>U Mom Knows Best: The Best Toys For Holiday Presents

The Best Toys For Holiday Presents

 Check out these fun toys that would make the best holiday gifts for kids

We received a free product/and or compensation to help facilitate this post. All opinions expressed are our own.

 My boys are teens and shopping for Christmas gifts has become a challenge. It seems that all they want for gifts are gift cards, shoes, and electronics. To me, those gifts are either pricey or boring. So I like to buy holiday gifts that get them off the sofa and those electronic devices. I like to buy Christmas presents that stimulate their brain or help them to be active. If I can find a gift that they can enjoy together, it is a holiday present that belongs under the Christmas tree.

 So when I had the opportunity to check out some new toys for my teen boys, I said yes. I knew that these would be toys that my boys would be interested in. When the toys arrived at my house, my boys were excited to check them out. My boys could not wait to open the toy packages and try the toys out. 

We received three different toys. One was a cool robotic toy, another was a football-playing game, and the last toy was the familiar Wubble Bubble Ball. My boys have reviewed many different Wubble Bubble Balls in the past and each time they have always been fun to play with. Back in August, my boys had fun with the Wubble Rumblers.  So they were happy to see more Wubbles in this collection of toys.

Wubble Super Wubble Bubble Ball

The first toy that my boys decided to play with was the Wubble Super Wubble Bubble Ball. The name of this toy is fun to say but don't try to say the name quickly as it is sure a tongue twister. I think this is the biggest Wubble Ball that my boys and I have played with and it has some new features that my boys liked.

 The Super Wubble Ball now can be blown up with your mouth. So we no longer needed those special devices or a special air pump. The Wubble Ball comes with a brand new valve that now makes it super easy to inflate. The self-sealing valve is designed to be blown up with your mouth or you can make things easier and use any kind of air pump.

 My boys decided to inflate the Super Wubble ball with a pump that we use for other balls, as they knew this ball was going to be big. The new Super Wubble bubble ball inflated to a gigantic 30 inches! My boys could not wait to play with this super soft and lightweight ball. This ball was so squishy and sure did have a nice bounce to it. 

We decided to play with the Super Wubble inside as it was a windy day outside. Also, we have rocks instead of grass in our yard. This ball can be played with inside or outdoors. Once my boys got the Wubble ball filled with air, they had fun throwing and bouncing this giant ball. The ball is soft enough to mold around things and it also had a nice bounce to it. So it was fun to see my boys wack each other with the Wubble Bubble. I did not have to worry about anyone getting hurt with this ball.

Highlights of the Wubble Super Wubble Bubble Ball

+ Super soft and lightweight, Super Wubble floats through the air like a bubble!

+ Engineered to be gentle, it molds around whatever it hits – foot or face – then bounces away!

+ Designed to be inflated by mouth. No pump needed!

+ Super Wubble inflates a gigantic 2 ½ feet!

+ Enjoy hours of squishy, squashy bouncy fun!

+ Fun for the whole family!

+ Ages 6+

+ Purchase HERE

SpyBots T.R.I.P Robot

 The SpyBot T.R.I.P Robot was a toy that I could not wait to check out. I thought it was a cool electronic toy. This was going to be a robot that even I could have fun with. I liked that the T.R.I.P Robot could alert me to intruders. I was already plotting how I could use the robot to keep my boys out of the kitchen, especially after I cleaned all the dishes. Those boys are always snacking and having a robot on my side might just keep them out of the fridge.

The SpyBots T.R.I.P Robot has a powerful LED Tripwire Alarm that has an invisible motion-sensor beam. So if someone walks through the laser beam, it sets off a screaming siren and flashing lights. So I wanted to see if that will scare away my boys from opening the fridge.

 My boys had other plans for the SpyBots T.R.I.P Robot and decided to place the red robot in the bathroom. So that way the next person who opened the door would be scared. They were hoping that person would be their dad. 

 The SpyBots T.R.I.P Robot can be placed in many places, like a bedroom or near the front door. That way if someone crosses the motion-sensor beam, one can be alerted. This robot can keep people out of your bedroom or let you know if someone is breaking into your house. The T.R.I.P. is one of four Spybots Cybernetic Security Robots that will help kids keep the trespassers away.

Highlights of the SpyBots T.R.I.P Robot

+ Intruders beware! T.R.I.P.’s invisible motion sensors provide 24/7 room security!

+ Power up T.R.I.P. and he projects his security logo on the wall, warning trespassers that the area is under the protection of Spybots!

+ Trip the invisible beam and trigger a screeching alarm and flashing lights. T.R.I.P. will even chase down the trespasser!

+ T.R.I.P. is one of four Spybots Cybernetic Security Robots. Collect them all!

+ Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)

+ Ages 6+

+ Purchase HERE

All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback

 My younger son could not wait to play with the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback toy. I had to first go to the store to buy batteries for the football passing toy. So my son put the football device toy together and as he was reading the instructions on how to play with the football passer, I could hear him telling his brother that this was a cool toy. 

