>U Mom Knows Best: The Goals That I Set For My Always Eat After 7 PM Challenge~Post 3

The Goals That I Set For My Always Eat After 7 PM Challenge~Post 3

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This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own. My third post of four total posts.

  Since deciding to take a healthy challenge and choosing to follow a diet plan called Always Eat After 7 PM, I have made some healthy goals. You can read more about my decision to follow the advice of this book HERE. The first goal that I set was to read the Always Eat After 7 PM Book on a daily basis so I could understand what I needed to do daily to reach my other health and fitness goals. This healthy body challenge book had lots of good information that I knew would help me to follow the plan. Read more about the  Always Eat After 7 PM book HERE.

 The Always Eat After 7 PM is a Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks —While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase HERE 

 This rule-breaking diet book had information that would help me succeed in reaching my other goals, that I will discuss later. The, not a diet plan to me, book had easy-to-follow-meal plans that were similar to how I was already eating. The main difference that I think was the key to me succeeding in losing some fat around my belly was when I had to eat these meals. I liked that the book had food lists that made grocery shopping easy. Then there were the delicious recipe ideas. So many of these healthy recipes were ones that my family would enjoy so I would not be making separate meals at dinner time. I think that one of the many reasons other diet plans fail is it is hard to stick to a diet when other family members are not eating the same food. I think other diets fail when people make unrealistic goals that are hard to follow. These goals can include cutting out major food groups like carbs, from your diet. I am glad that this change my body challenge book did not make me give up my carbs.

My goals

1. Changing the time I ate breakfast
The first goal that I set for myself was to change the time I ate breakfast and when I ate my bedtime snack. The Always Eat After 7 PM book recommends an intermittent fasting time of 12-16 hours as there are many benefits like improved heart health.  At first, I was against any amount of fasting as I like eating my breakfast when I wake up. When I realized that I was already fasting for 10 hours from the time I ate my bedtime snack to the time I ate breakfast, I knew that I could handle another two hours. So I decided to eat my bedtime snack an hour earlier at 10 PM and then eat my breakfast at 10 AM. The breakfast time goal only had me waiting an extra hour since I was already getting up every morning to go out running at 8 AM and not eating breakfast until I got back. The challenge did allow me to have my caffeine before I went running. The first couple of days it was hard to have to wait an hour to eat as running makes me hungry but I reminded myself that this would help boost my metabolism.

The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis.

2. Thinking before I reached for snacks
  I admit that I like to snack. Staying home day and sitting across from the kitchen makes me want to grab a snack every time I get up. The snacks may be healthy but they still give me additional calories that I may not need. So I have started to think before I reach for a snack. I also have decided to work in another room in my house that is far away from the kitchen. That has been helping me cut back on my snacking. I have been trying to follow the meal plan that Joel Marion has laid out in the book and eat bigger meals instead of snacking all day. I do love the fact that I get a bedtime snack

3. Trying out the dress I wore to my daughter's wedding
  A big goal that I made was based on the above photo from my daughter's wedding. I really don't like the way my middle section looks in the dress so I am going to try on this dress once I have finished the Always Eat After 7 PM book challenge. This fancy dress is still in my closet and I have not worn it since my daughter's wedding, 5 years ago. So doing a before and after of me wearing the dress will help me see if this meal plan helped me lose the fat in my middle section. I am not going to base my progress off of a number on a scale because I really don't have weight to lose but rather fat and that fat may transform into muscle.

 Based on surprising science, Always Eat After 7 PM debunks popular diet myths and offers an easy-to-follow diet that accelerates fat-burning and allows you to indulge in your most intense food cravings: Eating the majority of your calories at night.

4. Changing what I ate before bed
  Another goal that I set for my stomach fat loss challenge was rethinking my bedtime snack food choices. My usual bedtime snack is a handful of wheat crackers but Joel Marion recommends eating a bedtime snack with protein and carbs. So I will be enjoying a berry smoothie or a smoothie bowl with berries and granola. As long as my snack has protein, fruit and some fat, this easy-to-follow diet will accelerate my fat-burning.

