggest favors I have ever done for myself. I love finding people's work that advocate the same kind of self love. Thanks for inspiring!

Unknown said...

My daughter and I can both eat our body weight in Broccoli! So glad that she loves healthy foods!

acupofassamtea said...

Such an informative post. I am happy that I have already included most of it in my diet. But yet to try Kamut. Would love to try.

Nisha said...

i need to include more of these into my diet. thank you for sharing this helpful information and knowledge

Unknown said...

Definitely need to lose some fat recently. I've never had Teff before. Going to try it out!

What Corinne Did said...

i am back into a healthy routine (or so i hope) so this is perfect for me! and turns out i love most of these!

Liam Olivia said...

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