 The All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback is a device that always gives you the perfect football throw. The device is the most accurate quarterback on earth! The passer is programmed with the skill, timing, and accuracy of a pro quarterback. So you can go long or short when it throws the ball. You simply select your play, then press hike, slant, post, short or long. Then watch the All-Pro Passer throw a perfect spiral. You can play one-on-one, three-on-three, or with as many players as you want. You can even practice catching on your own! This was going to be the perfect toy for my son to bring to the park. So he could play football with his friends.

 After I bought the batteries, my son could not wait to play with the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback. My son decided to try the passer out in the house, which I do not recommend. He gave the passer a couple of pumps and pressed the button. It made a loud noise and made me jump. The ball went across the room and it was a good thing that my husband caught the football. The passer made the football go fast and far. My son did not give the passer the full amount of pumps but it still went from the kitchen to the family room. 

 Once my son and I took the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback to the park, we were amazed at how far it shot across the park. This football passer can launch the ball more than 25 yards. This was going to be a great item for my son and his friends. They could have some great football games with the All-Pro Passer.

Highlights of  the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback 

+ The most accurate quarterback on earth!
+ Programmed with the skill, timing, and accuracy of a pro quarterback
+ Throws a perfect spiral every time!
+ 9 different passing zones – lets you practice hundreds of plays!
+ Launches the ball over 25 yards
+ Play one-on-one, three-on-three, or with as many players as you want. You can even practice catching on your own!
+ Requires 4 “C” (1.5V) batteries (not included).
+ Ages 8+
+ Purchase HERE 

My boys had a great time checking out these toys and knew that they would make great Christmas gifts or birthday presents. So make sure to click on the links to the toys and check them out. The toys can be found at most Target stores or at target.com. If you need other ideas for gifts for kids. Check out my holiday gift guides from previous years.

16 Holiday Gift Ideas For Tweens & Teens 

13 Super Fun Holiday Gift Ideas For Tweens & Teenshttps://www.momknowsbest.net/2019/11/10-super-fun-holiday-gift-ideas-for.html

The 14 Best Holiday Gift Ideas For Toddlers And Preschoolershttps://www.momknowsbest.net/2019/11/the-8-best-holiday-gift-ideas-for.html 


Anne Marie said...

Thanks for the fun ideas! We've got 10 children to buy for this year!

AiringMyLaundry said...

We love those Wubble Balls. My daughter has several of them. That robot looks fun too.

Anonymous said...

Okay those Wubble Bubble balls look like SO much fun! Those would make great stocking stuffers.

Kathy said...

All of those sound amazing. I bet my kids would love the Wubble Bubble Ball a lot. That looks like a lot of fun.

Celebrate Woman said...

Really, really cool toys and gift ideas. I would be interested in them, as they make a great party entertainment.

Monica Simpson said...

That pro-passer looks so fun! I'm with you. Anything that will help kids get off those electronics!

Samantha said...

So much fun! These sound like some super fun gift ideas!

Richelle Milar said...

Wow! That is a really great gift idea! I'm sure my son would love this so much!

Rose Ann Sales said...

That wubble bubble ball is so perfect! I would love to give that as a gift to my niece! I'm sure they will love it!

Albert said...

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alita said...

I love all the choices but I think my favorite is the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback.

Janeane M Davis said...

These toys look like a lot of fun. They seem as if they would give children hours of fun.

Terri Steffes said...

That bubble thingy is calling MY name. Who cares about the kids??? Ha! I would happily gift that to my many nieces and nephews!

Beth said...

The Wubble Ball looks like a lot of fun! I need to see if it is age appropriate for my granddaughter, I think she would love it, but I'm not sure if she would pop it.

Simply Tasheena said...

This looks like such a great toy for my nephew. Thanks for sharing!

MamaLad said...

Great ideas! That wubble ball looks super fun. I know my kids would like it!

Angela Ricardo Bethea said...

Those are wonderful holiday presents to check out and the SpyBot T.R.I.P Robot really got my attention! I'm sure the kids would have plenty of fun with that.

Edohpa said...

Oh my gosh I think my nieces and nephews would love that wubble ball. How fun!

Toni said...

These are really awesome recommendations!! Thank you!

Stockpiling Mom said...

These are great choices for the best toys for holiday presents. I would for sure choose the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback. I wish they had this in a version for a kicker.

Melanie Edjourian said...

These sound like really fun toys and ones my kids would really enjoy playing with.

Ruth I said...

These are fun gift ideas! I think the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback si the best for my niece and nephew.

True said...

These are all such cute toy gift ideas! I'm sharing this with my friends that have littles.

Swathi said...

That wubble bubble balls looks really nice. great gift idea. I would love to check it out.

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Mom knows best