>U Mom Knows Best: Good Cook Build Your Kitchen Drawer Sweepstakes

Good Cook Build Your Kitchen Drawer Sweepstakes

I am excited to tell you about an awesome sweepstakes that Good Cook is having.  The Build Your Own Kitchen Drawer Sweepstakes starts on June 2nd and goes for 12 days. You will have an opportunity everyday to build your own kitchen drawer with up to 15 selected Good Cook tools and gadgets and then enter to win everything you selected. If you need help building your drawer their Kitchen Experts will help you choose. Five people will win their kitchen drawer, how cool is that!

How about instant win prizes too? Submit a new drawer every day to win over 600 instant win prizes!

The sweepstakes will start June 2nd at http://www.goodcook.com/
Like Good Cook on Facebook for updates on this awesome sweepstakes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks really neat! Sorry I missed the contest!

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Mom knows best