5. Trying new recipes
  I think the worse part of any diet is the boring food choices but that is not the case with this highly effective weight loss program. The Always Eat After 7 PM book has so many delicious recipes and it includes pictures. So I will be setting a goal to cook more at home. I am excited to try the Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup for dinner this week. Many of the meals include seafood which is awesome as I love eating fish and shrimp.

 These are the goals that I made for myself while I am following this  Always Eat After 7 PM book fat-loss challenge. I think they are goals that I can reach and I am excited to see my new healthier body.

 Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase.

This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed below are my own.


The Super Mom Life said...

I find this theory to be so fascinating. I've always been told not to eat after 7pm, but it's nice to see someone challenge that!

Celebrate Woman said...

Great way to add to our life is an intermittent fasting. Combining it with low glycemic foods, a lot of plant-based foods could help to manage the weight so much better. And in a healthy way.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Awesome, I am glad it works for you! I actually rarely eat breakfast, but I eat lunch early at 11, so I guess it's sort of like a breakfast.

Melissa said...

Thinking before eating snacks is a huge one for me. Especially being home more often. I love all these tips.

Aiyna said...

Intermittent fasting has worked wonders for me! I love some of the tips you’ve added as well. Will definitely be trying these out!

Janis said...

I'm also reading this book and I love all the options it offers. For extra motivation, I love your idea of trying on the dress you wore to your daughter's wedding (she's a beautiful bride, BTW).

Jessica said...

I've been doing intermittent fasting for almost 9 months amd is the best thing I ever did. It has balance my glucose and I've lost a lot of weight and feel healthier.

Debra P said...

I love the goals you've set including the dress and your meal ideas. I'm doing this now and having excellent results. It feels natural to me.

Ckrusch said...

I'm still working on making IF work for me! Loved reading all about how you're making it work for you!

Sherry said...

I really need to get this book as I am struggling to lose weight/fat. Everything makes sense. I already don't eat first thing in the morning.

Monica said...

I would love to read this book and learn more about this diet. It's very fascinating to me!

Gust si Aroma said...

I am so curious to see if this diet really works. It seems too beautiful to be true! :)

Toni said...

I love trying new ways to challenge my self to be healthy. Thanks for sharing this!

Lyosha Varezhkina said...

very nice goals! I wish you success. Some of my friends started this diet and some even started seeing the result after one week. It was mostly sleep improvement and extra energy

Erin said...

You have set some great goals that are very realistic! I am working on this challenge myself, and trying to be more healthy!

Alvern at Success Unscrambled said...

It is great to hear that things are progressing well for you on this journey of fat loss. I cannot wait to see the before and after pictures of you in the dress. I am sure you will be thrilled at the results.

Lisa said...

These are great goals to work towards. Keep going, you’ll get there!

Unknown said...

This looks like a book I need to read. I do some of these things but have fallen out of routine. The IF does a lot for me and does regulate your body to lose wieght. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

Heather @ US Japan Fam said...

Intermittent fasting has been a huge change for me, but I'm really loving the BioTrust Metabogreens!! Did you try them?

Joanna said...

Combined with the intermittent fasting, this diet does make sense. I was wondering how can you eat after 7PM and not put weight on.

Marta said...

This is the secon post I found about this diet. I will have a look in to it more.

Jhangi said...

It was really amazing to know about how you have set these all..Book is really very helpful and interesting..loved it..Thanks for sharing..🙂

Jessi Joachim said...

Setting goals is so important! This seems like a really great way to achieve your goals!

Levi Bastian Redcross said...

I literally JUST saw another blogger on the same diet! This thing must work, otherwise so many people wouldn't be doing it! I look forward to hearing about your results.

Princess said...

Loved it. I did this diet and it works, but I adjusted the time to before 5pm, because I am a morning person and I dont want to wait longer before my first meal the next day hehe :) I loved seeing women achieving their goals.

www.keepingupwithcandy.com said...

This sounds like a really cool 'diet' but I doubt I could do it. I know it's more of a mindset. But there must be something to it since others are following the plan.

Candy Rachelle
Keeping Up With Candy

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