>U Mom Knows Best: The Drinkpod Will Change The Way You Drink Water

The Drinkpod Will Change The Way You Drink Water

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Enjoy perfectly filtered water without the hassle!

 Clean drinking water is important to most everyone. Most people are leery of the water that comes out of their faucet so they either buy bottles of water or they lug those big five-gallon containers of water from local water stores. Then there are people who spend lots of money and have their clean drink water delivered to their house. Me personally, I have a fridge water filter but I am always questioning whether it is removing all the junk from my water so I have been considering for quite some time to get my water from a water place. Then again, I am not sure I want to lug all that water that my family drinks from the water store. As a family of five, we drink a lot of water.

Have your own personal water bottle factory

 The Drinkpod 1000 Pro Series is a 3-in-1 kitchen appliance that enhances how you experience water. This small appliance fits right on your countertop and has an Ultra+3 filtration that is 100x more powerful than typical faucet and refrigerator filters so you can have clean drink water without any hassle. I like that I can have clean water whenever I want with a push of a button. This advanced water purifier has some amazing features and I want one! Just look at the features:

  • Advanced Water Purifier with Ultra+3 filtration that is 100x more powerful than typical faucet and refrigerator filters.
  • Water Sterilizer with UltraVi light sterilization that blasts bacteria with 'ultraviolet death rays'.
  • Water Dispenser with 3 dedicated dispense modes and 3 temperature modes to provide water how you want it when you want it.

The 1000 Series will pay for itself and still save you hundreds of dollars!

How much do you spend on bottled water? I bet a lot. This countertop water cooler dispenser will save you so much money and also save the environment from all those plastic water bottles. Even if you recycle the water bottles, it takes energy to make them into something else. The Drinkpod provides water for all your needs. Just think how easy it is to make a hot cup of coffee or tea with purified clean water that is ready to use. You can even have cold water right away. My family could fill up their reusable water bottles for on the go water.

It comes in two colors

  I like the look of the white Drinkpod but my husband likes the black water cooler. I am really fine with either color as I just love how much cleaner/safer my water will be. I love how easy it is to switch out the water filters, unlike the one on my fridge that is near the floor and I have to lay on the floor to remove it.

The Drinkpod has a 4 part purification system 

Particle Scrub
Uses a mechanical reduction process to eliminate large particle contaminants. Excels at removing lead and rust.

Chemical Scrub
Uses a chemical reduction process to reduce chemical contaminants. Excels at reducing chlorine and benzine.

Ultra Scrub
Uses a powerful membrane to reduce sub-micron contaminants down to 1/100th of a micron. Excels at removing bacteria, viruses, and radioactive elements.

Polishing Scrub
Uses activated carbon to absorb the contaminants that affect your senses. Excels at reducing odors, bad tastes, and discoloration.

Great Gift for Mothers Day and EVERY DAY!

The Drinkpod makes a great gift for mom. I don't need a gift occasion to treat my family to clean purified drinking and will be telling my husband that we need to buy this 3-in-1 kitchen appliance that will give us great water. The Special 30% Exclusive Code will help me convince my husband. Do you want clean drink water without a hassle? Just click on the below links and the 30% is added to the link.



Watch the video to see how the Drinkpod works!


duffelbagspouse said...

I've added numeric to my diet for other reasons. Glad to know it supports my running efforts too.

Sandra Watts said...

I like this idea. I would be interested in learning more.

Matias said...

Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have  70000 grain water softener

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Mom knows best