>U Mom Knows Best: Homemade Magnesium Lavender Spray For Growing Pains & More

Homemade Magnesium Lavender Spray For Growing Pains & More

 Check out this recipe for a simple spray that uses magnesium oil, lavender essential oil, and chamomile essential oil to sooth aches from growing pains. This spray also helps with sleep.

 I am sure most parents have heard of the term growing pains and think is this a real thing? Yes, growing pains are real but according to my research, they have nothing to go with children and growing. These pains got the name because it happens during the time when most children are having growth spurts.These muscle pains, that usually happen in the legs, can happen at any age but typically happen between 3-5 years and 8-12 years. For my youngest son, they started when he was 7 years old, although looking back, I remember when he was 2 saying his legs hurt. My son is now 8 years old and has these muscle pains at least once a week. Over the past year, I have discovered many natural remedies that seem to help with his pain. When my son first started having these "growing pains" they were in his whole leg and the pain was intense. I remember the first time my son said his legs hurt at age 7 and the pain was so bad that he was in tears. I gave him pain medicine and my husband massaged my son's legs for at least 30 minutes. I thought nothing of it until the next night when the pain came back. That is when I did some research and found out what growing pains where. I also discovered that magnesium could help with the pain as a deficiency could cause muscle aches. So I started giving my son a magnesium supplement, first through a crushed up pill and then a liquid form when he had the pain. I later discovered that Epsom salts in a warm bath helped my sons pains. Unfortunately, these methods took at least 20 minutes for the body to absorb to relieve the pain. So when I discovered magnesium oil, I knew I had to try it for my son's growing pain. I am glad I did as magnesium oil relieves his pain faster. I also made a spray using lavender essential oils so the magnesium oil helps my son sleep better too.

What is Magnesium Oil? Although it is called oil, it contains no oil. It is called an oil for the way it feels. This spray contains 100% pure magnesium chloride and unlike other magnesium supplements, this is topically applied directly to the source of the pain for better absorption. Oral supplements can take a while to work and is not easily absorbed, some people have digestive issues too. Magnesium oil is more effectively absorbed through the skin so my son's muscle pains go away faster. Since this magnesium can be made into a spray, I can apply it right to my son's legs without the need for him to take a bath in Epsom salts. You can also use the magnesium oil straight from the bottle but I prefer to make it into a spray using essential oils to give it a scent that my son enjoys. You could also add the magnesium oil to a homemade lotion. This spray is not only great for my son's growing pains but can also be used for other symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
                                                 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency 
                                                        ➢Sleep Problems
                                                              ➢Low Energy
                                                              ➢Joint Pain
                                                              ➢Muscle Spasms and Cramps
                                                              ➢High Blood Pressure
                                                              ➢Poor Heart Health

Find out more about the magnesium oil that I use in my homemade spray at the below link.


Homemade Magnesium Lavender Spray For Growing Pains & More

3 1/2 ounces of magnesium oil (buy it here)
1/2-ounce coconut oil or carrier oil of your choice
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Pour all ingredients into a 4 ounce or larger glass spray bottle and shake gently to mix. Spray a couple of sprays onto the areas of the legs that are experiencing pain and massage into the skin. This spray can also be rubbed on the feet to help promote sleep. The spray may tingle or have a feeling of warmth and that is normal as the skin absorbs the magnesium, if it irritates, you can wash it off after 15 minutes,


Buzz4Mommies said...

Awesome, I can really use this! I love lavendar too, great smelling and so useful!

Masshole Mommy said...

My oldest has never had a growing pain, but my little man gets them all the time. Weird how they are so different.

Jennifer Gilbert said...

That lavender spray sounds refreshing! Maybe it will make my son smell better, too, lol! He's been doing a lot of growing and has complained of muscles aches, from time to time.

AiringMyLaundry said...

How interesting! I've never tried this before, but I know lavender is supposed to help!

Sarah Bailey said...

Good feed. It was very nice to be informed. Thanks for the idea.

Annemarie LeBlanc said...

Interesting information about magnesium oil. I get my magnesium in supplement form. I did not know that magnesium oil can be absorbed through the skin. I'll have to make this DIY spray for pain. This would be a nice massage oil too.

Losito said...

I didn't know there was such as thing as magnesium oil. Great information about the oil!

Natalie Loves Beauty said...

I have a store-bought lavender pillow mist and it's great to help me fall asleep! I need to try making your DIY when I run out!

Karlyn Cruz said...

Great to know a recipe that helps with such pain. It's really hard to deal with it.

Cynthia Nicoleti said...

Very interesting information. I believe it might work for pain a great alternative.

Unknown said...

I have never heard of magnesium oil! Sounds like it would be great mixed with other essential oils too (like for more of a targeted approach to combating pain!) Definitely going to look into it and try it with your recipe first tho!

Unknown said...

I love the scents of lavender and haven't tried it with magnesium oil. This looks like a good DIY remedy for growing pains. Thanks for sharing!

The Style Traveller said...

That lavender spray sounds refreshing and very soothing to me. It has great smell too.

Ruth I said...

I never heard of growing pains. I might experience it before but not aware there is such thing. It's good to know something like this, it will really help.

Anna Nuttall said...

Very interesting, I never tried this before - going to give it a go now. xx

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

I need to look into this! I have a lot of these symptoms myself!

Unknown said...

oh i wish my mom knew about this while i was growing up. i used to have growing pains a lot.

Elizabeth O. said...

This sure sounds great. It's good to have relief and it's nice that you shared this knowledge with us too. I've never really paid much attention to growing pains.

Unknown said...

My daughter has been getting growing pains really bad. I am going to have to try this out for her.

Unknown said...

I've never heard of magnesium oil. This sounds so interesting. Thank you for sharing the info!

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