>U Mom Knows Best: How This Blogger Updated An Office Into A New Photo Studio

Sunday, May 20, 2018

How This Blogger Updated An Office Into A New Photo Studio

A messy unused office became my new photo/work space!

   It all started with my daughter asking me to host a baby shower for my new grandbaby. After I said, "of course!", it dawned on me that my house was too cluttered for me to invite 12 people over to celebrate the arrival of my daughter's first baby. I have been avoiding any kind of entertaining for quite some time as my blogging work had taken over most of the downstairs, leaving it quite messy. I was simply overwhelmed by the fact of cleaning up my dining room for a party. Even to the point that I was going to cancel a trip to a conference.

Taming the blogger clutter!

  My dining room usually is clutter with my work stuff. At any given time, I can have 10-20 products that need my attention. Last year I accepted a storage cube organizer in hopes that it could help tame the clutter. It did for a while but the room did not stay clean for long.

An outdated office becomes super messy!

  Then there was our outdated office that I used for my photos and props. This room also had a large desk with a very old desktop computer on it that had not been used since 2011! Does anyone use desktops anymore? The desk was being used as a place to hold paper clutter and office supplies we no longer needed. 

Click here to see the process of the remodel project
Post #2 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/the-process-of-turning-office-into-new.html

Click here to see the after photos of my new room

Post #3 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/pictures-of-my-new-photo-studio.html

The transformation of a messy office to a photo studio!

 My husband was making more money at his job so I asked him if we could turn the office into my workspace. He liked the idea as he later revealed to me that he was embarrassed to open the front door because of all my work clutter. So I went online for some Ikea inspiration and discovered for $50 I could get furniture delivered to my home! My husband was disappointed that there was no road trip to Ikea, sorry honey I don't want to be in the car for 8 hours. I found 16 cube storage unit that I like and Ikea had it priced quite well. So I bought two of those so it would fit across the whole wall. A trip to Lowes after our anniversary dinner gave us the inspiration for doors that the room needed. A good dinner always gets my husband in a shopping mood. Having doors on this room would allow me to close up the room when company came over.

Cleaning up the room was fun for the boys. 

This desk had not been used since 2011 so there was a lot of paper clutter like tax papers, old bills, and receipts. It is amazing to think that my kids will never know about having to save all those papers in a file cabinet as everything now is stored online. This cleaning took a whole day and the big massive desk and desktop computer went to the curb. I am shocked that no one wanted them so I had to call the city to take them on trash day.

The room is ready!

 The room was ready for the transformation. Now we just had to wait for Ikea to deliver our furniture. It took 2 weeks from the day I ordered for the delivery to be scheduled. Thank goodness the delivery was able to be scheduled on a Saturday so we would be home. This was Mothers day weekend and my son graduated on that Friday. So my mother's day present was everyone helping with building the storage unit and painting/hanging doors. I was worried that putting together the two storage units from Ikea would be a pain for my husband as the last time he put together a dresser he said: "I will not be putting together furniture again!"

Click here to see the process of the remodel project
Post #2 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/the-process-of-turning-office-into-new.html

Click here to see the after photos of my new room
Post #3 https://www.momknowsbest.net/2018/05/pictures-of-my-new-photo-studio.html


Unknown said...

ooooh I love Ikea and all their organising + storage systems. And omg, that really is a lot of clutter.. I'm off to see the after picture if your new workspace!

Wander With Ola said...

"Does anyone use desktops anymore?" Lol! I love love love IKEA and thank God it only takes us around 1 hour to get there in my city. :)

mail4rosey said...

What a great idea!! I'd love to have a photo studio in the house.

What Corinne Did said...

One reason why I want to work from home is to create my own working space! IKEA is always a saver when it comes to furniture and organizing space!

galatealily said...

Talk about organization skills! I am impressed with the before and after! :) xo, Suzanne

Unknown said...

You have inspired me to start planning on turning my office area into space that I can use for business, blogging and photos.

Unknown said...

Organization can really make all the difference. I know I can get busy too and push cleaning off. This new space looks great!

The Super Mom Life said...

So much natural light. That's perfect for a photo area!

Lavanda Michelle said...

What a nice post! This was a wonderful transformation. I like your outcome, that space looks amazing! Thanks for sharing. :)

Angela Giles said...

Super impressive....gives me hope that I can get some of my stuff better organized.....WOOT WOOT

Rahul said...

What a great idea!! I'd love to have a photo studio in the house presently i use normal phone camera for my recipes.

Gholam said...
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Mom knows best