>U Mom Knows Best: How To Keep Baby Skin Healthy And Soft

How To Keep Baby Skin Healthy And Soft

        I received samples from My Little North Star Organics to facilitate this post.

  I graduated to grandma last year and I am loving my new title. It was last August that I became a grandma and I am in love with this cute little girl. My grandbaby is the cutest and she is perfect from head to toe. She has perfectly soft baby skin and I know that my daughter is taking good care of her skin. My daughter uses skin care products that are made for baby's delicate skin which is good as this baby has sensitive skin just like her mom did as a baby. All my kids had eczema as babies and they all outgrew it except for my youngest son. My youngest son still has eczema but you would never know by looking at his skin as his skin shows nothing. This son who is now 11, has helped me discover the best products to keep his skin eczema free. So now I am passing on my experience of sensitive skin care to my daughter.

We’ve all said it at some point, “soft as a baby’s bottom” While babies may have perfectly soft skin, it is also extremely delicate and requires extra care.

 My boys are 11 and 12 so it has been a while since I have had to bathe a baby but I do remember how sensitive baby skin can be. Baby skin needs extra care and my daughter discovered that last month when she applied a lavender scented lotion on the baby's skin. The baby broke out in a rash. At first, my daughter thought that maybe the rash was caused by carrots. My daughter has many food allergies, including peanuts, so she is introducing new foods one at a time to my grandbaby. My daughter tried carrots again and the baby had no rash so that is when she discovered that it was the lavender baby lotion that caused the rash.

 Crafted specifically for babies, this product is made from only pure and organic ingredients to soothe babies with any type of sensitive skin or allergies.

  I am helping my daughter learn that chemical-free and non-toxic skin care products are best for her baby's soft skin. I am teaching my daughter to select products that use essential oils as fragrance. As that is what I have learned over the past couple of years with my son's sensitive skin. I love introducing my daughter to new baby products and ones that are organic are always my favorite. It makes perfect sense to me to use organic baby wash and lotion on baby skin. Skin is our largest organ and what we apply to it affects our whole body. Baby skin is thinner than adult skin so it is more susceptible to damage and irritation as it continues to develop during their first year of life. So avoiding harsh and toxic ingredients are even more important.

So, do organic products really make a difference in babies’ lives? Yes, they do. It’s not only what we put in our babies’ bodies, but also what we put ON their bodies… after all, skin is our largest organ.

 My son is enjoying My Little North Star Organics baby products and loves the way it smells. He likes the citrus scent and is happy that it does not have a typical baby powder scent like most baby products. We will be sharing this baby shampoo/body wash with the baby. My daughter will love that the baby shampoo is tear-free as we don't want that cute little baby to cry from soap in her eyes. Their products are made from only pure and organic ingredients so they are great for big kid sensitive skin and delicate baby skin. Their chemical free and non-toxic baby shampoo and body wash are made with lavender and orange essential oils to create a tranquil bath for everyone involved. I love that it is vegan and never tested on animals.

My Little North Star Organics is tear-free, hypoallergenic and contains no harsh chemicals making it perfect for babies/kids with sensitive skin, eczema or allergies.


cynthia severson said...

I bought it for my 3 years old daughter, she loved it. Thanks

AiringMyLaundry said...

This sounds great for kids! I would have loved it when they were tiny. They always had sensitive skin.

Chad said...

I don't have kids but this is awesome. I will let my friends know about this product, love it. Thanks a lot for the review.

Reika Misaki said...

I've never heard of this brand before but it's definitely a must try. Thanks for sharing this!

Brittany Vantrease said...

I wish I would have known about this for when my kids were smaller. My oldest used to break out on his cheeks and bleed. We'd try many things that the doctor would recommend like Aquaphor and even Desatin, but the thing that worked most for their cheeks was Neosporin for eczema.

Mom Knows Best said...

I had bad eczema as a kid I remember my mom buying cream after cream and none of them would clear up my skin. My youngest son's skin would burn if I used Aquaphor and even those labeled for sensitive skin. So using natural organic products have worked for him. I still get eczema on my hands and I can't shake peoples hands because their body oils makes the eczema flare up.

ifillLife said...

I used all organic product with my baby! nothing beats natural!

Alexandra said...

Nothing is more comforting than the soft skin of a baby. These are some really helpful tips!

Georgina Nderitu said...

These tips are extremely helpful. I'm trying to transition my family to non chemical skin care products, and this information will help me achieve that

Sarah M said...

This product seems work well on babies skin. I prefer organic products.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh this looks like an awesome product! Thanks so much for sharing this with us, I'm sure some mommas will find it super helpful.

Hannah Marie said...

Finding a good product is easy. But finding a product that's also good and will suit you could be challenging. This looks like a promising one.

Noonetocompare said...

This sounds like a great product for babies and young children, I know when my daughter was young I was very cautious about what I used on her body and what she ate. Thanks for sharing and the introduction to this new brand.

Anagha said...

I have young parents in my circle. I am gonna suggest this to them. Chemical free products are must for sensitive skins.

Dalene Ekirapa said...

Baby's skin can be so delicate and require no harsh chemicals so it's a plus for the body wash you got for the baby! It must be soft in scent, right?

Kitty said...

Wow thanks I am currently using Brut Bees and I wanted to switch ... This seems like a great product for my babies 😊👍🏼

Candace Hampton said...

Great post! I bet that finding the perfect product for a baby is really hard. This product sounds great for babies and children. Thanks for sharing your honest review.

Andie Comala said...

Ohh I havent heard of this brand but when products are organic, you know the ingredients are not harsh.

XO Andie

Macky said...

Soft skin of baby is very important. Thanks for sharing quality content. Have a look to my blog.

Samantha said...

He is NOT looking happy about that photo, LOL
Thanks for the review, we use only organic over here

Best Graco Strollers Reviews said...

wow very nice article thanks for sharing the article about baby

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Mom knows best