>U Mom Knows Best: Moustache Coffee Club Has A New Look

Moustache Coffee Club Has A New Look

    I am a coffee snob and proud of it. I don't drink coffee to get me going in the morning but rather for the taste. My coffee has to be the good stuff, not the stuff that comes in a can and sings about my morning. I get real excited when I get to taste coffee from single- origin coffee beans as I know the taste will be incredible. 

        Moustache Coffee Club is a new way to discover coffee from around the world that is single-origin and fresh roasted. They roast the beans on Thursday and mail it out that day, in a cool looking package, so you will receive your coffee on Monday. How is that for fresh coffee? The new package is also resealable so your coffee will stay fresh longer.

 The Moustache Coffee Club is a coffee curation club. They find amazing freshly roasted, single origin coffee beans every week and ship them to their members. They have different plans depending on how much coffee you drink. You can get a shipment of coffee once a week, every other week, or once a month. Each shipment of coffee brings a different roast from a different country or farm. I love that I get to sample different coffees. Check out some of the coffees they have sent in the past-https://www.moustachecoffeeclub.com/our-products.

       I was sent a package of coffee beans from Huila, Colombia from farm in Banexport that is owned by Carlos Rosalba Ordonez. How cool is that , that they tell us who the farmer of the coffee beans is. I just love the description of the coffee: Caramel, Lavender, Cherry Lemonade. This blend just sounds so interesting with all its flavor notes, Coffee tasters have awesome taste buds and can notice different flavors in coffee. My taste buds are not as good so I did not notice all the flavor notes in this coffee. I did taste the caramel notes and some cherry notes. I know the lavender and lemonade notes sounds interesting for a coffee but this coffee actually  tasted good and it was very fresh. 

   I received my coffee on Monday afternoon and I just had to open it so I could smell the great coffee. The smell was incredible and I wanted to brew a cup of it, but I had to wait until the next morning. If I drink coffee after 4 PM I am up all night. I had a hard time sleeping that night as I could not wait for morning so I could try this coffee. It was worth the wait as my coffee taste so good. I savored my cup of coffee and then had another cup.

 To learn more about this wonderful coffee club and to get your hands on some awesome coffee, just click on the below links. This is a great way to taste coffee from around the world that is fresh roasted.

"I was sent the above mentioned product in exchange for my honest review."


Jessica said...

My husband and I have become a bit of coffee snobs. We like to brew our own at home most often and so this coffee club would be a great way to try new coffees.

Jamie said...

Looks amazing!! I'll try any and all coffees - love anything in my mug! :)

Terri Patillo said...

I'm Terri. Coffee is addicted to me.
Like you, I prefer single-bean origin coffees to blends.
I'll have to give #MoustacheCoffee a try!

Kristen Kelly said...

This sounds awesome! I have become quite the coffee fiend lately. Always looking for new brands to try!

Jenn said...

Sounds awesome. I'll have to share this link with my coffee drinking friends. Thanks.

Rebecca said...

this sounds wonderful I enjoy a good cup of coffee.

Shonda said...

Seriously, Tara. Where do you find these products? I can always count on visiting your blog to learn something new.

Yona Williams said...

I love the package design of this coffee. I like trying new brands.

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Mom knows best