>U Mom Knows Best: Shine And Look Your Best This Summer

Shine And Look Your Best This Summer

 Many people look at the rising temperatures and feel a sense of shame because they don't look the way they'd like to. It doesn't matter if you don't have the perfect summer body. There are so many ways that you can shine and still look your best this summer. Consider these four tips.

1. Develop your confidence. 
If a person has six-pack abs but slouches in the corner of the room, the two cancel each other out. You can have the most amazing body and still be deeply insecure. That insecurity can shine more than the abs do. In order to make a difference in your appearance and the way you feel, work on developing your confidence. The more confident you feel, the more radiant you'll become.

2. Get moving. 
In addition to working on your confidence, it's also wise to spend time focusing on physical activity. It's incredibly important to moving your body every single day. Not only is it important for weight management, it's also crucial for your cardiovascular system and mental health.  and do something you enjoy every day. Whether it's a run around the neighborhood, working on proper squat form or a dip in the pool, get the heart rate up and burn those calories.

3. Prioritize pampering. 
Be kind to yourself. It's really easy for many people to constantly focus on getting work done that they don't consider how much they need to relax. Indulge in an act of self-care every day. A large cup of tea and a seat in a rocking chair for 30 minutes for quiet time can be so mentally restorative. Curl up in the corner of the couch and read a great book for an hour. Go to the spa and get a good massage. Go for a walk around the neighborhood at sunset.

4. Eat clean and drink a lot. 
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure they fill up your plate more than any other food group. Plus, as the sun and temperatures get high, you'll want to do your best to stay hydrated. Consume water-dense fruit like watermelon and cantaloupe. Additionally, it's really important to drink lots of water. If you're unsure of how much to drink, start by drinking your body weight in ounces. If you weight 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces of water each day. The more water you drink, the more energized and healthy you'll feel.

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