>U Mom Knows Best: Best Place For Allergy and Asthma Supplies

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Best Place For Allergy and Asthma Supplies

Living with allergies and asthma can be difficult at times. Having the right medical supplies can make all the difference in your treatment plan.

 Four years ago, I discovered that I had asthma. From the diagnosis of asthma to figuring out what was triggering my asthma symptoms, has been quite the learning experience for me. While I think that I had asthma for an even longer time, it was four years ago that I realized that my year-round seasonal allergy cough was asthma. I also discovered through a food allergy blood test that a dairy allergy was triggering my asthma.

 Most people think that asthma can be controlled with just an inhaler but the needed supplies for asthma is so much more. Asthma management can be different depending on the type of asthma that a person has. Some people can just avoid their asthma triggers while for others it is not that simple. Since my asthma can be triggered by allergies, smoke, exercise, and so much more, I can not avoid all the triggers that cause an asthma attack. Avoiding my food allergies can be simple but avoiding all the plants that I am allergic to is not that easy. So I recently started allergy shots.

The best place for asthma supplies

 My asthma treatment plan requires daily allergy medication and daily exercise. Exercise is beneficial for asthma as it helps keep my lungs strong and can help me open up my airway. While I try my best to avoid things that trigger my asthma, I still can have an asthma attack that requires at-home treatment. Treating my asthma at home can help me avoid a trip to the er. I have a box with all my asthma supplies with detailed instructions, so my family can help me if my asthma gets severe. Sometimes when I am struggling to breathe, I can forget to do things that can help control my asthma.

 I love that I can order all my asthma supplies online from HPFY and not have to leave the comfort of my home. A simple thing like shopping in a medical supply store can trigger an asthma attack in me. Walking past the cleaning products can cause an asthmatic coughing fit. Even hand sanitizer can affect my asthma. Thanks to covid, I have learned to avoid certain stores as some are using chemical fragrant cleaners.

 HPFY has a wide selection of asthma treatment supplies like nebulizers, tubing, and masks. I can also buy my allergy medications and a natural Olbas Inhaler. The best part about shopping online for my medical supplies is the prices but there are so many other benefits to online shopping for medical supplies.

Benefits of Shopping Online
+ Low Prices
+ No Prescription Needed
+ Wide Variety Of Medical Supplies For Most Medical Conditions
+ Ships To Your Home
+ Auto-Reorder Program
+ Health Tips
+ FSA Eligible
Free Shipping 

 I find that online stores have a wider selection of medical supplies for so many medical needs. Most online medical stores also sell many other items. I love that I can order my asthma supplies and then also shop for items like bandages, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and even baby diapers! So I can even buy my son's favorite protein bars. Then the items are all delivered to my home.

Best online store for medical supplies and more

 Shopping online has become my way of life, especially when life gets busy. With the high gas prices, I can save money shopping online. I like that I can shop for my medical supplies and items for the home and family any time of day. I no longer have to worry about empty shelves at the store. This store makes things easier for me and they help me save money. You have to take a look at the online medical websites to see all the many items that they carry. 


Tammy said...

I have learned that shopping online is a much better choice for so many things. Now that gas is so high, let the postman bring what I need to me.

Forever My Little Moon said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite store to shop for these items. I only have seasonal allergies and can manage with over the counter, but for others, this is very helpful!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I am glad there's a place that can help. It's no fun to suffer with allergies.

Kathy said...

I'm glad you shared your favorite place to shop. It's nice to see where others like to get their products too. Allergies sure are no fun.

Richelle Milar said...

Sharing your favorite store to shop will help a lot of people! My daughter also had allergies this is so helpful

Rose Ann Sales said...

Shopping online absolutely helps a lot! Thanks for sharing your favorite place to shop. I’m surely gonna share this with my friend who has allergies.

alita said...

Shopping online has become the norm after covid. And I too would prefer shopping online now. Thank for sharing your best stores.

Beautiful Touches said...

It's always amazing to me how quickly our bodies can change after a long period of time, like developing asthma as an adult. Good information to have and also good to be aware that this could be a situation any of us could find ourselves in.

Melanie Edjourian said...

It's really important to know the best places to get supplies when you have asthma. Online shopping makes buying so much easier especially when the pollen count is high outside.

Marysa said...

I'll have to check this out. My daughter has allergies and it is nice to have a place to find what we need.

Laura JL Books said...

you can get great deals when you shop online. thanks for sharing

Reviews By Kathy said...

I have asthma so I know what it means to always be prepared. We have a checklist every time we are leaving the house.

Beth said...

My mom has severe asthma and lives with me part of the year. I'll look into getting her supplies online.

Ivan Jose | Dad On The Move said...

My family has been under allergy attacks lately. We buy our supplies from a local shop.

Anonymous said...

Great info! My cousin has asthma and I know it's no fun! I'll share this info with her 🙂.

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