>U Mom Knows Best: Include Goddess Garden In Your Natural Summer Plans

Include Goddess Garden In Your Natural Summer Plans

Sponsored post: I am a Goddess Garden Brand Ambassador.  I have received both products, that I love using and compensation as part of this program. All opinions are my own.

My summer plans include an awesome natural sunscreen.

This summer is going to be a busy one for my family. We have a lot of exciting things planned for this summer. I have been quite busy lately just preparing for my summer plans and exciting events. I think my busy summer started last month with the graduation of my teenager. He is headed off to the Merchant Marine Academy later this month. Then I have a trip for a conference this month also. Next month my husband has several businesses trips and the following month, my daughter is having a baby. Our summer ends with a trip to visit my son at the Merchant Marine Academy. My head is just spinning from writing about all this. All of our summer plans will include time in the sun so I need to make sure to include my favorite natural mineral based sunscreen in my summer as I don't want sunburn in my summer plans.

That's my husband and me with our graduate. This was in May and it was already summer weather here in New Mexico. I am so proud of my son who graduated with many awards including being the salutatorian of his high school. The day of his graduation was a perfect day for Goddess Garden Organic Sunscreen. I love how this chemical-free sunscreen protects my skin from the sun without any of those bad ingredients like avobenzone

 Natural mineral sunscreens are immediately effective

 My busy summer will also include trips to the pool with the younger boys. I love that I can apply Goddess Garden Kids Sunscreen on my boy's skin and they can jump in the water right away. Did you know that those chemical-based sunscreens can take 20 minutes to be effective? So what do most parents do? They apply those smelly chemical sunscreens at home before they arrive at the pool and then the car ride is just plain stink! I say no to smelly chemicals on my kid's skin. My boys love that this mineral sunscreen also comes in a spray can so they can get into the pool even faster.

Mineral sunscreens are great for sensitive skin.

My youngest takes after me and has sensitive skin. We can both use Goddess Garden and do not suffer from any rashes since natural minerals reflect the UV rays and aren’t absorbed into the skin, they are much less likely to cause irritation.  The main ingredient in Goddess Garden is Zinc Oxide which provides natural broad-spectrum protection from both UVB (burning) rays, as well as the UVA (aging and damaging) rays.

Even the new baby can be protected from the sun!

  I love that Goddess Garden has a natural sunscreen that is made for babies. I made sure to give some to my daughter at her baby shower that was last month. One of the guests at the baby shower just had a baby and was happy to learn about this baby safe sunscreen. She asked me where she could buy the Baby Natural Sunscreen and I told her at stores like Walmart, Sprouts, and Walgreens. Go HERE to find Goddess Garden Organics in your local store.

Perfect for vacations.

 My trip to a blogging conference, later this month is my mini vacation. Three days at a hotel all by myself is awesome. I always make time for swimming. I always include the Sport Goddess Garden Sunscreen in my carry-on and it is perfect for airline travel at 3.4 ounces, the maximum liquid allowance. I brought this natural mineral based sunscreen to my beach trip two years ago and I did not experience any sunburns.

I like having many options!

 My favorite natural and organic sunscreen comes in many forms so everyone in the family can choose their favorite way to stay protected from the sun. I love using the Sunscreen Stick on my face as it is so convenient and mess-free. I keep a stick in my purse so I can use it on days that I forget to apply my sunscreen. My teen loves the Aloe Vera After-Sun Gel Spray for those times that he forgets that he will be out in the sun. He says that it does a great job of cooling the sunburn.

Which Goddess Garden product will you include in your summer plans?


 Mineral Sunscreens are even safe for the reefs & environment. 

Studies have shown common chemical sunscreens like octinoxate and oxybenzone are damaging the coral reefs. Hawaiian senators even introduced a ban on these chemical sunscreens in an effort to save the reefs. Because the minerals come from the earth, they can safely return there once your day in the sun is done.



Jessi Joachim said...

I live in Florida, and have 2 small kids so I am always needing sunscreen! I will have to check this brand out because I love that it is natural!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I wouldn't mind trying these out. We're outside and at the pool a lot over summer break, so we go through a lot of sunscreen.

Quite Simply Kate said...

I love mineral based sunscreens. I've tried a couple different varieties for both my self and my toddler and find they work better than the other sunscreens. I've never heard of this brand do you know if it is available in Canada?

Unknown said...

I have been looking for a new sunscreen for my daughter, and I have heard nothing but great things about this brand!

Sarah Bailey said...

I have to admit this is a brand I've not heard of before, but it sounds really good! I think we all need a good sunscreen to make sure we are kept safe from the sun.

Ladystitch said...

I am going to have to look into this! My son has eczema so we need something more natural!

Nabanita said...

I use Lotus sunscreens but I don't use it that much somehow sunscreens make me sweaty and I hardly spend time outside in the sun.

scaleitsimple said...

This is perfect! I have been looking for a natural sunscreen for so long now, need to try this one!

Mom Knows Best said...

It is available in Canada. Use this locator https://www.goddessgarden.com/findus/

Lavanda Michelle said...

What a cool post! I love any chance to try a "natural" product. Thanks for sharing! :)

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

The more natural the better! Especially seeing as we have sensitive skin that run through our family!

GiGi Eats said...

I am so bad at caring about what kind of sun screen or anything I put on my body is... Like I don't look if it's natural - I basically just smell it to make sure it smells pleasant! Gah! I am ashamed of myself!

What Corinne Did said...

That swimming pool though! It looks so tempting! And I am stuck in England where there is no sun! A good sunscreen is essential!

Nina said...

i need to look more into this natural product :) because i do have sensitive skin. thank you for sharing

Unknown said...

This sunscreen seems great. I really like your pictures and article. Thanks for sharing!

Ana De-Jesus said...

It is great to hear that Goddess Garden is all natural and more effective than chemical based sunscreens. Also congrats on your son for graduating too!

Ruth I said...

I didn't know that there are mineral sunscreens available these days. I feel so out dated. Lol!

Anonymous said...

i am definitely going to look into this for my 6 month old. im trying really hard to use things that are safe and healthy on my children and dogs.

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Mom knows best