>U Mom Knows Best: Moustache Coffee Club For Amazing Coffee

Moustache Coffee Club For Amazing Coffee

I am a coffee snob and proud of it. I don't drink coffee to get me going in the morning but rather for the taste. My coffee has to be the good stuff not the stuff that comes in a can and sings about my morning. I get real excited when I get to taste coffee from single- origin coffee beans as I know the taste is incredible. 

Moustache Coffee Club is a new way to discover coffee from around the world that is single-origin and fresh roasted. They roast the beans on Thursday and mail it out that day so you will receive your coffee on Monday. How is that for fresh coffee? 

 The Moustache Coffee Club is a coffee curation club. They find amazing freshly roasted, single origin coffee beans every week and ship them to their members. They have different plans depending on how much coffee you drink. You can get a shipment of coffee once a week, every other week, or once a month. 

I was sent a package of coffee beans from Ethiopian Sidamo Chire, the name just sounds awesome. The coffee beans are a lighter roast which means they are not burnt and have a better flavor.  The minimal roasting means the actual roasting of the coffee doesn't interfere with all the unique and interesting flavors of our single-origin coffee. I learned in my Coffee 101 class that a dark roasted bean does not equal better taste just that the beans are over roasted.

I received my  Moustache Coffee Club coffee beans on Monday and the package smell wonderful. My mail came late that day and I had such a hard time not brewing a cup of coffee that day. If I drink coffee after 4 PM, I can't fall asleep at night. The first thing I did the next morning, after I got the kids off to school, was to make myself a cup of coffee from the beans. I notice right away when I ground up the beans that the coffee was very light. I was skeptical of the light color as I have been trained dark equals better taste. I was so wrong this light roasted coffee bean gave me an awesome cup of coffee. For people who know about cupping, something else I learned at Coffee 101, this coffee has flavors of melon, a floral jasmine, and a hint of cocoa. The beans are also wet processed to highlight more of their true flavor. 
I enjoyed this coffee so much that I had a 2nd cup. I am already waiting for tomorrow morning so I can enjoy another cup of this wonderful coffee.

To learn more about this wonderful coffee club and to get your hands on some awesome coffee, just click on the below links. This is a great way to taste coffee from around the world that is fresh roasted.

"I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for my honest review. These opinions are my own and I believe in giving my readers my true opinion."


Yona Williams said...

I'm like you...coffee really doesn't have that get-up-and-go effect on me like everyone else - I like the flavor of it. I really enjoy a good cup of coffee with a rich flavor. First time hearing about this brand of coffee.

Buzz4Mommies said...

This would be a terrific gift. I am not a big coffee drinker but I have several relatives who would love this!

Patricia said...

This is a great idea for coffee lovers. I like learning about new coffee brands.

Jamie said...

YUM - looks good. I'm a coffee lover, so I might check this out!! :)

Kate | Life of a Ginger said...

I don't like coffee, like, AT ALL. Haha, but my mom LOVES it and she is obsessed with the whole Moustache thing going on right now, so I will have to pick some up for her!

My Captivating Life said...

We have a local coffee shop here that uses this type of coffee and I love it. I can't imagine getting it straight to my house! Wonderful!!

Noordinaryliz said...

OH BOY!!! Any excuse to try out a new brand of coffee, Count me IN! I haven't heard of this brand before, but the name is very catchy. I must try it! Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

I really enjoyed reading this and learned some stuff about coffee that I didn't know. I also love the smell of coffee and this one sounds delicious!

Kimberley said...

I love, love, love trying new coffee so this is right up my ally! Thanks for sharing!

Alison Shaffer said...

I love the smell of coffee, but not a coffee dringker, but my husband is and so do the kids-they are older. looks like a good brand to try.

Melissa said...

I absolutely LOVE my morning cup of coffee! And I have been known to try a few brands just because I like their name, LOL.

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Mom knows best