>U Mom Knows Best: How To Travel With Food Allergies

How To Travel With Food Allergies

 Is it possible to travel when you have food allergies and have to carry an Epipen? Yes, one can travel with food allergies, it just takes some extra planning. Learn how I navigate traveling with multiple food allergies. 

 I love traveling and having multiple food allergies can make traveling difficult at times. A simple thing, like eating while traveling takes planning but I am not going to let that get in my way of exploring new places and having fun. I have many things that I do before my trip to stay safe and avoid the foods that I am allergic to. 

 As I write this article, I am at the airport heading to an event called Expo East. While waiting for my flight, I decided to share with you my tips to safely travel with food allergies. I want to be able to help those who are looking for help navigating the world of travel with food allergies. 

 Expo East is the fall natural products show from New Hope Network. This is a huge event for the natural & organic community to showcase the latest products that are available in stores. The event is all about seeing and trying the latest natural food, beverages, personal care, and supplements.

 I will start by sharing some details about my food issues. I am allergic to dairy, wheat, soy, and mushrooms. My food allergies cause severe asthma attacks so I have to be careful with eating outside of the home. For the most part, I don't eat out at restaurants as I don't feel safe as I have had accidental food allergy exposure several times in the past. 

 So, I bet you are wondering why I would travel to an event where I would be trying food. Expo East is an event where I can learn about food that is allergy-friendly and the brands there are open about the ingredients in the products. While I feel safe attending this natural product event, I still have to take precautions so I don't accidentally eat any of the foods that I am allergic to.

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10 Things I do to safely travel with food allergies

1. Pack plenty of allergy-friendly food

When I pack for any trip, I always pack plenty of food that I can eat. That way I don't have to buy food at the airport, that may not be safe for me to eat. I also pack healthy food that I can eat for my meals like breakfast. I like to pack vegan protein powder to eat for my breakfast. I also pack nuts, dried fruit, and granola.

2. Stay at a hotel with a kitchen

 I try to stay at a hotel with a kitchen so I can cook my meals. A hotel with a fridge and a microwave is also a good choice. That way I can stock the fridge with food that I can eat and avoid eating out at restaurants.

3. Shop for food when I get to my destination

 After I check into my hotel, I find out where the nearest grocery store is located. I then go shopping for food that I can cook at the hotel for my meals. Good choices for hotel meals, when you don't have a fridge, are cans of tuna, gluten-free crackers, and fresh fruit. Since my hotel has a kitchen with a fridge and microwave, I will buy plant-based milk, frozen dinners, frozen vegetables, and sushi rolls.

4. Exercise in the morning

 I always start my day with exercise for many reasons. Since I have asthma, exercise helps me clear the mucus from my lungs so I can breathe better. Exercise also is great for my mind and it helps me focus better, so I can manage my food allergies. Since I exercise in the morning, I like to fuel my body with a delicious caffeinated energy bar. The snack bars have caffeine in them from green tea, the same amount as a cup of coffee. The bars give me great energy to get my workout done and I don't experience a sugar crash from them like I did when I drank energy drinks.

9 Effective Ways To Clear Mucus For Better Breathing

5. Eat breakfast

 I always start my day with breakfast at the hotel, that way I don't arrive to the event hungry. I can make better food choices when I am not hungry. For breakfast, I drink a protein shake along with some gluten-free cereal an some fresh fruit. My favorite protein to pack for trips is an allergy-friendly plant-based protein powder. I love that this protein is available in travel packs and a small 10-serving size container that is perfect for my travel bag. Nuzest is free of wheat, dairy, soy, and nuts. Each serving has 20 grams of protein so it keeps me full, so I don't go to the event hungry. 

Save 15% on Nuzest with code MOMKNOWSBEST15

6. Always carry my emergency medicines

 My number one rule, when traveling with food allergies, is to always carry my emergency medicines. I have a special travel pouch that is made to hold Epipens. This pouch has plenty of room to hold my Benadryl tablets and other medicines that I might need. That way I am prepared for a food allergy exposure if it accidentally happens. 

7. Ask questions

If you have a food allergy, you need to not be afraid to ask questions about the ingredients in the food. Your life depends on not eating the food that you are allergic to. So speak up and ask questions about what is in the food and how the food is prepared. 

 If I do eat out, I choose to eat at places that serve sushi bowls as they, for the most part, do not contain dairy and they serve plenty of gluten-free options. When I am at the event, I try to sample foods that I am familiar with. I also do not eat any of the wrapped samples, until I can read the ingredient list on the package or visit their website to learn more about the food. 

8. Pack snacks

I also pack plenty of snacks in my bag when I am at the event or out site seeing. That way I have something that I know is safe to eat if I get hungry. My favorite snacks to take on the go are packages of nuts, dried fruit, and protein bars. 

9. Know the signs of accidental ingestion of my food allergies

 It is important to know the signs of accidental exposure to a food that you are allergic to. For me, if I accidentally eat something with dairy, soy, mushrooms, or wheat in it, I have an asthmatic cough. My voice may also change. Once I recognize these signs of food allergy exposure, I take 2 Benadryl and a cup of coffee. This helps keep my airway open so I don't experience any breathing problems. If I have breathing problems, then I will use my Epipen. Thankfully, I have not had to use my EpiPen but it comforts me to know that it is there for emergencies. I have only had one anaphylaxis episode from dairy exposure and that is the reason that the doctor prescribed the EpiPen.

10. Use my natural inhaler

 I always carry my natural inhaler with me when I travel. This inhaler helps open up my airway so I can get the mucus out of my lungs after I have an asthma attack. I also pack menthol lozenges in my bag as they help calm my asthmatic cough.

 These are the many ways that I travel safely with my food allergies. Managing food allergies while traveling can be done. It just takes learning what best works for you. I have been managing my food allergies for 5 years and I am still learning. It was discovering my dairy allergy through a food allergy blood test that has helped me learn how to manage my severe asthma symptoms. 

The past five years have been all about healing my body from food allergies, seasonal allergies, and mold exposure. You can read more about my healing journey through these links.

~ My mold sickness journey

My Personal Experience with Allergy Shots

~ Healing my lungs from trauma


Joline said...

It's very challenging to travel with food allergies. A good friend of ours have to meticulously research restaurants in the area to make she has options.

AiringMyLaundry said...

I imagine this can be tricky. I don't have any allergies, but I know people who do. You have some great advice here.

Karen said...

Fortunately I don't have any food allergies but I have a friend who does and she never goes anywhere without her epi pen.

Lori Bosworth said...

It sounds like you are doing all the right things when you travel. I think it's a great idea to start the day with breakfast!

Pencil Leads said...

Yes it is so important to be prepared especially when you have allergies.

Anita Fonte said...

My hubby is allergic to shell fish. I love Red Lobster. I get afraid if they cook the food in the same pans as food mix.

Marysa said...

We can absolutely relate to this. Traveling can be so stressful! These are great suggestions.

LaToyia Dennis said...

So glad I don’t have food allergies. My son also grew out of his.

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