>U Mom Knows Best: My Journey To Reduce Plastic Products

My Journey To Reduce Plastic Products

Two years ago I made a commitment to reduce my use of plastic

          I received samples from SuperBee to facilitate this post.

 It was at a health conference two years ago that I started to get more serious about reducing my use of plastic products and to have less plastic waste go into the environment. After learning about how plastic is bad for my body and the environment, I knew that I had to try harder to reduce the amount of plastic that was in my life, and that included plastic products that were in my house and plastic products that I was buying. Notice that I said I was going to reduce my use of plastic products as it would be very hard to eliminate all plastic from my life.

 You might be thinking that one person reducing plastic won't do a thing to the environment but I knew that the power of one person could add up to a lot. I was already using reusable cloth bags at the grocery store and when I added up the amount of plastic bags that were not going to the landfill that number was big. If I was not using 10 plastic bags each week at the store that was 40 plastic bags a month times 12 months that was 480 plastic grocery bags that I was not adding to environmental plastic waste. So if nine of my friends joined me and committed to using reusable bags at the grocery store that would be 4800 plastic bags that would not harm sea life.

 It was at an environmentally friendly conference that I got inspired to do more for my health and the earth. I knew that I could be doing more in saving the environment beyond recycling and other eco-friendly things like using E-cloths instead of paper towels. I like that I was also saving money by using cloth napkins.

I stopped using plastic bottles and cups

The first thing that I did to reduce my plastic consumption was I stopped drinking bottled water. I was not buying water that came in plastic bottles as to me that was a money waster but I stopped drinking from plastic bottles at parties. Instead, I brought my own reusable water container everywhere I went. Living in the desert already had me bringing water with me when I left the house but now I even carried my metal water bottle when I ate at quick-serve restaurants as it was easy to fill with water from the soda dispensers.

I started recycling glass 

 I knew for a long time that I should be recycling glass but I did not as it was a hassle for my family. My city had a curbside recycling program but we could not put the glass into the blue recycling bins so in the past I put the glass bottles and glass containers into the trash containers. So that glass was going to the landfill. So I decided to start placing glass waste into a container in the garage and when it is full, I now take it to a dumpster behind the grocery store that is for glass recycling.

I stopped using plastic in the microwave 

 Once I learned that plastic could be harmful to my health, especially when heated up in the microwave, I started only using glass dishes in the microwave. I did not want the plastic toxins in my body. I bought more glass dishes and reminded my boys to use them when reheating food in the microwave.

Even clothes contain plastic that harms the environment

 I patted myself on the back for being a frugal shopper as my thrift shopping of clothes was better for the environment. Clothes that are made from synthetic fabrics release plastic when washed so buying used clothes meant that most of the plastic had been washed out. So I was saving money and the environment when I shopped at thrift stores.

I stopped buying plastic wrap and aluminum foil

 I decided that I needed to stop my use of disposable plastic products even more. I bought my boys reusable containers for their school lunches and stopped buying plastic food storage bags. I even discovered reusable sandwich bags. Then I discovered SuperBee Wax Wraps to even further reduce my plastic waste.

 These 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton handmade food storage wraps are awesome for covering up leftovers. The food wrappers are natural cotton cloths that are dipped into sustainably-harvested beeswax, organic coconut oil, and tree resin. So the cloths stick to bowls and dishes to keep food fresh. These handmade food storage wraps are all naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial too. I just love how they shape around my dishes and come in many different sizes. I can even use these zero-waste food wraps to wrap around a sandwich for back to school lunches.

 The best part of these safe eco-friendly food wraps that cling to your dishes that are filled with leftovers is they are reusable. The SuperBee Wax Wraps can be washed by hand and can be used again and again, up to two years! So just think of how much money these unique food wraps can save me. That is a lot of aluminum foil and plastic wrap that I will not be buying or sending into the trash can! When the wraps have finally lost all their cling, they can be composted instead of adding to a landfill.

SuperBee sent me a Beeginners pack of three Beeswax Wraps in three different sizes and they also sent me an eco-friendly toothbrush and a cool face mask. The face mask is perfect for my trips to the grocery store for grocery pick-up.

Are you trying to reduce plastic waste?


AiringMyLaundry said...

I am also working on using less plastic. I have started to get more reusable things. And yes, I do recycle!

Brianne said...

I love this. We've been working on reducing our plastic, as well. It's so bad for the environment. It never composts or decomposes, and it just fills up the earth.

Cristina Petrini said...

I think what you do is truly admirable and I think we should all take this "journey"

Kathy said...

I do as much as I can. I love to recycle and I'm very big on that in my house. I recycle anything possible. I also use a lot less plastic too.

Celebrate Woman said...

I've been transitioning myself and my family to plastic free zone for the past ten years. Right now, my kitchen is only for ceramic and glass. At the pool, we use PBA-free cups and bamboo plates.

Sherry said...

I need to start using less plastic. Right now our grocery stores aren't allowing the use of reusable bags because of the virus. Thankfully, our recycling program recycles the plastic bags. I can't wait to go back to reusable.

Toni said...

I love this!! Thanks so much for the ideas! I've been trying to minimize the use of plastic in my house, too!

Jhangi said...

Oh wow it is really amazing to know about your journey and these ideas are very helpful and useful...Thanks for sharing indeed...

Gervin Khan said...

We tried to reduce using plastic as much as we can, I always bring my reusable bag every time I go to the grocery but of course,for safety I am cleaning and disinfecting it before and after using it.

Erin said...

I try to reduce my plastic use as much as possible. We also recycle everything we can.

Ckrusch said...

We do as much as we can as a family. I love to recycle and I'm very big on that in my house! We often look for alternatives to plastic.

Sudipta said...

Your post is really inspirational. I am also consciously trying to reduce plastic usage, so it was wonderful reading about your efforts.

Alvern at Success Unscrambled said...

We have a big recycle culture here and my daughter is even encouraging everyone to boycott shops that do fast fashion. I am delighted to hear about these beeswax wraps, I hope that they are available here.

Wren LaPorte said...

This is fantastic! I prefer to stay away from plastic when possible and it is how I raise my kids! :)

Barbie's Beauty Bits said...

I rarely even us plastic. HOWEVER, with the pandemic I started doing so, as finding soap and other needs to wash dishes was hard. I need to go back to prior COVID.

Lyanna Soria said...

I've never heard of SuperBee but that sounds amazing! It's a great practice to try and reduce the amount of plastic you use.

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

Recycling is so important! I no longer buy plastic water bottles and instead use my Swell bottle - it is well-loved!

Nyxie said...

We try to use reusable products where we can. We reuse bags for shopping etc and I have net bags on the way for produce.

Peachy Adarne said...

I am in a transition from using plastic to reusable materials. Great tips! Thank you.

Fatima D Torres said...

Our family has reduced it plastic use as well. I've been focused on more eco-friendly alternatives. Not only for us, but also for the pups.

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Mom knows best