>U Mom Knows Best: Redd Remedies Keeps Me Running As a 50 + Lady ~ Plus Giveaway

Redd Remedies Keeps Me Running As a 50 + Lady ~ Plus Giveaway

 Don't let joint pain prevent you from engaging in activities that bring you joy. A delicious soft chew is all you need for healthy joints

I never thought that I would have joint pain. I am a runner and I try to eat a healthy diet. Then I turned 50. I was still active and running 4 miles a day. I was one of those people who never felt a need to stretch. I did not even know what sore muscles felt like. Then one day I started having pain in my ankle. I tried to ignore it and thought that exercise would help the pain go away. Keep reading to discover an amazing giveaway with prizes for 4 winners.

I was wrong! The pain in my ankle got worse and even started to swell. When I went running, the pain was even worse. I had no idea what was causing the pain in my ankle. I thought that maybe I had broken a bone in my ankle. So I went to the urgent care facility near my house to have my foot and ankle x-rayed.

The doctor at the urgent care place told me that my bones were fine and suggested that I stop running. I loved running and did not want to stop doing something that made me happy. I left the urgent care with disappointment as I did not know what to do. I also knew that I had to discover what was causing the discomfort in my ankle. I made an appointment with the foot doctor. The foot doctor gave me a steroid shot in my foot for the pain and inflammation. The doctor gave me hope that this foot treatment would work. 

The steroid shot took away the pain and swelling for about a week. So I made another appointment with the floor doctor. I left that appointment with a big walking boot. For six weeks, this big walking boot made my walking slow and difficult. I felt like senior citizens were walking faster than me. 

Joint pain was the cause of my sore ankle

 After wearing the walking boot for a long six weeks, I was hopeful for my ankle problem to be healed. While the pain in my ankle was gone, I was unable to start running again. Every time I would start running, I experience pain in my ankle tendon. I had to find an answer to the discomfort/pain in my ankle as I so wanted to return to my joy of running.

Through research online and talking to brands at a health conference, I discovered that I had injured my ankle joint. I also discovered that as we get older, the joints in our body start to wear out. Thankfully, I also discovered that I did not have to live with joint pain. I discovered an amazing no-pill joint health solution.

Keeping my joints healthy with a no-pill joint health solution

 It was at a health conference that I discovered supplements that could help my ankle joint heal and soothe inflammation. I learned that as we age our joints and cartilage start breaking down. This is due to years of use and the fact that our bodies don’t produce the same amount of collagen when compared to folks under 50. I also learned that daily joint supplements could keep my joints healthy so I could continue to engage in activities that bring me joy, like running. I liked that I did not have to let joint pain stop me from being active and enjoying life.

 So I was able to heal my ankle joint with supplements made for joint health. These healthy joint supplements were the key to this over 50-year-old grandma to keep running. I continue to take a supplement for joint health and six years later I am still running 4 miles a day. While my asthma may at times make running difficult, I no longer have to worry about sore joints getting in the way of my love for running. 

 I enjoy running, so I am glad that I now know the importance of keeping my joints healthy. I make sure that give my body what it needs to have healthy joints, not only in my ankles but also in other places like my knees. I am not going to let getting older get in the way of having an active lifestyle. I am glad that I discovered a daily soft chew that is a no-pill joint health solution. This all-natural, joint supplement has a delicious cherry flavor and is the key to keeping my joints healthy. 

The key benefits of this all-natural, no-pill joint health solution include: 

+ Relieves Chronic Joint Pain ~ Soothes inflammation and helps stop cartilage breakdown

+ Supports Joint Health and Flexibility ~ Improves your range-of-motion and helps restore youthful movement

+ Effective Results, FAST ~ 3rd-party tests show subjects experiencing significant results in just 4-10 days

+ One Daily Soft Chew ~ No more countless joint health pills! All you need is one, daily, delicious soft chew

+ Gluten-Free and Non-GMO ~ All ingredients meticulously tested for over 500 different toxins including mercury, lead, and pesticides

+ Experience cherry-flavored relief with just one great-tasting Soft Chew per day!

 Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews have a key ingredient called NEM®. NEM or natural eggshell membrane contains naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, collagen, and chondroitin. Clinical research has shown that NEM can help your joints in as little as 4-10 days. Did you know that traditional glucosamine and chondroitin supplements can take up to 6 weeks to work?

 I also love that I don’t have to swallow a big pill to keep my body joints healthy. These chews are made with essential nutrients for healthy joints. These soft chews are also gluten-free and made with Non-GMO ingredients. The best part of my favorite chews for joint health is the fact that they provide relief in as little as 4 days.

Prevent cartilage breakdown before it happens

 If you have never experienced joint pain, that is a good thing. What I like about these soft chews is they can help prevent cartilage breakdown before it happens. So why wait to experience joint pain. Support your joint health and flexibility before you experience pain. As we get older, our joints start wearing out from use and from our bodies not producing enough collagen. So a daily joint supplement may prevent future joint health issues. Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews are designed as a daily joint supplement.

Did you know that Redd Remedies meticulously tested for over 500 different toxins including mercury, lead, and pesticides?

Whether you are experiencing joint pain or looking to keep your joints healthy. Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews will help restore youthful movement and allow you to engage in active activities that bring you joy. Don’t let joint pain get in the way of your fun. Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews allows this 50+ lady to enjoy running. I don't let age get in the way of my fun.

Discover more about Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews HERE


Four lucky readers will have an opportunity to win Redd Remedies Joint Health Soft Chews. One grand prize winner will win 2 packages of these delicious cherry-flavored Joint Health soft chews and 3-second place winners will each win one package of the soft joint chews.


Tasheena said...

This sounds like an amazing product, thanks for sharing this!

AiringMyLaundry said...

I will have to keep these in mind. I try to jog daily and as I get older, I do worry if I'll be able to keep up with it!

Jamie said...

Sounds like a great product. I'll have to save the info and talk to my doctor about it. Keep up what you're doing - you look great!

Mamacita La Cuponera said...

This is great! As we get older are joints get weak. I definitely need to get supplement.

Monica Simpson said...

I'm so inspired by how active you are! Way to go.

Richelle Escat said...

You can run 4 miles at that age?! Wow! That really amazed me, I can't even run a mile.. ��

Ana said...

My mom is suffering from the joint pain from teh last few months. Thanks for sharing this product and its benefits. I'll share with my mom. I hope it works for her too.

Beth said...

I love that it had good positive on you. The fact that you're still running is great news!

Brianne said...

Thanks for sharing your story. I think it's inspiring to people like me who does not exercise much!

Claudia said...

Thanks for the giveaway. We can have a chance to get and try this soft joint chews

Gervin Khan said...

First time to hear about this, and this sounds like a good one. I will check this out, thank you and keep safe!

Joline said...

Joint health is so important. And I'm glad you found a way to continue running!

Celebrate Woman Today said...

Simply stunning, Tara. You are an inspiration to all of us. I need to keep in mind this supplement.

Beth said...

Joint pain is no fun! I'm glad that you found something that is helping!

Melanie Edjourian said...

These sound interesting. I wonder if it'll help with my dads joint pain.

Cassie Tucker said...

Joint pain is what has kept me from starting to walk and bike. I am going to ask my doctor about these!

Lynndee said...

Good to know about this product. My husband's experiencing joint pain as well. I'll tell him about this. -LYNNDEE

HilLesha O'Nan said...

This sounds like a great product! I have been experiencing pain in my left foot for over a month, so I'll definitely keep this product in mind.

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Mom knows best