>U Mom Knows Best: Reach Your Fitness and Health Goals With Idealfit

Reach Your Fitness and Health Goals With Idealfit

Discover some products to help you reach your health goals

          I received products from Idealfit to facilitate this post.

 I decided to change my fitness routine last year as I wanted to get stronger muscles. The first change that I made to my health routine, back in July, was to add more weightlifting into my workout time. Since I was just looking for strong muscles and not adding bulk to my body, I decided to visit the gym 3 days a week to lift some weights. Getting older was causing my arm muscles to sag and I had read in a magazine that weightlifting is beneficial for ladies over 40 in so many ways. I was already meeting my husband at the gym after he got off work so this was a perfect time to explore weightlifting. I am happy to say that my weightlifting sessions have helped not only my arm muscles but also my core muscles. My before and after photos of my 6th-month fitness update will give you the motivation to include weights in your workout routine.

 My weightlifting sessions were in addition to my running that I did in the morning five days a week. I finally realized through a fitness challenge that my body and mind need a morning workout. I used to hate exercising in the morning in the winter as I am not a morning person and my seasonal depression made me want to stay inside. Once I pushed myself to get out running in the morning, I discovered that morning fitness and an LED therapy light were what I needed to improve my mood to overcome my Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and say goodbye to winter blues. The only problem that I had with my nighttime weightlifting sessions at the gym with my husband was my lack of energy. Once that sun goes down in the winter, my body starts feeling tired. So I needed some energy so I could meet my husband ate the gym. My husband has been doing so well with his exercise to improve his health and it was important that I kept going to the gym with him as he needed my support.

 I started exploring ways to give my body some energy that did not involve caffeine or sugar. While I love my natural energy drinks that contain caffeine for an energy boost in the morning, I can't do caffeine after 3PM or I will have trouble falling asleep. None of these 10 sleep tips can counteract the caffeine, not even the weighted blanket that helps my restless son sleep.

 So I was happy to discover a STIM FREE Pre-Workout drink. I needed the benefits of a pre-workout supplement to give me energy for my weightlifting workout but I did not want the side effects that come with caffeine. I discovered that this stimulant-free workout drink from Idealfit was formulated for women. To me, that is a good thing as I don't want a workout supplement that is formulated for a guy. Ladies have different needs when it comes to bodybuilding and fitness.   

This Stim-Free Pre-workout drink came in some delicious flavors and I selected the Strawberry Lemonade and Passion Fruit flavors. I liked that these workout drinks did not contain any whey or dairy. I have to be careful with ingredients as my dairy allergy can trigger an asthma attack. So I have learned to be a label reader. Exercise helps my asthma but working out with asthma can be challenging. The IdealLean Pre-work was delicious and had an amazing fruity scent. My teen asked me for a sip of the exercise drink as he said it smelled so good.

I drank the pre-workout fitness drink 20 minutes before I headed to the gym and it gave me the perfect amount of energy to lift weights for 30 minutes. I loved that this fitness drink did not make me feel hyper or like I had excess energy to burn. I admit that energy drinks with caffeine can give me a lot of energy but that is perfect when I want to run fast. When I am lifting weights it is about controlled movements and hyper energy from caffeine could cause me to lift the weights improperly. So I liked the controlled energy that the IdealLean gave me as it was just enough to motivate me to get my workout done.

IdealFit sells more than pre-workout drinks

    IdealFit has an amazing selection of products for women who have fitness and health goals. IdealFit is a store that sells protein powders and supplements that are made the nutritional needs of ladies. I was amazed at all the delicious flavors of protein powders that you can buy. IdealFit had flavors like lemon, cookies and cream, and even vegan protein powder. This unique store for ladies with health goals also had supplements like omegas and workout clothes. 

  New workout clothes are a great fitness motivation tool for me so I had to get some new fitness tops with the order of my pre-workout drinks. The IdealFit tank top that I am wearing in the above photo is so cute and comfortable. This tank top is form-fitting and I love how light the fabric is so I don't feel sweaty while wearing it. I also had to have the relaxed-fit core hem t-shirt. I was thinking that this loose-fitting shirt would be great for my online yoga classes and relaxing around the house. I have my eye on some sports bras which I will order when I need some vegan protein powder. My favorite part of shopping at IdealFit is the prices, especially on workout clothes. They have some good deals for workout clothing and their sales right now means that you can get protein powder for the best prices. So if you are looking to try a new flavor of protein powder beyond vanilla and chocolate then you need to take a look at IdealFit's website. Cute exercise clothes are always the best reward for reaching your fitness goals. 


Lisa Joy Thompson said...

I need to be better about lifting. I used to hike daily and now I kayak daily, but I think lifting would be super beneficial. I also will have to check out the pre-workout drinks from IdealFit. I bet I'd love the strawberry lemonade.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I might have to try this out. I've never had a workout drink before, but mostly because I stick to jogging around the neighborhood. One day I might start lifting.

Jessica said...

Never heard about this product but it seems like it's a good one you look amazing by the way

Chad said...

I've never heard of this one before but I take supplements daily. I would love to try this one soon, thanks a lot for the review.

The Super Mom Life said...

I haven't heard of this brand before. I will have to check it out!

monica said...

I will have to try this out. I sometimes don't like eating food before I work out yet I need something quick and easy to give me energy.

Michelle Davis said...

Oh I might need to try this out. I'm trying to get healthy .

Prime Beauty said...

I have to get back to the gym. I'll check out the selection this brand has. You look great by the way!

Gust si Aroma said...

The lack of energy during the cold season is my problem too! Thanks for sharing these advice with us!

Marie at Complete Literature said...

I actually just got my weights out to start lifting again but haven't figured out the direction I want to go. I have never done workout drinks before but think they are going to become a necessary part of my routine going forward. It has been a rough year and my lack of energy is starting to become a huge problem as I am starting to get back into life full force.

JNoteMusic said...

Seems like you are on point and doing your thing. I love how strong and focused you are. Dedication means everything.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Never heard of this brand but I would be into trying them out in my fitness journey. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

Sophia said...

I am slowly getting back into my workout routine so I will have to check this stuff out. I have heard a lot of good things about it and now I feel even more inclined after reading your blog post.

Ruth I said...

I'd loe to be healthier and active this year. I'm considering this to be a part of my health journey.

Chantal Gray said...

I love your workout plan. You do weightlifting. That is so cool. It is great to have a variety of natural items on IdealFit. I love natural stuff.

David Elliott said...

Sounds like you have a real plan together. And it really looks like you are on your way to doing the right things. The workout drink looks pretty amazing as well.

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

you are doing great! having a fitness plan and sticking with it a key

aisasami said...

I have to suggest this to a friend. She is weight training and I see her lifting weights each day.

Amila said...

It is good to change fitness goals time to time.I don't do any weight lifting.However I understand the importance of having healthy and firm muscles.

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david said...
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