>U Mom Knows Best: Natural Ways To Treat Menopause Symptoms With NeuEve

Natural Ways To Treat Menopause Symptoms With NeuEve

Discover a natural non-hormonal way to treat menopause and perimenopause symptoms.

Sponsored post: I received a sample to facilitate this post.

 When people talk about the change of life that women go through you mostly hear about hot flashes. Maybe that is the most annoying symptom that we ladies experience when are hormones start messing with our bodies. Hot flashes are just one of many bothersome symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Trust me, there are way more symptoms that most ladies have no clue about the many different menopause symptoms until they start experiencing them. Ladies can have no clue about what can happen to their body when their hormones start changing and they start to enter that season of their life.

 One of the first symptoms that started bothering me when I turned 50 was vaginal dryness. I know this is a topic that no one really talks about. Sometimes we ladies don't even discuss this with our husband as it can be an embarrassing topic to bring up in the bedroom. So if you are a guy and are reading this, don't leave but take this opportunity to learn about a reason why your wife may be saying "not tonight dear, I have a headache." Being dry in the vagina affects so many ladies and we just learn to live with it. When we have fun in the bedroom, we may reach for those messy, sticky love oils but those don't help beyond the moment. I don't know about you but those love potions that my husband likes using to make the magic happen always make my sensitive skin burn. So I always have to run to the shower afterward to wash up down there.

A simple vaginal moisturizer may be the answer  

 I am glad that I discovered a natural product that is helping with the vaginal atrophy that I am experiencing. NeuEve is a vaginal moisturizer that is made from 100% natural ingredients. The natural ingredients in this female moisturizer for dryness and atrophy are 100% food grade. So I did not have to worry about breaking out in some weird rash down there or being sore from my sensitive skin issue.

NeuEve is gluten-free, hormone-free and estrogen-free. NeuEve does NOT contain any boric acid, petrochemicals, parabens, BHT, T.E.A, M.E.A, urea, glycols, PEG's, etc. NeuEve has never been tested on animals and does not contain any animal products.

  I tried out two different products from NeuEve and they were so simple to use. I was happy to learn that a woman gynecologist invented the cream and suppositories. Who better to make a product than someone who is a lady and has knowledge about the female organs. The products had no side effects. Ok, there were side effects but they were good side effects that made a difference in having fun with my husband. I no longer had dryness down there so I no longer had any pain.

 My husband was surprised that I wanted to have some bedroom fun. The best part was I did not need to reach for any lubricants. This natural organic moisturizer did not leave me itching afterward so I did not feel the need to clean up right away. One application can last 3-8 days depending on the formula that you buy. NeuEve also makes a cream that helps relieve vulvar dryness, itching, and burning. So if my husband does apply some type of love potion on me, this cream helps after the fun. This cream can also be used daily as a vagina moisturizer. I really liked that this cream was not greasy nor did it have any scent to it.

NeuEve suppositories and cream help ease menopausal discomforts: vaginal odor, dryness, atrophy, itching, burning, painful sex, and bacterial vaginosis.

A healthy product for sexual health

 You don't have to be going through the change of seasons to use NeuEve products as other things can make a lady dry down there. Vaginal dryness can be a symptom of many things like taking birth control, breastfeeding, and even from breast cancer. Since the ingredients are made from food ingredients it is safe to use, unless you are allergic to one of the food ingredients. NeuEve also does not contain hormones or bio-identical hormones like estrogen or progesterone so you don't have to worry.  So we ladies no longer have to suffer from dryness and pain. We can enjoy our time in the bedroom again.


Infinity Laser Spa said...

This is an interesting product. I had never heard of such a thing before. Glad to read it has a lot of benefits and can really help with dryness around your intimate area.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I'll keep this in mind when I get to this point. It sounds like it will come in handy.

Nyxie said...

My mother has gotten to this point and has actually been suggested this before by a friend of hers. I'll have to mention it to her again.

Chad said...

This is amazing!!! I will check it out for my mom, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Jaredamy said...

I had no idea they made moisturizer for this! Wow, I guess it is helpful for the side effects that us women have to deal with.

Heather R said...

I wanted to cry when I saw Nyxie write that her mom is at this point because I"M comming up on menopause (41). These are some really great products to combat problems that women often have so it's nice to see good solutions other than a time machine.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I'm coming up on this eventually and it's good to know my options so I'm prepared. Thank you so much for sharing this friend!

What Corinne Did said...

I am not quite there yet but it is always good to know there are dedicated products available should need be.

Kathy said...

I didn't even know they had a product like this. Sounds really interesting. I'm not going through this yet, but I'll keep this in mind for when the time comes.

The Super Mom Life said...

Menopause is right around the corner for me, so I want to learn about all the products asap! I'm checking this one out.

Sherry said...

I'm in my mid 40's so this is bound to happen sooner rather than later. I am so glad to hear that there's a product that won't irritate me.

Prime Beauty said...

This was one symptom of menopause that I didn't experience. I'm glad that there is something to help women with this problem.

Katrina Kroeplin said...

Great information. I went through menopause a couple years ago even though I’m 35 (had a hysterectomy)

Cristina Petrini said...

I think it would be a perfect and really interesting product for my mom. It is not always a walk to deal with menopause.

Toni said...

This sounds like a great help for women. Thank you so much for sharing.

GiGi Eats said...

One day, I will have to utilize these products. I appreciate the information and education prior to that time in my life - because now I feel READY! ;)

Marie at Complete Literature said...

I could only wish to have pre or perimenopausal symptoms!!! I am 50 and still going strong, lol. Once I get to this point, hopefully soon, I will be looking at your points. They all sound perfectly on point!

Ruth I said...

My mom will go through menopause phase soon. I will buy this for her.

Jessica said...

I don’t think I am heading towards menopause anytime soon (but one can never be so sure) my Grandma started in her mid 30’s! However, I have noticed dryness more recently than not and I feel just as bothered. Definitely going to check this out.

KishaRose said...

This was post was so informative! I'm not there yet but but you can never be so sure. I swear some of these nights I feel like I'm going through!!!!

Ckrusch said...

Sounds very interesting! I will share it with a friend!

Sophia said...

I haven't hit this stage of my life yet but this sounds great. I will have to share this with some people I know.

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Mom knows best